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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 17, 2024Hindi

Iam investing 28000 into sip and 50000 per year for Bajaj wealth scheme, I have term insurance of 50 lakhs and 10.5 lakh corpus into my funds I want to retire in my 50 ( my age is 35 )

Ans: Evaluating Your Current Financial Strategy
It's impressive that you are actively investing towards your retirement goals. You have taken significant steps with your SIPs and insurance. However, to optimize your financial strategy, some adjustments can be made to better align with your goals of retiring by 50.

Assessing the Bajaj Wealth Scheme
The Bajaj wealth scheme combines insurance and investment. However, these plans often have high fees and lower returns compared to mutual funds. Surrendering this policy and redirecting the funds into mutual funds can be more beneficial. Mutual funds typically offer higher returns due to lower costs and professional fund management.

Benefits of Surrendering Insurance-Cum-Investment Policies
Insurance-cum-investment policies often underperform compared to dedicated investment products. They have high charges and lower flexibility. By surrendering the Bajaj wealth scheme, you can avoid these high fees. This move will allow you to invest in more efficient financial instruments.

Redirecting Funds to Mutual Funds
Redirecting your funds from the Bajaj wealth scheme to mutual funds can significantly boost your retirement corpus. Mutual funds offer diversified investment options, managed by financial experts. They provide the potential for higher returns, which is crucial for reaching your retirement goals.

Increasing Your SIP Contributions
Currently, you are investing ?28,000 per month in SIPs. To retire comfortably by 50, consider increasing this amount annually. Incremental increases, aligned with your income growth, can leverage the power of compounding. This strategy can greatly enhance your retirement savings over time.

Advantages of Actively Managed Mutual Funds
Actively managed funds have a professional fund manager making strategic investment decisions. They can adapt to market changes, aiming to maximize returns. This flexibility and professional management can lead to better performance compared to index funds.

Importance of Regular Portfolio Review
Regularly reviewing your portfolio is crucial. Market conditions change, and your investment strategy should adapt accordingly. Consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) ensures your investments remain aligned with your retirement goals. A CFP can provide tailored advice based on market trends and your personal financial situation.

Enhancing Term Insurance Coverage
Your term insurance coverage of ?50 lakhs is a good start. However, as your financial responsibilities grow, consider increasing your coverage. Adequate term insurance ensures financial security for your family in case of unforeseen events.

Building an Emergency Fund
Ensure you have an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This fund provides financial security and prevents you from withdrawing your investments during emergencies. Maintaining this fund is crucial for financial stability.

Diversification and Risk Management
Diversification reduces investment risk. Spread your investments across various sectors and types of funds. This strategy ensures that potential losses in one sector do not significantly impact your overall portfolio. Actively managed funds offer this diversification and professional management.

Avoiding Common Investment Pitfalls
Avoid emotional investment decisions and chasing high returns without understanding the risks. Stay focused on your long-term goals and maintain a disciplined investment approach. Regular consultation with a CFP can help you stay on track.

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach
You are on the right path to achieving your retirement goals by 50. Surrendering the Bajaj wealth scheme and redirecting those funds into mutual funds can enhance your portfolio’s performance. Increasing your SIP contributions, maintaining adequate insurance, and building an emergency fund are crucial steps. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio with professional guidance. Your proactive approach and disciplined strategy will help you achieve financial independence.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 08, 2024

