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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4142 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 30, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi

I am 46 year old my salary is 25000, wife is house wife, have only one son 16 year old, i can invest 6000 per month now, how i should invest so i can manage my kids studies and other expenses with making some retirement fund also. In future as my salary will increase i can increase investment.

Ans: Managing your finances while planning for your son's education and your retirement is important. You’re already on the right track by wanting to invest Rs. 6,000 per month. Let's dive into a detailed plan.

Understanding Your Current Financial Situation
You're 46 years old with a monthly salary of Rs. 25,000. Your wife is a homemaker, and you have a 16-year-old son. You can invest Rs. 6,000 monthly, and you plan to increase this amount as your salary grows.

Setting Clear Financial Goals
First, let's define your financial goals:

Your Son's Education: Your son is 16, so he’ll soon need funds for higher education.

Your Retirement: Building a retirement fund to ensure financial security in your later years.

Prioritizing Your Investments
We’ll prioritize your investments based on your goals. Here’s a step-by-step approach.

Emergency Fund
Before diving into investments, ensure you have an emergency fund. This should cover at least 6 months of living expenses. This fund provides a safety net for unexpected expenses.

Target Amount: Rs. 1,50,000 (approx. Rs. 25,000 * 6)
Where to Keep: High-interest savings account or liquid mutual funds
Investing in Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are a great way to grow your investments. They offer diversification and professional management. Here’s how you can allocate your Rs. 6,000 monthly investment.

Diversifying Your Mutual Fund Investments
1. Equity Mutual Funds

Equity mutual funds invest in stocks. They offer high returns over the long term but come with higher risks. Suitable for your retirement and long-term goals.

Large-Cap Funds: Invest in well-established companies. They provide stable returns with lower risk.
Mid-Cap and Small-Cap Funds: Invest in smaller companies with high growth potential. They are riskier but offer higher returns.
2. Debt Mutual Funds

Debt mutual funds invest in fixed-income securities like bonds. They are less risky and provide regular income. Suitable for short to medium-term goals like your son's education.

Short-Term Debt Funds: Provide stability and are less volatile. Good for parking funds needed in the next few years.
Long-Term Debt Funds: Suitable for generating regular income over a longer period.
3. Balanced or Hybrid Funds

Balanced or hybrid funds invest in both equity and debt. They offer a balanced approach with moderate risk and returns. Good for medium-term goals.

Sample Investment Allocation
Given your current investment capacity, here’s a suggested allocation of your Rs. 6,000 monthly investment:

Large-Cap Equity Fund: Rs. 2,000
Mid-Cap Equity Fund: Rs. 1,000
Short-Term Debt Fund: Rs. 1,500
Balanced Fund: Rs. 1,500
Investing for Your Son’s Education
Your son is 16, and higher education expenses are imminent. Here’s how to plan:

1. Estimate Education Costs

Estimate the total cost of your son’s higher education. Include tuition fees, living expenses, books, and other costs. Adjust for inflation, as education costs tend to rise.

2. Investment Strategy

Short-Term Investments: Since your son will need the money soon, focus on less volatile investments. Short-term debt funds and balanced funds are suitable.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): Continue with SIPs in mutual funds to accumulate the required corpus.
Retirement Planning
Planning for retirement is crucial. Here’s a strategy to build your retirement corpus:

1. Estimate Retirement Corpus

Calculate the amount needed for a comfortable retirement. Consider your living expenses, inflation, and life expectancy.

2. Long-Term Investments

Equity Mutual Funds: Allocate a significant portion to equity funds for higher growth.
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): In retirement, use SWPs to provide a regular income from your mutual fund investments.
Increasing Investments Over Time
As your salary increases, incrementally increase your investments. Even small increases can significantly impact your long-term corpus due to compounding.

1. Regular Review

Regularly review and adjust your investment portfolio based on your goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for personalized advice.

2. Stay Disciplined

Stick to your investment plan and avoid making impulsive decisions based on market fluctuations. Staying disciplined is key to achieving your financial goals.

Insurance Coverage
1. Health Insurance

Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage for your family. Medical emergencies can deplete your savings quickly.

