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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 24, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 24, 2024Hindi

I am 48 and my wife is 47 years old. Both working in MNC. We have 3cr in PMS and AIF. 1.2 cr in MFs, SSA 40 lakhs, LICs about 25 lakhs, gold 1 cr, PFs 1 cr. We get a monthly rental of 70,000. We have 2 girls - 18 and 13 years old. Our monthly expenditure is about 1 lakh. If we have to retire at age 52 how much money should we have and how can we save?

Ans: Crafting a Retirement Plan for Financial Freedom
Your proactive approach towards retirement planning is commendable. Let's develop a comprehensive strategy to ensure a comfortable retirement at the age of 52.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
Asset Allocation
Evaluate your current assets, including investments, savings, and other holdings, to understand your financial position.

Identify areas for optimization and potential gaps in your retirement portfolio.

Setting Retirement Goals
Desired Retirement Lifestyle
Define your desired retirement lifestyle, considering factors such as travel, hobbies, and healthcare expenses.

Estimate your monthly income requirements to maintain your chosen lifestyle during retirement.

Calculating Retirement Corpus
Retirement Expenses
Factor in anticipated expenses during retirement, including living expenses, healthcare, children's education, and other financial commitments.

Calculate the total retirement corpus required to sustain your lifestyle throughout your retirement years.

Strategies to Achieve Retirement Goals
Optimizing Investments
Review your existing investment portfolio and reallocate assets to align with your retirement objectives and risk tolerance.

Consider diversifying your investments across various asset classes to minimize risk and maximize returns.

Retirement Savings
Maximize contributions to retirement accounts such as EPF, PPF, and voluntary retirement schemes to bolster your retirement savings.

Explore additional avenues for retirement savings, such as tax-efficient investment options and voluntary contributions to retirement plans.

Budgeting and Expense Management
Implement strict budgeting measures to control expenses and increase savings potential.

Identify areas where expenses can be reduced or eliminated to allocate more funds towards retirement savings.

Educating Children about Financial Responsibility
Financial Literacy
Educate your children about financial management and the importance of responsible spending and saving habits.

Encourage them to pursue higher education scholarships and part-time employment opportunities to lessen the financial burden on your retirement savings.

Benefits of Regular Funds Investing through MFD with CFP Credential
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds require active management and market knowledge.

Investors may lack expertise in fund selection and portfolio management.

Benefits of Regular Funds Investing through MFD with CFP Credential
Working with a Certified Financial Planner ensures personalized guidance and expert advice.

MFDs provide tailored investment strategies aligned with your financial goals and risk profile.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Retirement Plan
Regular Review
Monitor the performance of your investments and revisit your retirement plan annually to track progress towards your goals.

Make necessary adjustments to your investment strategy and savings plan based on changing market conditions and personal circumstances.

By implementing a holistic retirement plan that encompasses investments, savings, and expense management, you can achieve financial independence and retire comfortably at the age of 52.

Consulting a Certified Financial Planner will provide invaluable insights and guidance tailored to your specific financial goals and aspirations.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 20, 2024Hindi
I am 32 years old, me and my wife together draw a salary of 2Lac after taxes. We do not have any investments till now(Car EMI and Maternity expenses till now had costed most of our income which used to be 1.2Lac before). Our monthly expenses range upto 75k(22k+ rent) with a toddler which may increase to 90k once he starts schooling in 3 years. I came from middle class background so don't have any properties or other income sources. If we want to retire at or around 55Yrs of age how much should i invest per month from now and what kind of investments should i do?
Ans: Planning for a Comfortable Retirement
Understanding Your Financial Situation
Your combined monthly salary is ?2 lakhs after taxes, and your current expenses are ?75,000, which might increase to ?90,000 in three years when your toddler starts schooling.

Setting Your Retirement Goal
You wish to retire at the age of 55. Considering your current age of 32, you have 23 years to build your retirement corpus.

Estimating Monthly Investments
To retire comfortably, you need to estimate your future expenses. Assuming your monthly expenses will increase due to inflation, we can estimate a required corpus.

