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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Gaurav Question by Gaurav on Jun 17, 2024Hindi

Hi Sir, I am 34 with a take home salary of 2 laks per month. My wife is also working and makes 1.3 lakhs per month. I have a daughter, 3 years old. Our monthly expenses are around 80k to 90k per month. I have equtiy mutual fund investments of 1.5 cr and another 50 lakhs in a combination of FDs, RDs, Post office schemes, PPF and EPF. I have a plot worth 50 lakhs. My major financial goal is my daughter's education and my retirement. I aspire of retiring at 45 and then work as a teacher in some school / college. Please suggest if I am on right track.

Ans: You have a solid financial base, and your aspirations are both commendable and achievable. It's great that you and your wife are working together towards financial stability. Let's break down your current situation and future goals to ensure you're on the right track.

Income and Expenses
Your combined monthly income is Rs 3.3 lakhs, with monthly expenses between Rs 80,000 to Rs 90,000. This leaves you with a substantial surplus for investments and savings.

Existing Investments
You have Rs 1.5 crore in equity mutual funds and Rs 50 lakhs in a mix of fixed deposits, recurring deposits, post office schemes, PPF, and EPF. This diverse portfolio is a good mix of high-growth and stable returns.

Plot of Land
You also own a plot worth Rs 50 lakhs. While real estate is not recommended for further investment, owning a plot adds to your net worth.

Planning for Your Daughter’s Education
Estimating Future Costs
Education costs are rising. Planning early ensures you’re ready for tuition fees and other expenses. Considering inflation, it’s crucial to estimate future education costs accurately.

Investment Strategy
Equity mutual funds are excellent for long-term goals due to their potential for high returns. Continue your SIPs and consider increasing the amount periodically. This will help in accumulating the required corpus.

Diversified Approach
While equity mutual funds are great, consider adding some debt funds or balanced funds to your portfolio. They provide stability and reduce risk. This is especially important as the education goal approaches and you want to protect your investments from market volatility.

Retirement Planning
Desired Retirement Age
You wish to retire at 45 and pursue teaching. This requires careful planning, as early retirement means a longer period without a primary income.

Current Retirement Corpus
Your investments in mutual funds, FDs, RDs, PPF, and EPF form a substantial corpus. However, with 11 years left until your desired retirement age, we need to ensure this corpus grows sufficiently.

Investment Strategy for Retirement
Equity Mutual Funds: Continue your investments here for growth. Equity funds are ideal for long-term goals due to compounding benefits.

PPF and EPF: These provide tax benefits and guaranteed returns. Continue contributing as they form a stable part of your retirement corpus.

Balanced Portfolio: Consider a mix of equity and debt funds. As you approach retirement, gradually shift towards debt funds to reduce risk and preserve capital.

Regular Review: Periodically review your portfolio. Rebalance if needed to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Additional Financial Goals
Emergency Fund
Ensure you have an emergency fund covering at least six months of expenses. This provides a financial cushion in case of unexpected events.

Life Insurance: Adequate term insurance is essential to protect your family’s financial future. Ensure you have sufficient coverage.

Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance is crucial to cover medical expenses without dipping into your savings.

Step-by-Step Action Plan
Increase SIP Contributions
Given your income and current investments, increasing your SIP contributions can accelerate your goal achievement. Gradually increase your SIP amount to take advantage of compounding.

Diversify Investments
While your equity investments are strong, consider diversifying further into debt funds or balanced funds. This provides stability and reduces risk, especially as you approach your retirement.

Focus on Tax Efficiency
Maximize tax-saving investments under Section 80C, 80D, and other applicable sections. This increases your net returns and helps in efficient tax planning.

Regular Portfolio Review
Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to align with your goals and market conditions. A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can provide valuable insights and adjustments.

Planning for Post-Retirement
Income Generation
Post-retirement, you plan to work as a teacher. This can provide a steady income stream, reducing the pressure on your retirement corpus.

Safe Withdrawal Rate
Determine a safe withdrawal rate from your retirement corpus to ensure it lasts throughout your retirement. Typically, a 4% withdrawal rate is considered safe.

Healthcare Costs
Consider potential healthcare costs post-retirement. Ensure you have adequate health insurance and an emergency fund to cover medical expenses.