2. Term Life Insurance

Consider a term life insurance policy to secure your family’s financial future in case of unforeseen circumstances. It provides a large cover at a low premium.

Avoiding Real Estate and Other Options
Given your financial goals and monthly investment capacity, real estate is not recommended due to its illiquid nature and high costs.

1. Active Management vs. Index Funds

Active management in mutual funds can potentially offer higher returns than index funds. Fund managers actively choose stocks to outperform the market.

Final Insights
Shiva, your dedication to planning for your son’s education and your retirement is commendable. Here’s a recap:

Emergency Fund: Maintain a fund covering 6 months of expenses.
Diversified Mutual Fund Portfolio: Allocate Rs. 6,000 monthly across equity, debt, and balanced funds.
Short-Term Investments: Focus on less volatile funds for your son’s education.
Long-Term Investments: Prioritize equity funds for retirement.
Increase Investments: Gradually increase your investments as your salary grows.
Insurance Coverage: Ensure adequate health and life insurance.
By following this plan, you can secure your son’s education and build a comfortable retirement fund. Stay disciplined, review your investments regularly, and adjust as needed.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4142 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 13, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 34 years old and I work as a IT consultant and my wife is a homemaker and we have a 6 months old son. My salary is 26 Lakhs and currently I have about 15 Lakhs of savings and 15 Lakhs of funds parked in Shares. I dont have a house and a car. Please suggest on how to invest for home and car in about next 5-7 years and investment for child future education and marriage.
Ans: Congratulations on your new son! It sounds like you're in a good financial position to plan for your future goals. Here are some thoughts on how to invest for your home, car, and child's future:

Emergency Fund:

Before diving into investments for bigger goals, ensure you have a solid emergency fund. Aim for 3-6 months of your living expenses to cover unexpected costs. You can park this in a high-interest savings account or liquid funds for easy access.
Home and Car:

Timeline: With a 5-7 year timeframe, you can consider a mix of investments for your down payment on a house and car.
Down Payment: Typically, a 20% down payment is recommended for a house loan to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI).
Investment Options:
Debt Funds: Invest a portion in low-risk debt funds that offer moderate returns with lower volatility than stocks.
Balanced Mutual Funds: Consider balanced mutual funds that invest in a mix of stocks and bonds, offering a balance between growth and stability.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in Equity Mutual Funds: A small monthly SIP in diversified equity mutual funds can potentially offer higher returns over the long term, but be aware of market fluctuations.
Child's Education and Marriage:

Investment Horizon: You have a long investment horizon for your child's future. This allows you to consider growth-oriented investments.
Investment Options:
Equity Mutual Funds: A regular SIP in equity mutual funds allows you to benefit from compounding returns over the long term.
Child Plans: Explore child-specific investment plans offered by insurance companies. These plans provide insurance coverage along with a maturity benefit for your child's education or marriage. These may not offer the highest returns but can provide tax benefits and life insurance coverage.
Government Schemes: Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA) for a girl child offers good interest rates and tax benefits.
Here are some additional tips:

Do your research: Before investing in any financial product, research different options and understand the risks involved.
Seek professional financial advice: Consider consulting a registered financial advisor who can create a personalized plan based on your specific needs and risk tolerance.
Review Regularly: Review your investments periodically and adjust your asset allocation as your goals and risk tolerance change.
Remember: This is a general guideline, and the best investment strategy will depend on your specific circumstances. Be sure to factor in your risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment time horizon when making any investment decisions.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4142 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 23, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
I am 34 year old my salary is 30000, wife is house wife, have 2 daughters 8year and 2 year old one son 6 year old, i can invest 8000 per month now, how i should invest so i can manage my kids studies and other expenses with making some retirement fund also. In future as my salary will increase i can increase investment.
Ans: Managing your finances with a focus on your kids' education and your retirement is commendable. Let’s dive into a detailed plan tailored for you.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Your primary goals seem to be:

Ensuring a secure and quality education for your three kids.
Building a retirement corpus for a comfortable future.
Managing current expenses effectively while saving for future needs.
Each goal needs a specific strategy to ensure balanced growth and security.