i am 37 years old.i want to have retirement corpus of 10 crore & retire when i am 55 years old. i am currently doing the following SIP.axis small cap fund 6500, Nippon small cap fund 6500, Mahindra manulife small cap fund 6500, icici prudential nifty midcap 150 index fund 11000, navi nifty next 50 index fund 12000, parag parikh flexicap fund 13000, bandhan nifty 50 index fund 12000, hdfc dividend yield fund 4000, bandhan sterling value fund 4000
Ans: It's commendable that you have a clear retirement goal and are taking proactive steps to achieve it through SIP investments. Here's some guidance to help you reach your target retirement corpus of 10 crores by the age of 55:
1. Evaluate Your Investment Portfolio: Review your existing SIP investments to ensure they are aligned with your long-term retirement goal. Assess the performance of each fund and make adjustments if necessary to optimize returns.
2. Diversification: While your current portfolio consists of a mix of small cap, mid cap, flexi cap, dividend yield, and index funds, consider diversifying further across asset classes such as equity, debt, and hybrid funds. This diversification can help mitigate risk and enhance returns over time.
3. Risk Management: As you approach retirement, gradually shift your investment focus towards more conservative options to safeguard your accumulated wealth. Balance the growth potential of equity funds with the stability of debt and hybrid funds to manage risk effectively.
4. Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing: Stay vigilant and monitor the performance of your SIPs regularly. Periodically rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation and adapt to changing market conditions.
5. Consult with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP): Seek professional guidance from a Certified Financial Planner who can assess your financial situation, analyze your investment portfolio, and recommend personalized strategies to achieve your retirement goals. A CFP can offer valuable insights and help you navigate complex financial decisions effectively.
6. Stay Disciplined and Patient: Building a substantial retirement corpus requires discipline, patience, and a long-term investment horizon. Stay focused on your goal, avoid impulsive decisions, and continue contributing diligently towards your SIPs to accumulate wealth systematically over time.
7. Given your retirement aspirations, it's crucial to tailor your investment strategy to maximize returns and mitigate risks. While index funds offer certain advantages, such as low fees and broad market exposure, they also come with drawbacks that may not align with your long-term financial goals:
Disadvantages of Index Funds:
a. Limited Scope for Outperformance: Index funds aim to replicate the performance of a specific market index, which means they can't outperform the market. If you seek above-average returns, actively managed funds may offer more potential for outperformance through skilled fund management and stock selection.
b. Lack of Flexibility: Index funds adhere strictly to the composition of their underlying index, limiting the fund manager's ability to capitalize on emerging opportunities or adjust the portfolio in response to changing market conditions. Actively managed funds have the flexibility to adapt their investment strategies dynamically, potentially enhancing returns and managing risk more effectively.
c. Inability to Mitigate Risk: Index funds are passively managed and hold all the stocks within the index, including those with high levels of risk or poor fundamentals. In contrast, actively managed funds can employ risk management techniques, such as sector rotation or stock selection, to mitigate downside risk and preserve capital during market downturns.
Benefits of Actively Managed Funds:
i. Potential for Alpha Generation: Actively managed funds are run by professional fund managers who aim to generate alpha, or returns that exceed the benchmark index. Through in-depth research, market analysis, and active decision-making, fund managers seek to identify undervalued securities and capitalize on market inefficiencies to enhance returns.
ii. Dynamic Portfolio Management: Actively managed funds have the flexibility to deviate from the benchmark index and capitalize on investment opportunities across different market conditions. Fund managers can adjust the portfolio allocation, sector exposure, and stock selection based on their market outlook and investment objectives, potentially optimizing returns and managing risk more effectively.
iii. Tailored Investment Approach: Actively managed funds offer a personalized investment approach tailored to specific investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Fund managers can incorporate qualitative factors, fundamental analysis, and macroeconomic trends into their investment decisions, providing investors with a diversified and actively managed portfolio designed to achieve their financial goals.
Remember, achieving financial independence in retirement is a journey that requires careful planning, commitment, and perseverance. By following a well-thought-out investment strategy and seeking expert advice when needed, you can pave the way for a secure and comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Certified Financial Planner

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 30, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir, My current age is 45 yrs & take home salary is 1.5 Lacs , i want to retire at the age of 60 with 5cr corpuses..please suggest SIPs & MF
Ans: It's great to see your proactive approach towards retirement planning. Achieving a corpus of 5 crores by the age of 60 is an ambitious yet achievable goal with proper planning and disciplined investing. Here are some suggestions for SIPs and mutual funds to help you work towards your retirement goal:

