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Should I Pursue a Master's in Data Science in Germany After Completing My BTech in IT?


Sushil Sukhwani  |550 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Aug 28, 2024

Sushil Sukhwani is the founding director of the overseas education consultant firm, Edwise International. He has 31 years of experience in counselling students who have opted to study abroad in various countries, including the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. He is part of the board of directors at the American International Recruitment Council and an honorary committee member of the Australian Alumni Association. Sukhwani is an MBA graduate from Bond University, Australia. ... more
Vishesh Question by Vishesh on Jul 13, 2024Hindi

Sir I have completed my BTech in Information Technology in 2023 and now I am preparing for my master's in Data science in Germany is it a good option and I get cautious regarding going abroad and doing masters

Ans: Hello Vishesh,

To begin with, thank you for reaching out to us. To answer your question, pursuing a master’s in Data Science in Germany is definitely a great idea as the country excels in research and development, particularly in emerging fields such as data science and AI, and offers excellent programs with plenty of job opportunities in the sector. You don’t have to worry about studying abroad as it will prove to be a great experience which will not only advance your career but also help you adapt to new environments and grow both personally and professionally.

For more information, please visit our website: edwiseinternational.com
You can also follow us on our Instagram: @edwiseint

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Sushil Sukhwani  |550 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Sep 22, 2023

Dear Sushil ji, My son is doing Computer Science from VIT vellore and is 3rd Year Student. Please advise whether he should go abroad for the Masters and location whether Germany will be advisable . Kindly provide the input .
Ans: Hello Sanjay,

To begin with, thank you for contacting us. Your son’s future ambitions, financial status, and personal choices, play a key role in deciding if he should travel overseas to pursue a Master’s degree in Computer Science, and if Germany is a favorable study destination. When deciding, take into account the following factors:
1. Career Objectives: Consider if your son has set career ambitions that can be accomplished by studying a master's degree abroad.

2. Academic Prowess: An exceptional academic record can enhance your son’s chances of getting into prominent foreign universities. Take into account his academic success in the program he is currently pursuing.

3. Financial Condition: Studying overseas can be a costly affair. Investigate your financial capacity and the costs related with studying in Germany or any other country. Look into the available scholarships, financial aid, and part-time work opportunities.

4. Choosing Programs and Universities: Conduct extensive study and pick programs and universities that resonate with your son’s educational and professional interests. Search universities that have robust Computer Science departments and research possibilities.

5. English Language Competency: Although there are a few English-taught courses, Germany mainly offers programs in the German language. You on studying in Germany or any other non-English-speaking country, make sure he possesses the required language abilities.

In addition, your son should get to know the visa and immigration prerequisites for the country he intends studying in. For instance, Germany has a fairly simple student visa procedure for international students. Enhanced networking possibilities are offered in the tech sector by some countries over others. Investigate the labor market and links your son can form during the duration of his Master’s course. Also, take into consideration if your son is ready for the societal and cultural changes that come with pursuing overseas education. This involves adjusting to a new setting, building friendships, and getting to know the local culture. Look into the available post-study employment opportunities in the country you have chosen to study in. Taking into account both, the cost of studying and the long-term professional advantages, consider the possible ROI (Return on Investment) of pursuing a master's degree overseas.

Owing to its exceptional system of education, research possibilities, and a friendly environment for international students, Germany can be a top option to pursue a Master's in Computer Science. To make an educated choice, carefully examine each factor and get in touch with career counselors and academic consultants. Your son should also examine particular programs and universities in Germany to make sure that match his objectives and interests.

For more information, you can visit our website.