Final Insights
Your current financial position is strong, and with strategic planning, you can achieve your goals. Continue your disciplined approach to investing, focus on diversification, and regularly review your portfolio. Increasing your SIP contributions and maintaining a balance between equity and debt investments will help you accumulate the desired corpus. Efficient tax planning and adequate insurance coverage are essential.

Retiring at 45 and transitioning to teaching is an admirable goal. With careful planning and regular reviews, you can ensure a comfortable retirement and secure your daughter’s education. Stay committed to your financial plan and seek professional advice when needed.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 29, 2024Hindi
Hi, am close to reaching 30. Married. And my daughter is 2.5 years old. I am currently doing an monthly SIP of 6500 rupees. 1500 rupees to quant tax plan, 2000 rupees to parag parikh flexi cap, 2000 rupees to quant small cap, 1000 rupees to tata digital India fund. I had few other sips earlier. My current Mutual fund portfolio value is at 390000. I have earlier bought few stocks directly for long-term investment. but since am almost great at stock analysis I stopped purchasing stocks. My stock portfolio value is at 165000. Apart from this I deposit 1.5 lakh to ssy for my daughter's account for past 3 years. So far deposited 450000. After tds my monthly income is about 80000. I am staying in a metro city in a rental flat for 14500. And I have an active car loan and emi is 15000. I am planning to close this by this year end. And contribute more towards future saving and investment. I have company paid health insurance for my immediate family along with parents(I pay 25% for my parents) I have a term plan, took this after my daughter's birth. Whether am I in the right path or need any corrections sir?
Ans: It's impressive that you are taking proactive steps towards securing your financial future at a young age. Let's delve into an analysis of your current situation and provide a few suggestions to help you optimize your financial planning. Your efforts thus far demonstrate commendable foresight and responsibility.

Assessing Your Current Financial Standing
You are currently 30, married, with a young daughter. Your monthly SIP contributions and investments show that you are on the right path towards building a solid financial foundation. Your diversified mutual fund portfolio and previous investments in stocks are indicative of a well-rounded approach to wealth creation.

Your current mutual fund portfolio is valued at Rs 3,90,000, and your stock portfolio is worth Rs 1,65,000. Additionally, you are contributing Rs 1,50,000 annually to the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) for your daughter, which highlights your commitment to her future education and marriage expenses.

Income and Expenses Overview
Your post-TDS monthly income is Rs 80,000. Living in a metro city with a rental expense of Rs 14,500 and an active car loan EMI of Rs 15,000 shows that you have significant fixed monthly obligations. Your plan to close the car loan by the end of the year is prudent, as it will free up Rs 15,000 monthly, which can be redirected towards savings and investments.

Health and Life Insurance
Your company-provided health insurance for your family, including partial coverage for your parents, is a significant safety net. The term insurance policy taken after your daughter's birth further demonstrates your understanding of the importance of risk management in financial planning.

Evaluating Your Investment Strategy
Mutual Fund Portfolio
You have diversified your mutual fund investments across different schemes, which is generally a good strategy. However, let's delve into the specific types of funds you have chosen:

Quant Tax Plan: This is an Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) that offers tax benefits under Section 80C. It is a good option for long-term growth and tax savings.

Parag Parikh Flexi Cap: This fund provides flexibility by investing in companies across various market capitalizations. It offers a balanced approach to risk and reward.

Quant Small Cap: Investing in small-cap funds can be highly rewarding but also comes with higher volatility. It is suitable for long-term investors willing to accept higher risks.

Tata Digital India Fund: Sectoral funds like this one can offer high returns but are also subject to sector-specific risks. Limiting exposure to sectoral funds is advisable unless you have a strong conviction about the sector's performance.

Stock Investments
While you have ceased direct stock purchases due to your assessment of your stock analysis skills, the existing stock portfolio adds another layer of diversification. Monitoring these investments and rebalancing when necessary is crucial to ensure alignment with your financial goals.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
Your consistent contributions to SSY for your daughter are excellent. This scheme offers attractive interest rates and tax benefits, making it a reliable option for securing your daughter's future.

Suggestions for Improvement
Debt Management: Closing your car loan by year-end is a wise decision. Once done, consider redirecting the freed-up funds towards increasing your SIP contributions.

Emergency Fund: Ensure you have an adequate emergency fund. Ideally, this should cover 6-12 months of living expenses to safeguard against unforeseen circumstances.