Investment Strategy
Start Early and Stay Consistent:

Starting your investments early gives you the advantage of compounding. Consistency is key to achieving your goals.
Diversify Your Investments:

A balanced portfolio of equity and debt funds can provide growth and stability.
Equity Mutual Funds:

Equity mutual funds can offer high returns over the long term. Consider large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.
Advantages of Regular Funds:
Regular funds provide expert management and personalized advice from Certified Financial Planners.
Debt Mutual Funds:

Debt funds provide stability and reduce risk. They are suitable for medium-term goals and provide steady returns.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP):

SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly. This helps in rupee cost averaging and compounding over time.
Public Provident Fund (PPF):

PPF is a safe, long-term investment option with tax benefits. It is ideal for risk-averse investors.
National Pension System (NPS):

NPS provides a mix of equity and debt investments with additional tax benefits. It is a good option for retirement planning.
How Much to Invest Monthly
Calculate Future Expenses:

Estimate your future monthly expenses considering inflation. For example, if your current expenses are ?75,000, they might double by the time you retire.
Estimate Required Corpus:

Calculate the corpus needed to cover your future expenses for 25-30 years post-retirement.
Determine Monthly Investment:

Use a retirement calculator to determine the monthly investment needed to achieve your corpus.
Example Calculation
Current Monthly Expense: ?75,000
Future Monthly Expense (with inflation): ?1.5 lakhs
Estimated Corpus Needed: ?3-5 crores
Monthly Investment Required: ?40,000-?50,000 (adjust based on calculations and investment returns)
Reviewing and Adjusting Your Plan
Regular Reviews:

Review your investment portfolio annually to ensure it aligns with your goals.
Adjust Investments:

Adjust your investments based on market performance and changing financial goals.
Stay Informed:

Keep yourself updated with financial news and trends to make informed decisions.
By starting early and investing consistently, you can achieve your retirement goal. Diversify your investments across equity and debt funds, and regularly review your portfolio.

Your commitment to securing your financial future is commendable. Stay focused and disciplined in your investment journey.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 30, 2024Hindi
I am 51 yrs old woman. I have invested till now around 1 CR in MF, different Lic of about in total 10 lakhs that I will receive on maturity. I have different ULip policies which I will receive about 50 -60 lakhs on maturity, NSC of 2 lakh on maturity and negligible amount of 1 . 30 lakhs of Ppf which I invested since last 2 yrs . I have a home loan of about 3 lakhs left . 2 storey house of our own , though under loan . I have 2 children, 19 yrs daughter and 14 yrs son. How much should I save if I plan to retire at 55 . I have no pension
Ans: Planning for retirement at 55 requires a detailed and strategic approach, especially when considering your current financial situation and future needs. At 51, you have four years to build and solidify your retirement corpus. Let’s assess your current financial status and develop a comprehensive plan to ensure a comfortable and secure retirement.

Understanding Your Financial Position

1. Mutual Funds (MF)

You have invested Rs 1 crore in mutual funds. This is a significant investment and provides a strong foundation for your retirement corpus. Regular reviews and adjustments based on market conditions and fund performance are essential.

2. Life Insurance Policies (LIC)

You have different LIC policies worth Rs 10 lakhs. These policies will mature and provide a lump sum amount. This can be used to meet various financial needs or reinvested for better growth.

3. ULIP Policies

Your ULIP policies are expected to yield Rs 50-60 lakhs on maturity. ULIPs combine insurance and investment, offering returns based on market performance. Evaluate these policies to maximize their benefits.

4. National Savings Certificate (NSC)

You have Rs 2 lakhs in NSC, which is a safe investment providing fixed returns. This can be part of your low-risk portfolio.

5. Public Provident Fund (PPF)

You have invested Rs 1.30 lakhs in PPF over the last two years. PPF offers tax-free returns and should be continued for its benefits.

6. Home Loan

You have a home loan of Rs 3 lakhs left. Clearing this loan before retirement is advisable to reduce financial burden.

7. Real Estate

You own a two-storey house, though it’s under loan. Owning your residence is a significant advantage in retirement planning.

8. Dependents

You have two children, a 19-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old son. Their education and other needs must be considered in your financial planning.