Determine Investment Amount:
Start by assessing how much you can comfortably invest each month towards your retirement goal. Since you're aiming for a substantial corpus, consider maximizing your SIP contributions to the extent possible.
Selecting SIPs:
Opt for a diversified portfolio of mutual funds across various categories such as large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, and flexi-cap funds.
Allocate your SIP investments based on your risk tolerance, time horizon, and investment objectives.
Consider SIPs with a consistent track record of delivering above-average returns over the long term.
Recommended Mutual Funds:
Large-cap funds: These funds invest in established companies with stable track records and are relatively less volatile.
Mid-cap and small-cap funds: These funds have the potential to generate higher returns over the long term but come with higher volatility. Invest in them cautiously.
Flexi-cap funds: These funds offer flexibility to invest across market capitalizations based on market conditions and fund manager's discretion.
Consider SIPs in reputable mutual fund schemes with a proven track record of wealth creation and consistent performance.
Consultation and Review:
It's essential to periodically review your investment portfolio and make adjustments based on changing market conditions, financial goals, and risk appetite.
Consider consulting with a certified financial planner who can assess your financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment goals to provide personalized recommendations.
Discipline and Patience:
Remember that achieving long-term financial goals like retirement requires discipline, patience, and regular monitoring of your investments.
Stay committed to your SIPs, avoid succumbing to short-term market fluctuations, and focus on the long-term growth potential of your investments.
By adhering to a systematic investment approach, diversifying your portfolio, and staying focused on your retirement objective, you can work towards building a substantial corpus of 5 crores by the time you retire at the age of 60.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 13, 2024

My age is 42yrs, having a wife and child age 6yrs, want to retire at the age of 53-54yrs, I have term plan of 1.5cr, family health insurance of 60L, SIP(small + mid + multi + momentum fund) Rs 65K/month, current SIP value Rs 50L, my current per month expense except SIP is Rs 130000/- approx, please suggest what to do for my smooth retirement life
Ans: It's admirable that you're actively planning for your retirement, considering your family's needs and aspirations. Let's evaluate your current financial situation and chart a course towards a smooth retirement.

At 42, with a term plan of 1.5 crores and a family health insurance cover of 60 lakhs, you've taken crucial steps to protect your family's financial well-being in case of unforeseen events. These measures provide a safety net, ensuring financial stability during challenging times.

Investing 65K per month in SIPs across small, mid, multi, and momentum funds showcases a diversified approach to wealth accumulation. Your current SIP value of 50 lakhs reflects consistent savings and prudent investment decisions.

To ensure a smooth retirement, it's essential to estimate your post-retirement expenses and assess if your current savings and investments align with your retirement goals. Consider factors such as inflation, lifestyle expenses, healthcare costs, and any other financial obligations.

Given your current monthly expenses, it's crucial to evaluate if your retirement corpus will be sufficient to maintain your desired lifestyle post-retirement. If there's a shortfall, you may need to consider increasing your savings rate or exploring alternative investment strategies to bridge the gap.

Additionally, review your asset allocation and risk tolerance to ensure they are in line with your retirement timeline and goals. As you approach retirement age, gradually transitioning to more conservative investment options can help protect your accumulated wealth.

Consulting with a Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. They can conduct a comprehensive retirement analysis, recommend suitable investment strategies, and help you navigate potential challenges along the way.

By taking proactive steps now and staying committed to your long-term financial goals, you can pave the way for a smooth and fulfilling retirement life for you and your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 07, 2024Hindi
I am 31, investing approx 80k per month in SIP, with a current corpus of 50L. I also have 1.2Cr in foreign stocks which have been performing really well, 10L in Indian stock market and another 15L in PPF and NPS. I want to retire by the time I'm 45 with an expected earning of 1L per month. Any suggestions or ideas?
Ans: It's impressive to see your proactive approach to financial planning at 31! With a diversified investment portfolio and a clear retirement goal, you're on the right track to achieve financial independence by the age of 45. Here are some suggestions to help you reach your retirement target:

Assess Retirement Needs: Start by estimating your retirement expenses to determine how much you'll need to generate 1L per month in passive income. Consider factors such as inflation, healthcare costs, and lifestyle preferences.

