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Shekhar Kumar  |145 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 13, 2024

Shekhar Kumar is an HR, talent, and client acquisition leader at Star Engicon Private Limited (SEPL). He has 18 years of expertise in the search and placement of executive leadership talent across various industries.
He has also mentored middle and senior management professionals for leadership positions and guided them in career development.
Shekhar has a bachelor's degree in business management from Magadh University, Bihar, and a master's degree in human resource management from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 12, 2024Hindi

Hi, I worked in IT industry for 12+ years. Then I had to quit my job because of family commitments. Its been 10+ years now. In those years, though I haven't been in a regular job, I have done a few freelancing jobs now and then. Also, run a couple of niche but non technical websites. I have also stayed in touch with latest technologies through certfications and self learning. Now, since my kids are grown up, I am thinking of resuming my career. But the huge career gap seems to hinder opportunities. Though I try to motivate myself to persevere, it is a bit frustrating as some of the jobs that suit my tech skills go past me because of the gap. What is the best strategy to restart my career? Kindly please advice. Thanks in advance.

Ans: It's understandable that the gap in your formal employment might be frustrating, but it doesn't diminish your 12+ years of experience and your ongoing efforts to stay updated. Here's a strategic approach to relaunching your IT career: Revamp your resume to showcase your core IT skills and accomplishments, not focusing heavily on the exact dates of your employment. Quantify your achievements with metrics whenever possible (e.g., increased website traffic by X% through SEO improvements). Frame your freelance projects as valuable consulting experiences where you independently tackled real-world problems. Your websites demonstrate your initiative and technical abilities in managing projects. Don't aim for the exact same senior-level positions you held before the break. Consider mid-level roles that allow you to re-enter the workforce and demonstrate your updated skills. You can gradually progress within a company. Reconnect with former colleagues or classmates on LinkedIn. Inform them you're re-entering the workforce and seek informational interviews to learn about current industry trends and potential opportunities. Update your LinkedIn profile and consider creating a professional website or portfolio showcasing your IT skills and freelance projects. Volunteer for a non-profit organization or take on short-term contract work to gain recent technical experience and build your resume. Remember, re-entering the workforce after a break takes time and perseverance. Focus on your strengths, strategically tailor your job search, and don't be discouraged by initial setbacks. By effectively showcasing your skills and experiences, you'll land the right IT opportunity to relaunch your successful career.

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Ashwini Dasgupta  |71 Answers  |Ask -

Personality Development Expert, Career Coach - Answered on Mar 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 07, 2024Hindi
I quit my job after marriage to take care of my children. I am 38, BCom graduate, mother of two kids. I used to work in the admin department and was at the peak of my career when I got pregnant. Now that my kids are 9 and 7, I feel they are independent enough for me to look for a job. But I have a career gap of 10 years. How can I restart my career? Most interviewers are rejecting my CV because of the gap. But I am willing to learn and I really enjoy working
Ans: Dear Mam,

This is commendable to know you are planning to restart your career. This calls for the celebration :)

Few things you can consider-

Update your skills as per the industry you are looking at so that you are better prepared for the interviews.
Networking is very helpful. Start connecting with the individuals in the industry through professional platforms like linkedin or any other.
Address the career gap in your resume with a brief and positive explanation. Highlight any/all the skills you have developed during your time away, for example multitasking, time management, or organizational skills gained through managing a household or any other appropriate.
While you are looking for a permanent job also try other options like consulting or freelancing kind of work. This will help you gain practical experience to showcase.
Build your online presence by updating your linkedin profile and join relevant online groups per your industry.
While you are hunting for a job invest your time in learning new skills or completing the certifications which will also build your profile stronger.
Look for organizations who are hiring women specifically after a long bag. There are multiple organizations who run such programmes.
Importantly have patience and keep working towards meetings your dreams.

Hope this helps

To Your Success
Thanks and Regards
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude?

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Shekhar Kumar  |145 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on Apr 17, 2024

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IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA, CS Exam Expert - Answered on Jun 30, 2024

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