Your commitment to building a diversified investment portfolio is commendable. Balancing investments in mutual funds, insurance, and savings schemes reflects a thoughtful approach to financial security. Your proactive planning for your children's future is also admirable.

Analyzing Income and Expenses

1. Monthly Income

Identify all sources of income, including your salary, rental income, or any other income streams. This will help in understanding your saving potential.

2. Monthly Expenses

Calculate your monthly household expenses, including utilities, groceries, education, and other essential expenses. This will provide clarity on your spending and saving capacity.

Investment Analysis and Strategy

1. Enhancing Mutual Fund Investments

Your Rs 1 crore investment in mutual funds is a strong base. Focus on a diversified portfolio with large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. Regularly review and rebalance to optimize returns.

2. Life Insurance Policies (LIC)

When your LIC policies mature, reinvest the Rs 10 lakhs into diversified mutual funds or other investment avenues for better growth.

3. Maximizing ULIP Benefits

Your ULIP policies are expected to yield Rs 50-60 lakhs. Review these policies with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to maximize their returns. Consider partial withdrawals or reinvestment based on performance.

4. Public Provident Fund (PPF)

Continue contributing to your PPF account to take advantage of its tax-free returns. Increase contributions if possible to build a substantial corpus.

5. Clearing Home Loan

Aim to clear your Rs 3 lakhs home loan before retirement. Use any surplus income, bonuses, or the maturity amount from LIC policies to repay the loan.

Planning for Children’s Education

1. Daughter’s Higher Education

Your 19-year-old daughter may soon require funds for higher education. Allocate a portion of your investments or ULIP returns towards her education fund.

2. Son’s Future Education

Your 14-year-old son will also need funds for his education. Plan and save accordingly to ensure his needs are met without straining your retirement corpus.

Retirement Corpus Calculation

1. Estimating Post-Retirement Expenses

Calculate your annual expenses post-retirement, including living expenses, healthcare, travel, and any other lifestyle needs. Factor in inflation to get a realistic estimate.

2. Retirement Corpus Needed

To determine the retirement corpus, use the rule of thumb that suggests having 25-30 times your annual expenses. This ensures you have enough to sustain you through your retirement years.

3. Investment Strategy

Equity for Growth

Invest a significant portion in equity mutual funds for high returns. Equities can outpace inflation, ensuring your corpus grows over time.

Debt for Stability

Allocate funds to debt instruments for stability and regular income. This balances the high-risk equity component and provides a steady income stream.

Diversified Portfolio

Choose diversified mutual funds with a mix of equity and debt. This provides growth potential with reduced volatility.

Tax Planning

1. Maximizing Tax Deductions

Utilize Section 80C for tax-saving investments like ELSS, PPF, and insurance premiums. This reduces your taxable income and increases savings.

2. National Pension System (NPS)

Consider investing in the National Pension System (NPS) for additional tax benefits under Section 80CCD(1B). NPS also provides a steady post-retirement income.

Health and Life Insurance

1. Adequate Health Insurance

Ensure you have comprehensive health insurance for yourself and your family. This covers major medical expenses and critical illnesses, reducing financial strain.

2. Sufficient Life Insurance

Opt for a term life insurance policy covering at least 10-15 times your annual income. This ensures financial security for your family in case of any unforeseen events.

Regular Portfolio Review

1. Annual Review

Review your investment portfolio annually. Adjust investments based on performance and changing financial goals to optimize returns.

2. Rebalancing

Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation. This involves selling high-performing assets and buying underperforming ones to maintain balance.

Consulting a Certified Financial Planner

1. Personalized Advice

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides tailored advice. They help navigate complex financial decisions and optimize your strategy.

2. Regular Consultations

Schedule regular consultations with your CFP. This ensures you stay on track and make informed decisions based on changing financial circumstances.

Actively Managed Funds

1. Professional Management

Actively managed funds offer professional management. Fund managers make informed decisions to maximize returns.

2. Market Adaptation

These funds adapt to market conditions. They can outperform passive funds, especially in volatile markets.

Disadvantages of Index Funds

1. Lack of Flexibility

Index funds replicate the market. They lack the flexibility to adapt to changing conditions, which can limit growth potential.

