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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |974 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 26, 2024

Nayagam is a certified career counsellor and the founder of EduJob360.
He started his career as an HR professional and has over 10 years of experience in tutoring and mentoring students from Classes 8 to 12, helping them choose the right stream, course and college/university.
He also counsels students on how to prepare for entrance exams for getting admission into reputed universities /colleges for their graduate/postgraduate courses.
He has guided both fresh graduates and experienced professionals on how to write a resume, how to prepare for job interviews and how to negotiate their salary when joining a new job.
Nayagam has published an eBook, Professional Resume Writing Without Googling.
He has a postgraduate degree in human resources from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi, a postgraduate diploma in labour law from Madras University, a postgraduate diploma in school counselling from Symbiosis, Pune, and a certification in child psychology from Counsel India.
He has also completed his master’s degree in career counselling from ICCC-Mindler and Counsel, India.
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Rahul Question by Rahul on Jun 03, 2024Hindi

BTech in AI & ML course in symbiosis skill and professional University. how good is the course in terms of learning and implementation of it

Ans: Yes Rahul. You can go ahead. All the BEST.

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |974 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on May 31, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 14, 2024Hindi
My son has got admission for BTech in robotics course in symbiosis institute of technology.. how good is the course in terms of learning and implementation of it
Ans: Congrats to your Son who has got admission for BTech (Robotics) into Symbiosis which is one of the Top-Ranked Institutes in India.

How Good Robotics Course in Terms of Learning & Implementation of It?
What Are the Career Options after Completing his BTech Robotics?
How He Has to Be Competent in Job-Market?

Detailed Answer Here with Practical Tips / Strategies Which Your Son Has To Follow:

1) ‘Robotics’ is a growing field with a vast array of exciting career opportunities.
2) ‘Robotics’ is an interdisciplinary engineering field which focuses on the Design, Development, and Implementation of Robots & Automated Systems. It combines the principles from Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering to create intelligent machines capable of performing self-directed or human-guided tasks.
3) A BTech in ‘Robotics’ Engineering provides your son with the in-depth knowledge and skills required to lead such technological advancements.

4) Career Options:

a) Robotics Machine Learning Engineer
b) Developer of Robotics Software
c) Scientist in Artificial Intelligence Robotics
d) Project Manager for Robotics
e) Consultant in Robotics
f) Engineer for Drons & More

Here are some Steps / Tips / Strategies for your Son While Pursuing, Just Before & After Completing his BTech (Robotics) to Be SUCCESSFUL in his Career & Also to be COMPETENT in Job Market Always:

While Pursuing his BTech (Robotics):

1) Your son should make sure that he continues to main a decent Score / CGPA / Percentage till you completes his BTech.
2) He should join 2-3 Co-curricular Activities Club (related to his Domain) & also involve in some extra-curricular activities.
3) He should create his Professional LinkedIn Profile.
4) He should get connected to professionals of same domain, but should NOT ask for jobs (after he completes his BTech). If his profile matches their requirements, they will definitely be in touch with your son.
5) Every 3-months, he should keep updating his LinkedIn Profile to add his recent achievements / certifications etc.
6) He should start researching about the companies visited the College during the last 3-years & know their nature business / manpower requirements in ‘Career’ Section through their websites.
7) Most important: He should start doing Certification Courses either online / offline, related to his domain (from 1st year itself), to be competent in job market.
8) It is highly ideal to put Job-Alert Notifications in LinkedIn, related to your domain, from his 1st year itself, to know about the current job market scenarios / employers’ expectations.
9) He should keep upskilling his knowledge & skills till he completes his BTech (Robotics).

After Completing BTech (Robotics):

1) Just before completing his BTech, he should prepare well for the Campus Recruitment Written Test / Interview / Group Discussion, whichever will be applicable.
2) He should start applying for jobs through LinkedIn Job Alerts, if the Job Description posted by the employers / recruiters / companies, match your profile.
3) He should keep his ‘RESUME’ professionally prepared. His ‘Resume’ should be simple & brief with keywords, related to his domain, with your LinkedIn Account’s clickable link.
4) And, he should keep upgrading his skills, to be competitive in job market, even after he lands to the jobs.

Hope I have clarified all your doubts for your Son.

If you need any other clarifications or have questions for anyone, post your questions (in detail) to me and/or follow me here in RediffGURU for more useful information on ‘Careers / Education / Jobs’.

All The BEST for your Son’s Bright Future from RediffGURU.

Nayagam PP
CERTIFIED Career Coach | Career Guru

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Mayank Chandel  |1190 Answers  |Ask -

IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA, CS Exam Expert - Answered on Jun 29, 2024


Kanchan Rai  |263 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 29, 2024

Hi I am 44 years old and divorced twice. I have married second time due to family pressure and emotionally, but the same has not been succeed because I was in love with my first spouse and our daughter. I have completed all legal formalities for the same and there is not any legal binding with anyone. I have one daughter who is 15 years old with my first spouse. After long time I realised that I am in love with my first spouse and my daughter. I never seen to my first spouse after divorce since 2009. But I used to go and meet my Daughter on her Birthday to wish with the permission of inlaws. They respect my Father and Sister. I got divorced from my first spouse due to my mistakes which have done unknowingly in 2008. I have written letter to my first spouse and my daughter to ask for sincere apology.Also they knows about my second marriage and divorce also. I am staying alone and my question is whether we will succeed if my first spouse will agree to reunite again with my daughter. Also need some tips to stay happily with them. I have never seen to my spouse after divorce but only mate to my daughter but still I love her. Also give Tips for how can I convince to my first spouse for reunite. My desire will fulfill if we reunite again. Need your advice . Thanks
Ans: Hello Mahendra,
I can sense the depth of your emotions and the genuine desire to reconnect with your first spouse and daughter. It's clear that you’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on your past and understanding where things went wrong. This self-awareness is a crucial first step towards any meaningful reconciliation.

Rebuilding a relationship after many years is a delicate process. It involves not only rekindling the love and connection you once shared but also addressing and healing the past wounds. Given that you haven't seen your first spouse since the divorce, it’s essential to approach this situation with patience, empathy, and a deep respect for her feelings and boundaries.

Start by opening a line of communication. A heartfelt letter or message can be a good way to express your thoughts and feelings without overwhelming her. Share your reflections on the past, your realizations about your mistakes, and how you’ve grown as a person. Let her know how much you value the possibility of reconnecting, not just for yourself but for your daughter’s sake as well.

When you write or speak to her, be prepared to listen as much as you talk. She may have her own perspectives and feelings about the past that need to be heard. Respect her space and her process; reconciliation is a journey that you both must navigate together, at a pace comfortable for both of you.

In your interactions with your daughter, continue to show her your love and commitment. Build on the moments you’ve shared and let her see the positive changes in you. Your consistent presence and genuine efforts will speak volumes.

If your spouse is open to it, consider suggesting professional support, like family counseling, to help navigate this complex process. It can provide a safe space to address old wounds and rebuild trust.

Remember, the path to reconciliation is rarely straightforward. It will require patience, understanding, and a willingness to work through the challenges together. By showing your commitment to change and your deep love for your family, you create the foundation for a potentially beautiful new chapter in your lives.
Asked on - Jun 29, 2024 | Answered on Jun 29, 2024
Thanks for your valuable advice.
Ans: pleasure

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Mayank Chandel  |1190 Answers  |Ask -

IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA, CS Exam Expert - Answered on Jun 29, 2024

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