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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4277 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Prashant Question by Prashant on Jul 03, 2024Hindi

Hi Sir, - I am investing in 2 mutual funds from last three years through SIP. 1. SBI balanced advantage fund-Growth Rs. 2500 per month 2. NIMF Flexi cap fund - Growth. Rs 3000 per month Please advise if I should continue investing in above funds or should switch to some other fund?

Ans: You've taken a great step towards securing your financial future by investing in mutual funds through SIPs. Consistency in investments like this is the key to building wealth over time. Let's delve into the specifics of your current investments and explore whether continuing with these funds or making adjustments aligns better with your long-term goals.

Analyzing Your Current Mutual Fund Investments
SBI Balanced Advantage Fund - Growth
Balanced Approach: This fund is a balanced advantage fund. It dynamically adjusts its allocation between equity and debt based on market conditions. This helps in managing risk while aiming for moderate growth.

Risk Management: Balanced funds are less volatile compared to pure equity funds. They offer stability during market downturns due to their debt component.

Growth Potential: By maintaining a balance between equity and debt, this fund seeks to provide steady returns. The equity part provides growth, while the debt part provides stability.

Three-Year Performance: Considering your three-year investment period, balanced advantage funds generally provide a smoother return trajectory. They protect you during market corrections while still participating in market rallies.

NIMF Flexi Cap Fund - Growth
Flexibility in Stock Selection: Flexi cap funds invest across large, mid, and small-cap stocks. This flexibility allows the fund manager to pick stocks from any segment, aiming to capitalize on opportunities across the market.

Diversification Benefits: By investing in companies of different sizes and sectors, flexi cap funds offer diversified exposure. This can reduce the impact of a downturn in any single sector or market cap segment.

Growth Potential: Flexi cap funds have the potential for higher returns due to their diversified equity exposure. They can tap into growth stories in both established and emerging companies.

Adapting to Market Conditions: These funds can adapt their portfolio based on market conditions and opportunities. This dynamic approach can enhance returns over the long term.

Evaluating Whether to Continue or Switch
Key Factors to Consider
Performance Consistency: Check the performance of these funds over the past three to five years compared to their benchmarks and peers. Consistent outperformance is a good indicator of a reliable fund.

Fund Management: The experience and strategy of the fund manager play a crucial role in a fund's success. Look for funds managed by experienced managers with a proven track record.

Risk Profile: Ensure the risk level of the funds matches your risk tolerance and financial goals. Balanced funds are more conservative, while flexi cap funds are suitable for moderate to high risk-takers.

Expense Ratio: Lower expense ratios mean more of your money is invested in the market rather than being spent on fees. Compare the expense ratios of your funds with others in the same category.

Investment Horizon: Align your funds with your investment horizon. For long-term goals, equity-oriented funds like flexi cap funds are ideal. For medium-term goals, balanced funds provide a good mix of growth and stability.

Deciding to Continue or Switch
SBI Balanced Advantage Fund:

If you seek moderate growth with reduced volatility, continuing with this fund is a sound choice. Its balanced nature provides a cushion against market swings.
However, if your goal is long-term and you can handle more risk, you might consider increasing allocation to pure equity funds for higher growth potential.
NIMF Flexi Cap Fund:

Given its diversified and dynamic equity exposure, this fund is well-suited for long-term growth. If it has performed well compared to its benchmark and peers, continuing is wise.
If you're looking for even higher growth and are comfortable with higher risk, you might explore other equity funds or even sector-specific funds for targeted exposure.
Exploring Additional Investment Options
Actively Managed Equity Funds
Large Cap Funds: These funds invest in large, established companies. They offer stability and moderate growth, suitable for conservative investors seeking steady returns.

Mid Cap Funds: Investing in medium-sized companies, mid cap funds have higher growth potential but come with increased volatility. They are ideal for investors with a higher risk appetite.

Small Cap Funds: Small cap funds target smaller companies with high growth potential. They can offer substantial returns but also carry significant risk and volatility.

Sector/Thematic Funds: These funds focus on specific sectors like technology, healthcare, or financial services. They provide targeted exposure but are riskier due to concentration in one sector.

Debt Funds for Stability
Short-Term Debt Funds: These funds invest in short-duration debt instruments. They are less sensitive to interest rate changes and provide stable returns with lower risk.

Corporate Bond Funds: Investing in high-quality corporate bonds, these funds offer higher returns than government securities while maintaining relatively low risk.

Dynamic Bond Funds: These funds actively manage their portfolio across various debt instruments based on interest rate movements. They aim to maximize returns through strategic allocation.