2. Average Returns

Index funds typically provide average market returns. Actively managed funds aim to outperform the market, offering higher returns.

Regular Funds Over Direct Funds

1. Professional Guidance

Investing through regular funds provides professional guidance. A Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) and CFP ensure your investments align with your goals.

2. Regular Reviews

Regular funds offer periodic reviews and adjustments. This maximizes returns and manages risks effectively.

Expense Management

1. Track Spending

Monitor your monthly expenses. Identify areas where you can cut back and save more. This helps in increasing your savings rate.

2. Budgeting

Create a budget and stick to it. Allocate funds for savings, investments, and necessary expenses. This ensures disciplined financial management.

Long-Term Focus and Patience

1. Stay Invested

Remain invested for the long term. Market fluctuations are normal, and staying invested ensures you benefit from compounding.

2. Avoid Impulsive Decisions

Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements. Stick to your long-term plan for better returns.

Diversification Across Asset Classes

1. Equity, Debt, and Gold

Diversify across equity, debt, and gold. Each asset class performs differently, providing stability and growth.

2. Balanced Approach

A balanced approach reduces risk and enhances returns. Diversification ensures a robust portfolio.

Tracking Progress and Adjustments

1. Financial Planning Tools

Use financial planning tools to track your progress. These tools help monitor investments and net worth, providing a clear picture of your financial health.

2. Make Necessary Adjustments

Adjust your investments based on changes in financial situation, goals, and market conditions. Stay flexible and proactive.

Staying Informed and Educated

1. Financial Knowledge

Stay informed about financial markets and investment opportunities. Continuous learning empowers better financial decisions.

2. Regular Updates

Keep up with market trends and updates. This helps in making timely adjustments to your portfolio for optimal returns.


Your goal of retiring at 55 is achievable with a disciplined approach. Focus on increasing your investments, managing debt, and staying diversified. Regular reviews and consultations with a Certified Financial Planner will ensure you stay on track. By following this comprehensive plan, you can achieve financial freedom and secure a comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 26, 2024

We are family of 3 my husband 43 years myself 40 years my daughter 10 years .no loans monthly earnings approx 4 lakhs . We plan to retire at 55 years . Monthly expenses approx 1 lakh what should be our retirement fund considering my daughter education also .
Ans: No loans and a good monthly income of Rs 4 lakhs is a great foundation. Managing monthly expenses of Rs 1 lakh also shows disciplined financial habits.

Setting Retirement Goals
You aim to retire at 55, which is in 15 years. It’s crucial to assess your financial goals, including your daughter’s education and lifestyle after retirement.

Estimating Post-Retirement Expenses
After retirement, your expenses may change. While some expenses like commuting will reduce, healthcare and leisure might increase. Assume monthly expenses of Rs 1 lakh now. Post-retirement, adjusting for inflation, this could be around Rs 2.4 lakhs per month.

Accounting for Inflation
Inflation significantly impacts long-term financial planning. Assuming an average inflation rate of 6%, your current Rs 1 lakh monthly expense will need to grow to cover higher costs in the future.

Daughter’s Education Fund
Higher education costs are rising. Let’s estimate a fund for your daughter’s college education, considering current and future costs. A reputed Indian college might cost around Rs 25-30 lakhs today, which will likely increase over the next 8 years.

Building a Retirement Corpus
Given your retirement timeline, you need to build a significant corpus. This will support your lifestyle and healthcare needs. Your current earnings give you a solid base to start with.

Investment Strategy
Diversified Portfolio
Investing in a diversified portfolio is key. Consider equity, debt, and hybrid funds. Equities can offer higher returns, while debt provides stability. Hybrid funds balance the two.

Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds often outperform index funds in the long run. Professional fund managers adjust the portfolio based on market conditions, potentially offering better returns.

Regular Mutual Funds Through CFPs
Regular mutual funds, managed by a certified financial planner (CFP), can be advantageous. CFPs provide professional advice, helping you navigate market complexities and optimize returns.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund. It’s essential for unexpected expenses. Aim for 6-12 months’ worth of expenses in a liquid, easily accessible form.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure adequate health and life insurance. Health insurance is critical, especially as you age. Life insurance protects your family’s financial future. Avoid investment-cum-insurance policies; pure insurance products are better.