Evaluating Your Current Financial Situation
With a salary of Rs 30,000 and a housewife spouse, it's essential to optimize your Rs 8,000 monthly savings. Your family responsibilities require prudent planning and disciplined saving habits.

Importance of a Diversified Portfolio
Investing across various assets is crucial. A diversified portfolio minimizes risk and maximizes returns. Let’s break down how you can allocate your Rs 8,000 monthly investment.

Prioritizing Emergency Fund
Before diving into investments, an emergency fund is vital. Aim to save 3-6 months' worth of expenses. This cushion will protect you from unexpected financial disruptions.

Building a Children's Education Fund
Education costs rise every year. Start a dedicated fund for each child’s education. Equity mutual funds are a strong option here due to their potential for high returns over a long period. While equity funds are volatile in the short term, they tend to outperform other asset classes in the long term.

Benefits of Actively Managed Equity Funds:

Professional management ensures informed investment decisions.
Potential for higher returns compared to passive index funds.
Active managers can navigate market volatility better.
Disadvantages of Index Funds:

Lack of flexibility in stock selection.
Possible underperformance in volatile markets.
Limited ability to react to market changes.
Planning for Retirement
Retirement planning should not be delayed. A systematic investment in mutual funds can create a substantial corpus. Since you have a long investment horizon, equity funds are suitable for this goal too.

Choosing Regular Funds Over Direct Funds
While direct funds have lower expense ratios, regular funds offer advantages through the guidance of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Regular funds come with:

Professional advice tailored to your financial goals.
Assistance in portfolio rebalancing.
Guidance during market volatility.
Insurance: Protection First
If you hold LIC, ULIP, or other investment-cum-insurance policies, it might be beneficial to surrender these and reinvest the proceeds into mutual funds. Pure term insurance is a better option for financial protection without the high costs of investment-linked insurance plans.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Strategy
A SIP is an excellent way to invest consistently. Here’s a proposed allocation for your Rs 8,000 monthly investment:

Children’s Education Fund: Rs 4,000
Retirement Fund: Rs 3,000
Emergency Fund: Rs 1,000
As your salary increases, you can proportionally increase these investments.

Regular Review and Rebalancing
Financial planning is not a one-time activity. Regularly review your portfolio and rebalance it to align with your goals. A CFP can assist in these reviews and make necessary adjustments.

Tax Planning and Benefits
Investments in certain mutual funds offer tax benefits under Section 80C. Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) are mutual funds that provide tax deductions and have the potential for higher returns.

Importance of Discipline and Patience
Investing is a long-term commitment. Stay disciplined with your SIPs and avoid withdrawing funds unless absolutely necessary. Patience is key to achieving your financial goals.

Final Insights
To summarize:

Start with an emergency fund for financial security.
Allocate funds to children’s education and your retirement.
Opt for actively managed mutual funds over index funds.
Consider regular funds with professional guidance over direct funds.
Review and adjust your portfolio regularly with a CFP’s help.
Take advantage of tax-saving investment options.
With disciplined saving and informed investment decisions, you can secure your children’s future and build a comfortable retirement corpus.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Latest Questions

Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4142 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

I am 30 year old father of 1 child who is 2 years 6 months old. I am earning 1 Lakh a month and currently investing 15k in mutual funds, 3.5k in PPF, 4.2K in NPS and 9.6k in LIC (Sum Insured 25L) plus additional accidental Death Benefits. I have a term Plan of 1.5 Cr and Health Insurance for 15L covering entire family. Also, a FD of 5L. I also own a land worth 16L. I have my own house. Current mutual fund portfolio stands at 8L, PPF at 1L, NPS at 2L. My monthly expenses are around 20k. I wanted to build a corpus of 3 Cr In the next 15 years. Please advise if i am on the right path to achieve the desired goal.
Ans: Assessing Your Financial Position
You're 30 years old, earning Rs. 1 lakh per month, and have diversified investments. Your goal is to build a corpus of Rs. 3 crores in the next 15 years. Let’s analyze your current situation and evaluate if you’re on the right track.