Hybrid Funds for Balanced Approach
Aggressive Hybrid Funds: These funds invest predominantly in equities but also have a significant debt component. They offer high growth potential with moderate risk.

Conservative Hybrid Funds: With a higher allocation to debt and a smaller portion in equity, these funds provide stability with some growth. They are suitable for conservative investors.

Leveraging Compounding and SIPs
Power of Compounding: Long-term investments benefit immensely from compounding. The returns generated on your investments are reinvested, generating additional returns over time. This exponential growth can significantly increase your wealth.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs): SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly, averaging out market volatility and cost. This disciplined approach helps build a substantial corpus over time without worrying about market timing.

Potential Challenges and How to Address Them
Market Volatility
Equity Market Swings: Equity investments are subject to market fluctuations. Staying invested through market cycles and avoiding panic selling during downturns is crucial for long-term success.

Balanced Funds Stability: Balanced funds provide a buffer during market volatility through their debt component. However, they might underperform in a strong bull market compared to pure equity funds.

Economic and Policy Changes
Impact on Debt Funds: Changes in interest rates and government policies can affect debt fund returns. Keeping an eye on economic indicators and adjusting debt fund allocations accordingly is important.

Sectoral Risks: Thematic and sector funds are exposed to risks specific to their focus areas. Diversifying across sectors or choosing broader equity funds can mitigate these risks.

Fund Management Changes
Manager Changes: The performance of actively managed funds depends significantly on the fund manager. Changes in the management team can impact the fund’s strategy and performance.

Regular Monitoring: It’s essential to review your fund’s performance periodically. Consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for insights on whether to stay invested or switch funds.

Benefits of Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Expertise and Guidance: A CFP brings expertise and personalized advice tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance. They help in selecting funds that align with your investment strategy.

Portfolio Optimization: CFPs provide ongoing support in reviewing and optimizing your portfolio. They help rebalance your investments to stay aligned with changing market conditions and personal goals.

Financial Planning: Beyond investment advice, a CFP offers comprehensive financial planning. They assist in budgeting, insurance planning, retirement planning, and achieving overall financial well-being.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that a professional is managing your investments provides peace of mind. It allows you to focus on other aspects of life while ensuring your financial goals are on track.

Final Insights
Your current investments in SBI Balanced Advantage Fund and NIMF Flexi Cap Fund show a good mix of growth and stability. Balanced funds offer safety during volatile times, while flexi cap funds provide growth through dynamic equity exposure.

Considering your goals, it’s important to regularly review these funds’ performance and alignment with your risk tolerance. If you seek higher growth and can handle more risk, exploring additional equity funds or reallocating to higher-performing funds may be beneficial.

Engaging with a Certified Financial Planner can offer invaluable guidance. They can help tailor your investment strategy, optimize your portfolio, and provide ongoing support to achieve your financial objectives. Your disciplined SIP approach and diversified fund selection set a solid foundation for long-term wealth creation.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4277 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

Question by ASHOK GUGGARI I am 60. I have been reading your replies on Rediff.com and getting a lot of information from them for investment in mutual funds. I need your precious opinion on the following mutual funds in my MF portfolio. Recently, I have started SIPs in SBI contra & small cap fund growth of Rs 5,000 per month in each. And iam having SIP in ICICI prudential india oprtunity and large and mid cap fund Rs 6000 in each. In icici prudential flexi fund invested Rs 13,00,000 one and half year back. Kindly advice whether to change or continue.. Ashok Guggari
Ans: Dear Ashok,

It's wonderful to hear that you've found valuable information in the responses provided. When it comes to managing your MF portfolio, it's essential to regularly review your investments to ensure they align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Consider factors such as fund performance, investment strategy, and your own investment objectives.

Reflect on whether the funds you've chosen are still suitable for your current circumstances and long-term goals. Are they performing as expected, or are there better alternatives available? Remember, staying informed and proactive is key to optimizing your investment journey.

As you navigate your investment decisions, always keep your financial well-being at the forefront. Seeking guidance from a Certified Financial Planner can offer personalized insights tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.

Wishing you continued success on your investment journey!

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4277 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 17, 2024

Hello Sir, I m 42, Investing in Mutual fund from last 2 years, following are the SIP's Quant infrastructure- Rs.3000 Quant Small cap- Rs.3000 Parag Parikh Flaxi cap- Rs. 3000 Nippon large cap - Rs. 3000 Newly started Motilal Oswal Midcap- Rs. 3000 Newly started Quant Multi asset fund- Rs. 3000 Newly started Please let me know if needs any changes and my investment span will be 15-20 years.
Ans: Evaluating Mutual Fund Portfolio for Long-Term Goals
As a Certified Financial Planner, I understand the importance of optimizing your mutual fund portfolio to achieve your long-term financial goals. Let's analyze your current investments and assess if any changes are necessary for your investment horizon of 15-20 years.