Health Insurance: While your company health insurance is beneficial, consider a standalone health insurance policy. This ensures continuous coverage even if you change jobs.

Investment Review: Regularly review your mutual fund portfolio. Actively managed funds can sometimes outperform, but they also come with higher fees compared to passively managed funds. Assess the performance and fees periodically.

Tax Planning: Continue utilizing tax-saving instruments like ELSS, SSY, and others under Section 80C to maximize tax benefits.

Child Education Planning: With your daughter being 2.5 years old, starting an education fund is crucial. Consider long-term investment options that can provide substantial returns over time.

Addressing Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds are often preferred over index funds for several reasons:

Potential for Higher Returns: Fund managers actively select stocks aiming to outperform the market, potentially leading to higher returns.

Professional Management: These funds benefit from the expertise of fund managers who actively monitor and adjust the portfolio based on market conditions.

Flexibility: Actively managed funds can adjust their strategies to respond to market changes, potentially mitigating losses during downturns.

However, it is essential to keep an eye on the fees and performance of these funds. High management fees can eat into your returns, and not all actively managed funds consistently outperform their benchmarks.

Highlighting Regular Funds vs. Direct Funds
Direct funds have lower expense ratios as they do not involve intermediaries. However, investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) has its advantages:

Expert Advice: A CFP provides personalized advice, helping you choose the right funds based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Comprehensive Planning: CFPs offer holistic financial planning, including tax planning, retirement planning, and risk management.

Ease of Management: Regular funds through a CFP ensure that your investments are well-monitored and adjusted as per changing financial goals and market conditions.

While direct funds save on commission, the value-added services provided by a CFP can often outweigh these savings through better portfolio management and financial planning.

You have made commendable strides in your financial journey so far. Your diversified investment portfolio, consistent savings for your daughter, and proactive debt management indicate a solid foundation. By addressing a few areas, such as increasing your SIP contributions post car loan closure, ensuring a robust emergency fund, and regularly reviewing your investment strategy, you can further optimize your financial plan. Engaging with a Certified Financial Planner can provide additional insights and personalized advice to help you achieve your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Sir, My age is 40. I have a family with Mom, Dad, 2 daughters aged 13 years and my wife. I am the only source for income in my family. I am a business person and average monthly profit is approx 2 to 3 lakhs. There are lots of ups and downs in the business and profits are not consistant. So I am doing daily SIP of 5000 in HDFC Top 100 growth. Till date the MF is approx 9 lakhs. I have purchased a flat of Rs 1cr. With an home loan of 40 lakhs. Current EMI is 35000, tenure 20 years started last year. I have taken 2 health insurance policies, one for my mom and dad and another for us. Total yearly premium is 1.25 lakhs. My monthly expenses are approx 1.5 lakhs. I am bit worried about Daughters higher education as they wish to pursue MBBS. Secondly I need to save for my retirement. I wish to retire at 55. Please suggest if I am on right track or I need to change my investment patterns?
Ans: It's great to see your proactive approach towards securing your family's future. Managing finances for a family with varying needs can be challenging, especially when running a business with fluctuating income. Let's evaluate your current financial situation and devise a strategy to achieve your goals, particularly focusing on your daughters' education and your retirement plan.