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Dr Pananjay K

Dr Pananjay K Tiwari  |86 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Aug 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 28, 2024Hindi
Hi Prananjay. I have a question for you. I'm 40 years old and I have been pondering with idea of moving abroad and study masters. After doing my research, I found out that Germany would be an option worth exploring. Since it provides you 18 months of post-study work visa. My only hesitation is that I'm getting a private university which I'm not entirely comfortable with. Is it okay to go ahead with a private university? Second, I will be far more experienced than the students in my batch. Is it okay? Third, I'm willing to learn the German language and spend a little money to get a degree with best ROI and possible career in Germany. What do you think are the prospects for an applicant like me?
Ans: Pursuing a master’s degree in Germany at 40 is a bold and promising step, especially given the country's reputation for high-quality education, even in private institutions, and the 18-month post-study work visa that allows ample time to secure a job. While public universities in Germany are often preferred due to their lower costs and established reputations, many private universities also offer excellent programs, industry connections, and tailored support, making them a viable option if they are accredited and align with your career goals. Being more experienced than your peers can be a strength, as your professional background can offer valuable insights in classroom discussions and group projects, and can also set you apart in the job market. Learning German will significantly enhance your employability, as language skills are highly valued by German employers. Overall, your prospects are good, provided you choose a well-regarded private institution and leverage your experience and new skills to integrate into the local job market effectively.

Dr Pananjay K Tiwari
Visit us at www.shreeoverseaseducation.com

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Anu Krishna  |1162 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 16, 2024Hindi
Hello Anu, I would prefer to remain anonymous. I am 37 year old. My father purchased an apartment for around 35 lakhs, with an initial payment of approximately 5 lakhs. At the time, I believe he intended to pay for it himself, as my career was quite unstable. However, over the last four years, I have moved back to my hometown due to the pandemic and have since found success in my career, earning a substantial income. My father then started asking me to deposit money into his account so that he could continue making payments for the apartment. His reasons varied, ranging from being short on legitimate (white) money to wanting to use my legally earned income for this purpose, and I complied without much thought because I’ve always been an obedient child. Over the last six months, I contributed the final 7 lakhs for the property, and I was led to believe that it would be registered in either my name or my wife’s name. However, just two days ago, my father informed me that it must be registered in his name. This has left me feeling manipulated and betrayed. Despite contributing a significant sum of around 30-32 lakhs, I still feel I have no say in the property. I’ve never been able to communicate openly with my father, and this situation has only made things worse. When I confronted him, the conversation didn’t go well, and my mother expressed deep disappointment in me, implying that I am not a good son. They made me feel guilty, and I am now left with a sense of profound loss. Regardless of the outcome, I feel like I’ve lost. If the property is registered in my name, I feel like a terrible son, and if it isn’t, I feel like I’ve lost both my savings and my dignity. I would appreciate any advice or guidance on how I should approach this situation, or what I should believe in moving forward. Just for context, my father has a decent business, owns the house we live in, and possesses other assets, so it’s not as though he is dependent on my income for survival.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I assume that you are part of an Indian family system where the son is still expected to take on the responsibilities of caring for his parents. Now, this need not be challenged as it is rooted in firm beliefs but what still seems inexcusable is the manner in which your father has tried to achieve it.
A simple conversation around this would have helped you understand his thoughts around the property, money surrounding it etc...
You say that you have never been able to communicate openly with your father and maybe all that is happening is a lesson for you to start becoming more expressive with him. Say NO when it is a NO...saying Yes has caused you to lose money at a time when it was not necessary.
You can still communicate with your father and this time do it not to confront him with anger but to clearly express your sadness over the way things were done regarding money. You also need to let him know how this has affected your financial situation and that getting back what is yours will only help you not depend on him (your father). Express clearly as to what you want...You are not a terrible son if you are looking out for your own family and your future. Be wise about it!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1162 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 18, 2024

I have been married for 12years . I married when I was 19. I have 2sons . My husband doesn’t love me and he had said to me many times .i even have doubt on him bcus he doesn’t come home to sleep 2 times in 2 weeks . Everyday I feel anxious and worried if he would not come bck . I have beg him many times to not sleep outside. Whenever he go out he never picks up my call even once. He is seeing a girl. For that we fought all the time . He asked for divorce many times but why can’t I u love him and leave him. I feel like I would die if I can’t be together with him.
Ans: Dear Phy,
If you have a spouse who has begun to ignore your pleas and request, what else can you do? Where is the respect that he must be giving you as a life partner?
Now, I also want you to ask yourself if your doubts are just figment of your imagination or are they based on facts? Have you seen any message on his phone or a call to anyone planning a meeting?
Yes, it's strange and suspicious I will agree that he stays out a few days every few weeks, but make sure of what exactly is happening. When you are sure that what you suspect is true, confront him with the support of your family members but not threaten him where he retracts from you completely.
And the bitter truth, if he has asked for divorce many times, maybe it's his way of saying that there is nothing more left in the marriage for him. It hurts you for sure, but what's the point of living with someone who cannot appreciate your presence and love?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Samraat Jadhav  |2021 Answers  |Ask -