Genuine Appreciation for Long-Term Investment Horizon
I appreciate your commitment to long-term investing, which is essential for wealth accumulation and financial security over time.

Analyzing Current Investments
Existing SIPs:
Quant Infrastructure Fund
Quant Small Cap Fund
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund
Nippon Large Cap Fund
Newly Started SIPs:
Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund
Quant Multi Asset Fund
Assessing Portfolio Composition
Pros of Current Portfolio:
Diversification: Your portfolio includes funds across various market segments, providing diversification benefits.
Potential for Growth: Each fund targets different sectors and market capitalizations, offering growth opportunities.
Considerations for Changes:
Risk Management: Evaluate the risk exposure of newly started funds and ensure they align with your risk tolerance and investment objectives.
Performance Review: Regularly monitor the performance of all funds to ensure they meet expectations and remain suitable for your goals.
Cost Analysis: Consider the expense ratios and fees associated with each fund to optimize your overall portfolio cost.
Conclusion and Recommendation
Given your investment horizon of 15-20 years, it's crucial to:

Stay Invested: Continue investing systematically in mutual funds to benefit from long-term compounding.
Review Periodically: Periodically review your portfolio performance and make adjustments if necessary to align with changing market conditions and financial goals.
Consult a Financial Planner: Consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner to get personalized advice tailored to your specific financial situation and goals.
Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |1381 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 05, 2024

Hi, I m a CA & 49 years old now, have been in a PSB since 2008. I have been workaholic since inception & I thought why not I should quit & start my practice, which is my dream since I qualified as a CA. Due to economic conditions, I took employment & have been in Bank till now. I know for sure it will take at least 1 to 2 years to achieve break even. With this 15 years of PF & other retirement benefits would back me & my family till my income gets stabilised. Please suggest me.
Ans: You have mentioned you have been with PSB since 2008 i.e. for the last 16-years (from your age of 33-years. This is your 1st job or you used to work before 33-years of age? Secondly, you have not mentioned about your children, how many children you have? what they are studying now & what about their future education goals? In near future, what all financial obligations you have for your children's studies? You have additional qualifications / certifications related to CA after you joined PSB? Before starting your practice, you should decide what all specailized services you can provide? How to get clients? Through Bank's Networks, will you be able to get clients? Where to set up your office? Finance Required to register your Firm & to meet other expenses? Life & Medical Insurance Coverage for you & for your family members? Please take time & think over all these factors. Once you are confident & have planned well, after taking into consideration these factors, you can go ahead. It is suggested, NOT to resign your current job from PSB, UNTIL you fully set up your CA Firm. All the BEST Sir.

To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs’, ask / Follow Us here in RediffGURUS.

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |1381 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 05, 2024

Sir, My son is getting in Honour Maths in University of Waterloo, Electrical Engg in NUS Singapore. Here, In india he ia getting Civil in IIT Ghandhi nagar. Any suggestions?
Ans: Ronak Sir, (1) It is advisable to pursue Graduation in India and work for 2-3 years. (2) Or on the basis of his Academic Performance, His Interest, Co & Extra-curricular Activities, His Personality Traits & Soft Skills Development (during his BTech), you can decide for his Masters Abroad, after his Graduation. (3) Or he can work for 2-3 years and then think about Abroad Education. (4) Just to study abroad, some students / parents choose wrong Streams and spend a lot of money without knowing the job prospects there and / or blindly accept the admission, recommended by the Abroad Education Consultants / Firms (5) Before approaching any Abroad Education Consultant, it is always ideal to make a thorough Research (at least basic research) about the Abroad Universities / its QS Ranking / Job Prosects / Work Permit Rules etc. at the same time, keeping in view the Children's Interest / Personality Traits. (6) Regarding his Civil in IIT-Gandhi Nagar, I suggest not to accept the seat, only because he is getting confirmed admission UNLESS he is very much interested in Civil. (7) Please wait for some more rounds in JOSAA Counselling for any other Streams, he is interested in or prefers. (8) Or alternately, you can try to get admission through Management Quota (MQ ) with any one of the reputed / top-ranked College either in your State or anywhere in India you prefer. Donation / Yearly fees depends upon the College / Stream your son prefers / chooses. (9) If still abroad education is preferred by you / by your Son, you can go ahead with any one of the 2-options based on your preferences of Country / Location / University / Fees Structure / Stream. Ronak Sir, I have clarified your doubts. All the BEST for your Son's Bright Future.

To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs’, ask / Follow Us here in RediffGURUS.

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