Current Investments
Mutual Funds: Rs. 15,000 per month.
PPF: Rs. 3,500 per month.
NPS: Rs. 4,200 per month.
LIC: Rs. 9,600 per month (Sum Insured 25L).
Term Plan: Rs. 1.5 crores.
Health Insurance: Rs. 15 lakhs.
Fixed Deposit: Rs. 5 lakhs.
Land: Worth Rs. 16 lakhs.
Own House: Provides stability.
Mutual Fund Portfolio: Rs. 8 lakhs.
PPF Balance: Rs. 1 lakh.
NPS Balance: Rs. 2 lakhs.
Monthly Expenses: Rs. 20,000.
You have a good mix of investments and insurance coverage, but let’s see how to optimize them to reach your goal.

Mutual Funds: The Growth Engine
Importance of Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are crucial for building wealth. They offer higher returns compared to traditional savings options over the long term. Given your age and 15-year horizon, equity mutual funds are ideal.

Enhancing Mutual Fund Investments
Current SIP: You’re investing Rs. 15,000 monthly in mutual funds. To build a corpus of Rs. 3 crores, you might need to increase this amount.
Diversification: Ensure your mutual fund portfolio is well-diversified across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. This spreads risk and enhances returns.
Regular Funds vs. Direct Funds: Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can help you select the best funds and manage your portfolio effectively. Actively managed funds, advised by a CFP, often outperform direct funds due to professional management and strategic asset allocation.
Projecting Future Corpus
Assuming an annual return of 12%, your monthly SIP of Rs. 15,000 can grow significantly in 15 years. However, to achieve Rs. 3 crores, consider increasing your SIP amount gradually as your income grows. Even small increments can have a substantial impact due to compounding.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Benefits of PPF
Your monthly investment of Rs. 3,500 in PPF is wise. PPF offers tax benefits and a safe, long-term investment. It’s a secure way to accumulate a corpus for future needs.

Continued Investment
Keep investing in PPF for its stability and tax benefits. It’s a low-risk component of your portfolio, balancing the higher risk of equity investments.

National Pension System (NPS)
Retirement Planning with NPS
Investing Rs. 4,200 monthly in NPS is beneficial for retirement planning. NPS offers tax benefits and the potential for decent returns.

Asset Allocation in NPS
Ensure you’re in the right asset allocation mix within NPS to maximize returns. Regularly review and adjust your asset allocation based on your risk tolerance and market conditions.

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)
Evaluating LIC Policies
Your Rs. 9,600 monthly LIC investment seems to be a traditional endowment or money-back policy. While LIC policies provide insurance, they often offer lower returns compared to other investment options.

Consider Surrendering Policies
Given your term plan, you might consider surrendering these policies and redirecting the funds to higher-yield investments like mutual funds. Consult your insurance provider and a CFP before making any changes.

Insurance Coverage
Adequate Term Insurance
Your term plan of Rs. 1.5 crores is excellent. It ensures your family’s financial security in case of an unfortunate event. Ensure the sum assured is adequate considering inflation and future financial needs.

Comprehensive Health Insurance
Health insurance coverage of Rs. 15 lakhs for the entire family is crucial. Medical costs can be significant, and this coverage helps mitigate financial strain due to medical emergencies.

Fixed Deposit
Safety vs. Returns
You have a fixed deposit of Rs. 5 lakhs. While FDs offer safety, their returns are relatively low. Consider moving a part of this to mutual funds or other high-yield investment options to enhance your returns.

Land and Real Estate
Asset Value
You own land worth Rs. 16 lakhs and your own house. Owning a house provides stability and saves on rent. While land is a valuable asset, it doesn’t generate regular income. Focus on investments that can provide better returns and liquidity.

Financial Goals and Projections
Setting Realistic Goals
You aim to build a corpus of Rs. 3 crores in 15 years. To achieve this, you need to strategically manage your investments and optimize your portfolio. Let’s evaluate if your current investment strategy aligns with your goal.