Stock Market Expert - Answered on Sep 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 16, 2024Hindi

Moneywize   |152 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Sep 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 13, 2024Hindi
I’m Manish from Pune. I am 45, married with two children (ages 14 and 10). I am currently investing Rs 60,000 in SIPs across large-cap and mid-cap mutual funds. I plan to retire in 15 years. How should I adjust my portfolio to maximize my retirement corpus while balancing risk?
Ans: To create a comprehensive retirement plan, we need to gather more information about your financial goals and risk tolerance. However, based on the information provided, here are some general recommendations to adjust your portfolio:

1. Review your asset allocation:

• Determine your risk tolerance: Understand your comfort level with market fluctuations. A higher risk tolerance allows for a greater allocation to equity funds, which typically offer higher returns over the long term.
• Rebalance regularly: Ensure your asset allocation aligns with your risk tolerance by periodically rebalancing your portfolio. This involves selling a portion of the funds that have outperformed and buying those that have underperformed.

2. Consider diversifying beyond equity funds:

Include debt funds: Allocate a portion of your investments to debt funds to provide stability and income during market downturns. Consider funds like corporate bonds, government bonds, or balanced funds.
Explore other asset classes: Explore other asset classes like gold or real estate through appropriate investment vehicles to diversify your portfolio and hedge against inflation.

3. Optimise your SIP investments:

• Stagger SIPs: Consider staggering your SIPs across different dates to reduce the impact of market volatility.
• Review fund performance: Regularly monitor the performance of your chosen funds and make necessary adjustments if they underperform their benchmarks or deviate from your investment strategy.

4. Seek professional advice:

Consult a financial advisor: A financial advisor can provide personalised guidance based on your specific circumstances, risk tolerance, and retirement goals. They can help you create a comprehensive retirement plan that includes tax optimisation strategies and estate planning considerations.


• Retirement planning is a long-term endeavor: Stay disciplined and committed to your investment strategy. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.
• Review and adjust your plan regularly: As your financial situation and life goals change, revisit your retirement plan and make necessary adjustments to ensure it remains aligned with your objectives.
• By following these guidelines and seeking professional advice, you can create a retirement portfolio that maximises your corpus while managing risk effectively.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6330 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 18, 2024

Hello Sir, I am planning to construct a home in next 5 years and current estimated construction cost is Rs.50 Lakhs. Currently I have Rs.25Lakhs on hand. Could you please provide your input to construct a house without taking a home loan.
Ans: You’ve already made significant progress towards your home construction goal. Having Rs. 25 lakhs on hand is a solid start, and it reflects your strong savings discipline. The estimated construction cost of Rs. 50 lakhs, means you're already halfway there.

Now, let's explore how you can reach your target in the next five years without taking a home loan.

Defining the Time Horizon
You have a five-year timeline to accumulate the additional Rs. 25 lakhs needed for construction. This is a reasonable timeframe, and with a well-planned strategy, you can achieve it comfortably. You’ll need a mix of saving and investing to reach this goal efficiently.

Creating a Savings Plan
Set Aside Fixed Monthly Savings: Based on your financial situation, aim to set aside a specific amount every month towards your home construction goal. By systematically saving over five years, you can reduce the financial strain and accumulate the required funds gradually.

Assess Your Current Expenses: Review your current expenses to identify areas where you can cut down without affecting your quality of life. The money saved can be redirected to your home construction fund. Even small adjustments in your spending can make a big difference over time.

Building Your Investment Strategy
Invest for Growth: Since you have a five-year horizon, it's essential to balance risk and return in your investment portfolio. Avoid low-return instruments as they may not help you reach your goal in time. At the same time, avoid overly risky investments as they can expose your capital to market volatility.

Diversify Investments: A balanced portfolio that includes a mix of equity and debt funds will allow you to grow your savings over five years. You already have Rs. 25 lakhs in hand, so invest it in a diversified manner, ensuring some liquidity to avoid being locked into long-term instruments.