Surrendering Unproductive Policies
If you hold LIC, ULIP, or investment-cum-insurance policies, consider surrendering them. Reinvest the proceeds into mutual funds. These policies often have high charges and low returns.

Tax Planning
Efficient tax planning can save money. Utilize tax-saving instruments under Section 80C, 80D, and others. Mutual funds like ELSS can help save tax while providing good returns.

Monitoring and Reviewing
Regularly monitor and review your investments. Financial goals and market conditions change. Adjust your portfolio as needed, ideally with the help of a CFP.

Early Retirement Considerations
Retiring early at 55 means your corpus needs to last longer. Plan for at least 30 years post-retirement. This requires a careful balance of growth and safety in your investments.

Role of Certified Financial Planners
CFPs offer expertise in creating a holistic financial plan. They help in choosing the right investments, optimizing returns, and ensuring your goals are met efficiently.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds adapt to market changes. Skilled managers can capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks better than passive index funds. They also offer personalized investment strategies.

Addressing Direct Fund Disadvantages
Direct funds require individual management. They lack professional guidance, which can lead to suboptimal decisions. Investing through a CFP ensures professional management and better alignment with your goals.

Contingency Planning
Always have a contingency plan. Unexpected events can derail your financial plans. A solid contingency fund and insurance coverage provide a safety net.

Education Planning
For your daughter’s education, consider child-specific mutual funds. These funds are tailored to meet educational expenses, providing both growth and safety.

Retirement Lifestyle
Visualize your retirement lifestyle. Consider hobbies, travel, and other activities you wish to pursue. Budget for these, ensuring you have enough funds to enjoy your retirement fully.

Final Insights
Planning for retirement is a multifaceted process. It requires a balanced approach, considering various aspects like inflation, education, and lifestyle. Engaging with a certified financial planner can significantly enhance your financial journey, ensuring you meet your retirement goals comfortably.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 26, 2024Hindi
Hi, My age is 32 now unmarried. Am earning around 2.5 lakhs per month. I have 50K home loan and my monthly expenses come around 30K. I have 2 lakhs Fixed deposit , 7 lakhs in PPF ,3 lakhs in NPS and 2 lakhs invested in stock market. Please guide me how much we need for retirement and child's education in future and how to invest for the same from now on.
Ans: It’s great to see you planning your financial future early. Let’s break down your current financial status and develop a strategy to secure your retirement and future child’s education.

Understanding Your Current Financial Status
Income and Expenses

Monthly income: Rs. 2.5 lakhs
Monthly expenses: Rs. 30,000
Home loan: Rs. 50,000
Current Investments

Fixed deposit: Rs. 2 lakhs
PPF: Rs. 7 lakhs
NPS: Rs. 3 lakhs
Stock market: Rs. 2 lakhs
Your financial discipline and savings are commendable. Let's build on this to achieve your goals.

Estimating Future Needs
Retirement Corpus
Estimating your retirement needs depends on various factors like current lifestyle, inflation, and expected rate of return on investments. As a rule of thumb, you should aim to build a retirement corpus that is 20-25 times your annual expenses at retirement. This ensures you can maintain your lifestyle post-retirement without financial worries.

Child’s Education Fund
Higher education costs are rising rapidly. It's wise to plan early to ensure your child gets the best education possible. Depending on the course and country, the cost can vary significantly. However, planning for at least Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore for higher education is a good start.

Investment Strategies for Financial Goals
Diversifying Investments
Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are an excellent choice for long-term investments due to their potential for high returns and the power of compounding. They also offer diversification, reducing risk.

Equity Funds: Suitable for long-term goals like retirement and child’s education. These funds invest in stocks, which have the potential for high returns.

Debt Funds: These are less risky than equity funds and are good for medium-term goals. They invest in fixed-income securities.

Hybrid Funds: A mix of equity and debt funds, providing a balance between risk and return.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Investing through SIPs is a smart way to invest in mutual funds. It allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly, ensuring discipline and averaging out the investment cost.