Projecting Future Corpus
With your current investments and contributions, you are on a good path. However, to reach Rs. 3 crores, you might need to increase your investments or optimize your portfolio for higher returns. Here’s a detailed look at your potential future corpus:

Mutual Funds: Assuming an annual return of 12%, your monthly SIP of Rs. 15,000 can grow significantly in 15 years.
PPF: With an annual return of 7.1%, your PPF investments will grow steadily.
NPS: Assuming a conservative return of 10%, your NPS contributions will help build a retirement corpus.
LIC: Depending on the returns from LIC policies, consider their future value and whether it’s beneficial to continue or redirect funds.
Investment Optimization Strategies
Increasing Mutual Fund Investments
To accelerate your corpus growth, consider increasing your monthly SIP in mutual funds. Even a small increase can significantly impact your final corpus due to the power of compounding.

Diversifying Investment Portfolio
Diversification helps in risk management. Ensure your mutual fund portfolio is well-diversified across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. This spreads risk and enhances returns.

Reviewing Asset Allocation
Regularly review your asset allocation to align with market conditions and your financial goals. Adjust your investments to maintain an optimal balance between risk and return.

Professional Guidance
Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can provide you with personalized investment strategies. A CFP can help you navigate market changes and adjust your portfolio for maximum growth.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Investments
Regular Reviews
Regularly review your investments to track their performance. Quarterly or semi-annual reviews can help you stay on track and make necessary adjustments.

Adjusting Contributions
As your income grows, consider increasing your investment contributions. This will help you reach your financial goals faster.

Rebalancing Portfolio
Rebalance your portfolio periodically to maintain the desired asset allocation. This ensures you are not overly exposed to any single asset class.

Planning for Child's Future
Your child is 2.5 years old. Planning for their future education and other needs is essential. Consider starting a dedicated investment plan for your child's education.

Simple Diversified Equity Funds
Instead of child-specific mutual funds, simple diversified equity funds can serve well for your child’s future financial needs. These funds offer growth potential and flexibility.

Balancing Family Needs
Ensure your financial plan balances your long-term goals and immediate family needs. Regularly assess and adjust your plan to align with changing family dynamics.

Final Insights
You have a strong financial foundation. With strategic adjustments and regular reviews, you can achieve your goal of Rs. 3 crores in 15 years. Focus on optimizing your mutual fund investments, leveraging professional advice, and maintaining a balanced portfolio. Your proactive approach and commitment to financial planning are commendable.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4142 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 04, 2024Hindi
Sir/s, I need financial or investment experts' advise. I am a retired 67 years old male with reasonable good health. My wife is 65 years of age. I have a corpus of 1.2 crores invested mostly in Bank F D's. @ an average interest of 6 to 7 %. I have own home. I also have some agriculture lands that gives us a return of around 2 lakhs per year. The market value of the lands is around 2•5 crores. we do not have any type of life or health insurances. our current life style requires at least Rs 1 lakh a month. I request your advise as to how to manage my money better, the investment strategies I should fallow. I am a risk averse person. Kindly advise..
Ans: First off, I must say you’ve done a great job accumulating a significant corpus and ensuring a stable lifestyle post-retirement. Let’s look into your financial situation and how we can optimize your investment strategy to ensure you continue enjoying a comfortable life.

Current Financial Situation
You are 67 years old and retired, with a corpus of Rs. 1.2 crores invested mostly in Bank FDs at an average interest of 6-7%.

Your wife is 65 years old.

You own your home, which eliminates housing costs.

You have agricultural lands that provide an additional Rs. 2 lakhs per year.

The market value of these lands is around Rs. 2.5 crores.

Your monthly lifestyle expenses are Rs. 1 lakh.

You have no life or health insurance, which is a concern given your age.

Evaluating Your Bank FD Investments
Bank FDs are safe and provide guaranteed returns, which aligns with your risk-averse nature. However, the returns from FDs, averaging 6-7%, might not be sufficient to cover inflation and your monthly expenses in the long term. Considering your need for Rs. 1 lakh per month, let’s assess how to manage and possibly diversify your investments while keeping risk low.