Focus on Actively Managed Funds: Instead of choosing index funds or direct investments, actively managed funds can offer better returns. These funds are managed by experts who can make decisions based on market trends, providing you with a higher growth potential. This is especially important when working towards a specific financial goal.

Protecting Against Inflation
Construction Costs Could Rise: In five years, the cost of materials and labour is likely to increase due to inflation. Factor in at least a 5-10% increase in construction costs when planning. This means you might need more than Rs. 50 lakhs in five years. Investing in inflation-beating products will help your money grow at a rate that offsets this rise.

Reinvest Returns: As your investments generate returns, ensure you reinvest them. Compounding can significantly boost your overall corpus, helping you to accumulate the funds needed without additional contributions.

Maintaining Liquidity
Keep Some Funds Liquid: While long-term investments are crucial, it's equally important to keep a portion of your funds liquid. You may encounter unplanned expenses during the home construction phase. Having accessible cash will help you manage these without disturbing your primary savings.

Short-Term Investment Options: In the last year before construction begins, it may be prudent to shift a portion of your funds to safer, short-term investments. This ensures that your money is readily available when you need it, while also reducing exposure to market volatility as the construction date approaches.

Monitoring and Reviewing Your Progress
Regular Reviews: Periodically review your investment portfolio and savings progress. If your investments aren’t performing as expected, you may need to reallocate funds to higher-yielding options. Monitoring your progress will also help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

Adjust for Market Conditions: Be prepared to adjust your strategy depending on market conditions. If the equity market performs well in the early years, you might want to lock in some gains by moving funds to safer instruments closer to the construction date.

Considerations for the Final Year
Capital Preservation: In the final year before construction, shift most of your corpus into low-risk options to protect your capital. This is crucial to ensure that any market volatility doesn’t negatively impact your ability to fund the construction.

Short-Term Liquidity: In the last 6-12 months, having more liquid options, such as short-term debt funds, will give you easier access to your funds when construction begins. This will help you meet payments without having to liquidate investments at unfavorable times.

Emergency Fund Considerations
Maintain an Emergency Fund: While working towards your home construction goal, don’t compromise on your emergency fund. It’s important to have a separate fund for unexpected expenses to avoid dipping into your home construction savings.

Sufficient Buffer: Keep at least 6-12 months of living expenses in an easily accessible account. This will give you peace of mind and financial flexibility if any unforeseen costs arise during the construction process.

Final Insights
Consistent Savings: Consistently saving towards your goal is the key to building the required corpus without taking on debt. The earlier you start, the more comfortable it will be to reach your target within the five-year period.

Balanced Risk: Opt for a balanced investment strategy that offers growth with controlled risk. Avoid overexposing your funds to high-risk instruments, especially as you get closer to your construction date.

Reinvest and Compound: Reinvest any returns to take full advantage of the power of compounding. This will accelerate your journey towards accumulating the necessary Rs. 50 lakhs.

Account for Inflation: Keep in mind that construction costs will likely increase over time. Plan your savings and investments to cover a potential rise in expenses by the time you're ready to start construction.

By following these strategies, you can construct your dream home within five years, all while avoiding the burden of a home loan.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6330 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 17, 2024Hindi
Dear Sir, I have another question: I have been investing in the Bajaj Allianz Life Goal Assurance Plan for the past five years, which is a combination of insurance and investment. The total premium payment duration is 10 years, with a SIP of ?10,000 per month, followed by a lock-in period of an additional 5 years So far, my monthly contributions of ?10,000 have grown to ?9.40 lakhs, with an approximate CAGR of 16%, although the insurance coverage remains at ?12 lakhs. Initially, I did not have much knowledge but continued investing due to the plan’s market-linked structure. For the first five years, my funds were allocated to Pure Stock II and Equity Growth funds basically large-cap. Recently, mid-cap and small-cap index funds were also added to their portfolio. Now that I’ve completed 5 years of investing in large-cap components, I am considering allocating the remaining 5 years to mid-cap and small-cap funds, without increasing the SIP. This would be done through a fund switch from large-cap to mid-cap and small-cap or by dividing the allocation equally—25% each across pure-stock, equity growth, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. Would you recommend this strategy while allowing the large-cap corpurs from the first 5 years to grow at their own pace and remaining 5 years switched into mid-cap/small-cap. Since the policy will mature in 2034, this gives me ample time for the investment to grow, allowing the corpus to build significantly over the remaining years
Ans: It’s great to see you’ve stayed consistent with your investments over the past five years. Your current strategy has already delivered an impressive CAGR of around 16%. This indicates that your investment in large-cap components has performed well.