Power of Compounding

The longer you stay invested, the greater the power of compounding. Your money earns returns, and these returns also earn returns, leading to exponential growth over time.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a safe and reliable investment with tax benefits. It offers decent returns and should be a part of your retirement planning. Continue your contributions to PPF for steady, risk-free growth.

National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is a great retirement-focused investment with tax benefits. It offers a mix of equity, corporate bonds, and government securities. Continue your contributions to NPS for a well-rounded retirement corpus.

Setting Up a Financial Plan
Monthly Budget Allocation
Allocate your monthly income wisely to cover expenses, loan repayment, and investments.

Expenses: Rs. 30,000
Home loan: Rs. 50,000
Investments: Rs. 1.7 lakhs
Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This ensures financial stability during unforeseen events. Your current fixed deposit can serve as part of this emergency fund.

Investment Allocation
Short-Term Goals (1-3 years)

Emergency fund
Fixed deposits
Short-term debt funds
Medium-Term Goals (3-5 years)

Debt funds
Hybrid funds
Long-Term Goals (5+ years)

Equity mutual funds
Regular Review and Adjustment
Review your financial plan regularly and adjust based on changes in income, expenses, or goals. Stay updated on market trends and adjust your investment strategy accordingly.

Risk Management

Ensure you have adequate health and life insurance to protect against unforeseen events. This is crucial for safeguarding your financial future.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds have professional fund managers making investment decisions to maximize returns. They can potentially outperform index funds, especially in volatile markets. Regularly monitor fund performance and switch if necessary.

Final Insights
Planning for retirement and child’s education requires a disciplined approach. Diversify your investments, utilize the power of compounding, and regularly review your plan. By starting early and staying committed, you can achieve your financial goals comfortably.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |2563 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Sir my self krishna sir can't able focus on studies properly plz give some tips to study for more hours for jee
Ans: Krishna, adhere to the following Strategies/Tips/Steps:

(1) Whenever you study at home, study for 45-minutes. Then take a break of 10-minutes when you can move away from your study table, walk, have some water & relax. If you continue studying beyond 45-minutes, your concentration power will go down, resulting to low output. Most students commit this mistake.
(2) On daily basis (morning or evening whichever will be convenient to you), do yoga or meditation or physical exercises or play any games / sports for at least 30-45 minutes. This will further reduce your stress / distractions.
(3) Study tough topics / tough subjects (applicable to you) early morning with your fresh mind.
(4) Eat a lot of green vegetables / fruits which you can afford for & Avoid soft drinks/junk foods
(5) Every day night, before going to bed, revise whatever you have studied during the day.
(6) Also, revise every week whatever you have covered till date (here your short-notes which you should prepare will be helpful).
(7) Keep practising questions on topics which you have covered either offline or online
(8) Give utmost importance to wrongly answered / difficult / complicated / tough questions and have a separate note-book specially for this for each subject (PCM)
(9) You might be aware that JEE rank is allotted on the basis of highest score in Maths, followed by Physics & Chemistry. Practice more and more in Maths, till you reach Speed & Accuracy

(10) By December-January, attempt fully syllabus online test series, evaluate and analyse your performance such as,

(a) which topic / unit / concept you are weak which needs your revision and improvement as this will disturb you when you appear in actual JEE exam
(b) abnormal time taken to attempt any question which you can come to know from Online Test Series which you should reduce
(c) which questions you skipped and why?

(11) Please AVOID studying under pressure that you should get admission only into IITs/ NITs. Never advisable. Any one can be successful, even if he / she studies in NON-IIT / NON-NIT Colleges also.

(12) Have Plan B & Plan C for other Colleges Entrance Exams / Disciplines-Streams.
(13) Avoid comparing yourself with other students.

(14) Also, it is highly ideal to appear in / attempt\minimum 5-7 Entrance Exams (for both Govt & Private Engineering Colleges). You will have a lot of options (easiest method) to choose the best and most suitable one, keeping in view a lot of factors such as, College | Location | Your Interest | Stream Preference | Placement Records | College Culture | Your Short & Long Term Goals | Pressure You Can Go Through | Your AIR & Job Market Condition when you apply for your BTech & Even after.

I hope I have answered to your question with value additions. All the BEST for your Bright Future.

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