Agricultural Land as a Financial Asset
Your agricultural land provides a yearly return of Rs. 2 lakhs, which helps offset some of your expenses. The market value of Rs. 2.5 crores is substantial, but it is not a liquid asset. If ever there’s a need for a large sum, you might consider selling a portion of it. However, given its income-generating nature, it's best to keep it unless absolutely necessary.

Immediate Needs: Health Insurance
At your age, health insurance is crucial. Medical emergencies can be financially draining. It’s advisable to explore senior citizen health insurance plans. These plans may have higher premiums but are necessary for financial security. Ensure you get a comprehensive plan covering hospitalization, critical illnesses, and post-hospitalization expenses.

Monthly Income Strategy
You need Rs. 1 lakh per month, which is Rs. 12 lakhs annually. Your agricultural land provides Rs. 2 lakhs per year, so you need an additional Rs. 10 lakhs per year from your investments.

Fixed Deposits vs. Other Safe Investment Options
Fixed Deposits are safe but may not always beat inflation. Consider diversifying into other low-risk investment options:

Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme (SCSS)
SCSS is a government-backed scheme offering higher interest rates than regular FDs, specifically designed for senior citizens. It provides regular income and tax benefits under Section 80C.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)
POMIS is another safe investment option offering a fixed monthly income. It provides assured returns and can be a good addition to your portfolio.

Debt Mutual Funds
For slightly higher returns, consider debt mutual funds. They invest in fixed income instruments like bonds and are relatively safer than equity funds. They offer better post-tax returns compared to FDs due to indexation benefits.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
A Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) from mutual funds can provide regular income while keeping your principal amount invested. You can choose to withdraw a fixed amount regularly, providing you with a steady cash flow.

Creating a Balanced Portfolio
Given your risk aversion, a balanced portfolio with a mix of safe investments is ideal. Here’s a suggested allocation:

Fixed Deposits and SCSS: Continue with FDs but consider moving some funds to SCSS for better returns.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme: Allocate a portion to POMIS for a steady monthly income.

Debt Mutual Funds: Diversify into debt mutual funds for potentially higher post-tax returns.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): Consider SWPs from mutual funds to provide a regular income stream.

Emergency Fund
Ensure you have an emergency fund equivalent to at least 6-12 months of expenses. This fund should be kept in a liquid form, like a savings account or a liquid mutual fund, to be easily accessible during emergencies.

Reviewing Expenses
Your monthly expense requirement is Rs. 1 lakh. Regularly review your expenses to ensure they are aligned with your income. If possible, identify areas where costs can be reduced without affecting your lifestyle significantly.

Avoiding High-Risk Investments
Given your risk aversion, avoid high-risk investments like equities or real estate. Stick to safe, government-backed schemes and low-risk debt instruments.

Importance of Regular Reviews
Regularly reviewing your financial plan is crucial. Market conditions and personal circumstances change over time. Schedule periodic reviews with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to ensure your investments are on track and make necessary adjustments.

Final Insights
You’ve built a strong financial base with your corpus and assets. With strategic planning and diversification, you can ensure a steady income stream and financial security. Prioritize health insurance, diversify your investments into safe options, and keep a close eye on your expenses.

By implementing these strategies, you can continue enjoying a comfortable and secure retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Aasif Ahmed Khan

Aasif Ahmed Khan   |27 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Career Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

My son got Mechanical in NIT ROURKELA, Shall he take or go for a drop for IIT.He is an IIT aspirants. Pl.tell about droper .
Ans: If your son is genuinely passionate about IITs and willing to put in the effort, consider the drop. Otherwise, NIT Rourkela’s Mechanical Engineering is an excellent choice. Remember, both paths have their merits. Discuss this decision thoroughly with your son, considering his interests, passion and long-term goals.

If he wants to continue & not opt for drop then consider:
Dropping a year for IIT preparation is a significant decision. While the IIT tag is prestigious, it’s essential to evaluate your son’s genuine interest in the field. IITs are highly competitive, and success isn’t guaranteed even after dropping.
Consider your son’s long-term aspirations and passion for mechanical engineering or computer science.