Your decision to consider diversifying into mid-cap and small-cap funds shows good insight, especially since the policy matures in 2034. This gives you ample time to ride out market fluctuations and benefit from potential growth.

Let’s assess your plan step by step.

Maintaining Large-Cap Investments
Steady Growth Potential: Large-cap funds are known for stability and relatively lower risk. Since your large-cap investments have done well, letting them grow further without switching out entirely is a wise move. Large-caps often provide steady growth over time, even in volatile markets.

Balanced Risk: As you’ve already allocated five years to large-cap funds, you have a solid base that carries lower risk compared to mid-cap or small-cap funds.

Mid-Cap and Small-Cap Fund Allocation
Potential for Higher Growth: Mid-cap and small-cap funds generally offer higher growth potential but come with increased volatility. Given that you have another 10 years for the policy to mature, adding these funds now could give you enough time to capture the potential upside of these categories.

Diversification Across Market Segments: By allocating the remaining five years to mid-cap and small-cap funds, you’re essentially diversifying across different market segments. This could help in balancing your overall risk, while providing higher growth opportunities compared to sticking only with large-cap funds.

Fund Switching Strategy: Switching some of your existing large-cap corpus into mid-cap and small-cap might reduce the stability of your portfolio. Instead, continuing with the large-cap corpus and allocating future premiums to mid-cap and small-cap funds may provide a more balanced approach.

Suggested Allocation Strategy
Divide Equally Across Funds: Splitting your contributions equally among large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds seems like a balanced approach. You’ve mentioned an allocation of 25% each across pure-stock, equity growth, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. This could help in spreading out your risk while still allowing for growth opportunities.

Stay Consistent: Continuing with a steady SIP of Rs. 10,000 without increasing the amount for now is a good plan. Since you are already seeing good returns, consistency over time will be key to building your corpus further.

Evaluating Your Insurance Component
Insurance Coverage: Your current insurance coverage stands at Rs. 12 lakhs. Considering the policy is a combination of investment and insurance, it’s essential to evaluate if the coverage is adequate for your needs. Life insurance should primarily serve to protect your family, and if this amount falls short of your requirements, consider supplementing it with a term insurance plan.

Lock-in Period: Since there is an additional lock-in period of five years post the premium payment term, switching funds now and letting them grow for the next decade could be beneficial. You have ample time to ride out any short-term market volatility in the mid-cap and small-cap space.

Reviewing Your Fund Choices
Actively Managed Funds vs Index Funds: You’ve mentioned that your funds are market-linked, with some exposure to index funds. While index funds are often lower-cost options, actively managed funds can outperform them over time, especially in mid-cap and small-cap categories. Actively managed funds benefit from professional fund managers who can make strategic choices in response to market conditions, unlike passive index funds that simply track the market.

Switching to Actively Managed Funds: If a portion of your investments is in index funds, consider switching to actively managed mid-cap and small-cap funds. This will provide you with the advantage of professional management, especially in more volatile sectors like mid-caps and small-caps.

Final Insights
Long-Term Horizon: Your 10-year remaining investment window provides a good time horizon to take on the moderate risk associated with mid-cap and small-cap funds. However, always review your portfolio performance periodically to ensure it aligns with your long-term financial goals.

Balance Risk and Reward: By keeping your existing large-cap investments and diversifying into mid-cap and small-cap funds, you are effectively balancing risk with the potential for higher returns.

Insurance vs Investment: Review your insurance needs separately from your investment strategy. If the Rs. 12 lakh insurance coverage is insufficient, it’s advisable to take additional term insurance that provides higher coverage at a low cost.

It’s important to continue monitoring the performance of each fund and adjust the allocation if needed.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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