Hi, Shekhar I have thirty years of expertise as an engineering sales specialist, and I'm in perfect shape. I was sent to the US headquarters of a US-based company after working in India and the Middle East. I've worked for this company for twenty years. Although my work at the head office is very minuscule in comparison to what I did in India and the Middle East, the management values my knowledge and expertise in the oil and gas industry. It appears that I have no prospect of growing. My subordinates have received promotions, while I have been disregarded for the past two years. My old aged parents and my entire family are in India. I requested to be sent back to India since there was no challenge for an individual. My mom's health is critical and I want to return for her. However, as you know, some friends and relatives say, I shouldn't make a decision in haste with emotions. At one side, I am appreciative of the support of my management when I was in India to look after my mother, I also feel that they should be little sensitive to my situation and allow me to return to my family without losing the job. If nothing works, I will have to return anyway and start a business. I don't have a blueprint for the business right now but I am inspired by the startups in India. I also have some unique ideas and with strong reputation among the customers in India & The Middle East, I can take some risk. What is your opinion, should I resign and return to India considering my family needs me here and there is no bigger reason that that?
Ans: Your situation is complex, and it’s admirable that you’re balancing your family’s needs with your career considerations. This is a pivotal decision that affects not only your professional life but also your emotional well-being. Your mother’s health and being there for your family during such a critical time are legitimate priorities. If you feel your presence in India is more important than continuing in a job where you lack challenges or growth opportunities, it’s natural to prioritize your family. While leaving a stable job is a big decision, your family’s needs and your personal fulfillment are crucial. I believe if your mother’s health requires immediate attention, being present for her and your family will bring emotional satisfaction that outweighs professional considerations and if your company cannot accommodate your request to return to India, resigning and focusing on starting a business could be a viable path. You have the expertise, reputation, and network to make it work. However, before making the leap, begin researching and outlining your business ideas now, even while still in your current role. This preparation will provide you with clarity and confidence should you decide to resign. Remember, this is a decision to make with careful thought, not haste. Focus on what aligns with your values and priorities to ensure you find peace and purpose in your choice.