NIT Rourkela is renowned for its excellent faculty and quality teaching. The Mechanical Engineering department has qualified professors, well-furnished laboratories, and research facilities. NIT Rourkela boasts promising placements. In 2022, the highest package was INR 46.08 LPA, and the average package was INR 20.88 LPA. Top recruiters include Apple, Google, and VISA.
Research Scope: NIT Rourkela offers good research opportunities, making it suitable for those interested in further studies.

If he wants to drop consider some points:
Advantages: Droppers get dedicated time for preparation, coaching, and self-study.
Challenges: It can be mentally taxing, and there’s no certainty of success.
Support System: Ensure a strong support system during the preparation phase.

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Aasif Ahmed Khan

Aasif Ahmed Khan   |27 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Career Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024


Sushil Sukhwani  |432 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

My son is in 9th class. I am planning for engineering from foreign University after 12th. Pls guide me the best country with financial considerations
Ans: Hello Rashmi,

First and foremost, thank you for getting in touch with us. I am happy to know that your son is currently studying in the 9th grade and further wishes to pursue engineering overseas post completing his 12th grade. To answer your question first, I would like to tell you that a number of variables, including the quality of education, living expenses, tuition costs, and possibility of scholarships, are entailed when planning for an engineering degree overseas for your son. To assisting you in deciding on the best country with monetary considerations, I would suggest that you go through the following:

Considering Germany, overseas students are charged minimal or no tuition fees by the majority of public universities. The cost of living in the country is moderate, ranging from €850-1,200 per month. The country offers outstanding education with a number of top-ranked engineering schools. Scholarships are available via DAAD and other organizations.

Coming to Australia, the tuition fees in the country are relatively high, ranging from AUD 25,000-45,000 annually. The cost of living is also high between AUD 1,500-2,500 monthly. With universities viz., the University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne, Australia offers an outstanding quality of education. Students can avail scholarships that are available via government and university programs.

Next, talking about Canada, the tuition fees in the country are higher than Germany, but relatively economical in comparison to the USA and the UK, between CAD 20,000-40,000 annually. Although it differs depending on the city, the cost of living ranges from approximately CAD 1,000-1,500 every month. Housing leading universities viz., the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia, top-notch instruction is offered in the country. There are numerous scholarships offered to overseas students via different programs.

In Ireland, the tuition fees are moderate to high, ranging from €9,000-25,000 annually. The living expenses are high, ranging from €1,000-1,800 monthly. With universities viz., Trinity College Dublin, an excellent quality of education is offered. Overseas students can avail numerous scholarships.

Coming to Netherlands, the tuition fees are moderate, ranging from €6,000-15,000 annually for non-EU students. The living cost is similar to Germany, around €800-1,200 monthly. Housing prestigious universities viz., Delft University of Technology, the quality of education offered in the country is high. There are numerous scholarships available for overseas students.

Next, in Sweden, the cost of tuition is moderate, ranging from SEK 80,000-140,000 annually. The living expenses is high, between SEK 8,000-13,000 per month. Home to institutions viz., KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the quality of education offered is high. Scholarships are available via the Swedish Institute and other sources.

I would suggest that your son begins preparing beforehand, concentrating on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and standardized tests viz., the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or IELTS. He should investigate scholarships and other forms of monetary assistance in the countries he is considering. Make sure that your son fulfills the language prerequisites for the chosen country and university. Not just that, get acquainted with the application procedure and deadlines for each country.

Bear in mind that the Netherlands and Germany are frequently suggested for their economical tuition, superior education, and low cost of living. Despite its slightly higher expenditures, Canada is also a fantastic choice for those who prefer an English-speaking environment.

For more information, you can visit our website: www.edwiseinternational.com

You can also follow us on our Instagram page: edwiseint

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Aasif Ahmed Khan

Aasif Ahmed Khan   |27 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Career Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Aasif Ahmed Khan

Aasif Ahmed Khan   |27 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Career Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Aasif Ahmed Khan

Aasif Ahmed Khan   |27 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Career Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

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