Current Financial Situation
Monthly Income and Expenses
Average Monthly Profit: Rs 2 to 3 lakhs.
Monthly Expenses: Rs 1.5 lakhs.
EMI: Rs 35,000 for home loan.
Daily SIP: Rs 5,000 in HDFC Top 100 growth.
Health Insurance Premium: Rs 1.25 lakhs per year.
Assets and Liabilities
Mutual Fund Investment: Approx Rs 9 lakhs.
Home Value: Rs 1 crore with Rs 40 lakhs loan.
Health Insurance: Two policies covering the family.
Financial Goals
Daughters' Higher Education: Aim for MBBS, requiring substantial funds.
Retirement: Wish to retire at age 55.
Evaluating Current Investment Patterns
Daily SIP in HDFC Top 100 Growth
Benefits: Regular investment, rupee cost averaging, potential for high returns.
Concerns: Single fund exposure increases risk, need for diversification.
Home Loan and EMI
Home Loan: Rs 40 lakhs with a Rs 35,000 monthly EMI over 20 years.
Interest Burden: Long tenure increases interest cost, affecting cash flow.
Diversification: Mitigating Risks and Enhancing Returns
Mutual Funds: Broadening Horizons
Equity Funds: Diversify beyond HDFC Top 100 to include mid-cap and small-cap funds for growth.
Debt Funds: Include for stability and consistent returns, reducing overall risk.
Hybrid Funds: Mix of equity and debt for balanced growth and stability.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Strategy
Monthly SIP: Instead of daily SIPs, consider monthly SIPs in diversified funds.
Allocation: Spread Rs 1.5 lakhs monthly investment across multiple funds.
Review and Adjust: Regularly review fund performance and adjust as needed.
Education Planning: Securing Your Daughters' Future
Estimating Costs for MBBS
Current Costs: Private medical colleges can cost Rs 50 lakhs to Rs 1 crore.
Inflation Adjustment: Factor in education inflation, typically 8-10% annually.
Education Fund: Building a Corpus
Dedicated SIPs: Start dedicated SIPs for education planning, considering time horizon and risk appetite.
Balanced Allocation: Mix of equity and debt to ensure growth and stability.
Education Loans: An Alternative
Low-Interest Education Loans: Consider for bridging gaps in funding.
Tax Benefits: Interest on education loans is tax-deductible.
Retirement Planning: Ensuring a Comfortable Future
Retirement Corpus: Estimation
Current Lifestyle: Rs 1.5 lakhs monthly expenses, adjusting for inflation.
Corpus Required: Calculate based on desired retirement age, life expectancy, and inflation.
Building the Corpus: Strategic Investments
Equity Exposure: Higher equity exposure for growth in the early years.
Gradual Shift: Move to debt funds as retirement approaches to secure capital.
Regular Review: Adjust portfolio to stay aligned with goals.
Pension Plans: A Steady Income Stream
Pension Funds: Invest in pension funds for regular income post-retirement.
Annuities: Consider annuities for guaranteed income, despite not recommending them as a primary option.
Managing Health Insurance: Ensuring Comprehensive Coverage
Adequate Sum Insured: Ensure health insurance covers all potential medical costs.
Annual Review: Review and adjust coverage based on family health needs and inflation.
Emergency Fund: A Safety Net
Liquid Assets: Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses.
Investment Vehicles: Keep in high-liquidity instruments like savings accounts or liquid mutual funds.
Final Insights
Regular Monitoring and Adjustments
Review Periodically: Regularly review and adjust your financial plan.
Adapt to Changes: Stay flexible to adapt to market changes and personal circumstances.
Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP): Consider consulting a CFP for personalized advice.
Continuous Learning: Stay informed about financial products and market trends.
Your proactive approach is commendable, and with a few strategic adjustments, you can confidently secure your family's future and achieve your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Nayagam P P  |1323 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 04, 2024Hindi
Sir, My son studies in VIT Vellore in CSE specializing in AI and Machine Learning. He just finished his first year semester with 8.56 CGPA. Can you please guide how to go further maintaining CGPA and what else to do extra apart from studies to get good placement in companies. He is keen to work in Google. Thank you.
Ans: Some important tips for your Son here to follow: (1) To maintain the same and / or try to increase his CGPA (2) He should start upgrading his skills through NPTEL, Coursera, Internshala, LinkedIn etc. and / or from any other online platforms, recommended by his College Faculties (3) Maintaining a good student-faculty relationship till 4th year (4) Giving more importance to Class Notes and the Reference Books recommended by his Faculties (5) Involving in co-curricular (related to his domain) & extra curricular activities which can be / should be reflected in his Resume (6) Improving his soft skills / communication / presentation skills during the next 3-years which also can be shown in his Resume during his Campus Recruitment Drive (7) Should have a Professional LinkedIn Profile & keep updating them every 3-months (8) Connecting with Professionals of his domain (should not ask for jobs). Not advisable. (9) Put Job Alerts, (related to his domain), in LinkedIn Itself to get notifications to know the Current / Future Job Market Trends and how to upgrade himself accordingly. (10) He also should start RESEARCHING from now, about the Recruiters who visited the Campus during the last 2-3 years, related to his domain, company's Profile, Manpower Strength, Nature of Business / Services Provided etc. This will help him to be more CONFIDENT at the time of Interview in 4th year. I hope I have answered to your question with value additions. All the BEST for Your Son's Bright Future.

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