Dear Dr Upneet My Wife was having breast Pain Since 1.5 years, we consulted her gynaecea she advised for mammography and in mammography there were two test one done by solely a female staff and another was done by a male staff in presence of a female staff where she has exposed herself and I totally ignored this or gave consent as this was her medical need and as a result we came to know this is due to hormonal changes as she is going to be 40 shortly or she is going to have menopause shortly. We consulted homeopathic doctors and get relief until she intakes medicine only and felt pain again when medicine ends, this December/2024 she again asked that she is having pain and I asked her to consult lady doctor and we went to government hospital and went to breast department but due to non-availability of duty doctor we were advised to consult surgery department and we found a male doctor there. I submit our OPD slip and as this was a male doctor, so I worn my wife to ask me before obeying doctor. On our turn my wife told her problem and doctor ask her to come behind curtain and she went behind curtain without asking me. Behind the curtain doctor asked her to show her breast and she was going to pull her bra up, but I suddenly reached and shout (In Our Mother Tongue ) and stopped this and get my mind lost due to this shock. Then doctor asked me what happened I totally ignored him as I was in intention to talk with my wife and take her back. Then doctor asked her why she stopped and what I said, my wife said that he is asking for female staff and doctor said “I am a doctor and I am not having female staff and there is nothing male and female in doctor’s consultation” my wife got convinced and told me that we are continuing with this doctor I also Shaked my head as consent sign but not aware with the upcoming surprise and then she open her upper body part and doctor did whatever a husband does And I was not ready for this So, I am still in trauma due to this, but I don’t want her to show her body to any male doctor. That picture comes again and again in my eyes. I was in depression for one month and still in trauma. I have done violence once also and our relation is bitter now.
My wife was not having pain on that day (as she agreed on asking) and she get her checkup by a female doctor 10 minutes after that incident and also after 3 days of that incident by a female doctor only.
My Marriage is not arranged but one-sided love marriage (from my side) we know each other for 5 years before marriage and didn’t instead of proposing a girl directly I gave proposal of marriage through her mother and through one of my friend who is just like her brother.
We have consulted with 3 male doctor before but they Just gave her medicine and nothing else, even she went alone sometime but never happened like this and I was also comfort, but act on that day was totally disgusting and unfavourable.
As per my opinion as an example in (a+b)whole square and (a-b) whole square having distinguish sign in (2ab) in the same way consulting a male doctor and a female doctor should be distinguish unless an emergency and unavailability of female doctor in any circumstances
We have two daughters one is going to 20 by September and another is going to 15 by October and she has started honouring another paralleling disobeying me since before 2020. And get this thing realized to her 6 days before that incident and she fight on that This act of disobeying was fade due to love among us but now recalled after this incident. Now as our relation is bitter now and I am in a dilemma whether to continue with that type of character or get separated. I am not going to compensate on the ground of character shown by her but unaware of law. Please advise.
A part from this as you may be a sikh we are connected with Gurbani and Gurmukhi. With the gurus blessing I am damn good in Gurmukhi reading and have taken hukumnama in 2022. And My wife also learnt Gurmukhi in 2022 and having nem of 2 or 3 banis. JAP, SO-DAR and perhaps sohilla
Bani Says
"Khasam wisare te kamjaat"
"Khasam wisaar khuari keeni"
As this incident come again and again in my eyes
Bani Says "Ant Kaal Jo Istri Simre aisi chinta mein je mare, besua jon wal wal autare"
So she demolished the trust and my remaining life as well as the life after death.
While writing the above message i can recall aboves only.
Please advise whether to live together or get seperated
Ans: Hello sir,
This incident was not your wife's mistake. As doctors, our intentions are pretty clear while we are dealing with the patients. But of course there are some rules and regulations of medical practice. This is a rule that whenever patient is female and doctor is male then a female staff or attendant should be there for examination.
But if in case it was done without female staff, in that case also your wife is not at fault. Secondly breast examination is done only after touching and properly examining the breasts. It's a normal procedure. So plz don't bring this in your mind and continue to live with your partner happily. I hope your dilemma is gone now. Take care !
Dr Upneet kaur
Reach me: https://www.instagram.com/dr_upneet