Review Investment Portfolio: Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your retirement goals and risk tolerance. Consider rebalancing if necessary to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Maximize Contributions: Continue maximizing your SIP contributions to build wealth over time. Consider increasing your monthly SIP amounts as your income grows to accelerate wealth accumulation.

Utilize Tax-Efficient Investments: Explore tax-efficient investment options such as ELSS, PPF, and NPS to minimize tax liability and maximize returns. Take advantage of tax-saving opportunities to optimize your investment strategy.

Diversify Income Streams: Look for opportunities to diversify your sources of income beyond investments. Consider generating passive income through rental properties, royalties, or online businesses to supplement your investment earnings.

Monitor Foreign and Indian Stocks: Keep a close eye on your foreign and Indian stock holdings to capitalize on growth opportunities and mitigate risks. Consider rebalancing your stock portfolio periodically to manage volatility and optimize returns.

Plan for Healthcare Costs: Factor in healthcare expenses when planning for retirement. Consider purchasing health insurance coverage to protect against unexpected medical costs and ensure peace of mind during retirement.

Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who can provide personalized advice and help you develop a comprehensive retirement plan tailored to your specific goals and circumstances.

With a disciplined approach to savings, strategic investments, and prudent financial planning, you can work towards achieving your retirement goal of generating 1L per month in passive income by the age of 45.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 10, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 18, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am male, divorced, currently drawing a monthly inhand salary of about 130000, have parental house although staying in a rental accommodation for job, have a MF Portfolio of 14.5 lakhs and a yearly investment of 260000 in SIP model, stocks worth 300000 and FDs worth 600000 and trying to step up SIP by 25 % y-o-y basis. I also have PPF of 200000 and Life insurance of 300000 at maturity and a medical insurance by my company. I am 34 now and want to retire by 50 with a corpus of 10 crore and monthly pension yield of 100000.
Ans: You've done a great job managing your finances so far. Let's look at your current situation and work towards your goal of retiring by 50 with a corpus of Rs 10 crore and a monthly pension of Rs 1,00,000.

Current Financial Snapshot
You have a solid foundation with diverse investments:

Monthly Salary: Rs 1,30,000
Mutual Fund Portfolio: Rs 14.5 lakhs
Annual SIP Investment: Rs 2,60,000
Stocks: Rs 3,00,000
Fixed Deposits (FDs): Rs 6,00,000
Public Provident Fund (PPF): Rs 2,00,000
Life Insurance: Rs 3,00,000 at maturity
Medical Insurance: Provided by your company
You're also planning to increase your SIP by 25% year-on-year, which is commendable.

Setting Clear Financial Goals
Your main goals are:

Retirement Corpus: Rs 10 crore by age 50
Monthly Pension: Rs 1,00,000 post-retirement
Let's explore how to achieve these goals with a strategic investment plan.

Building a Strong Retirement Corpus
To accumulate Rs 10 crore in 16 years, you'll need a mix of high-growth investments and consistent saving habits. Here's a detailed plan:

Increasing SIP Investments
Your current SIP investment of Rs 2,60,000 per year is a good start. Increasing it by 25% year-on-year will significantly boost your corpus. Here's how SIPs can help:

Rupee Cost Averaging: Investing regularly reduces the impact of market volatility.
Power of Compounding: Reinvesting returns can lead to exponential growth over time.
Discipline: SIPs instill a disciplined approach to investing.
Equity Mutual Funds for Growth
Equity mutual funds should form the core of your investment strategy. They offer higher returns over the long term compared to other asset classes. Here's a suggested allocation:

Large Cap Funds: Invest in established companies for stable growth.
Mid Cap Funds: Target medium-sized companies with higher growth potential.
Small Cap Funds: Focus on smaller companies for aggressive growth.
Flexi Cap Funds: Provide a balanced approach by investing across market capitalizations.
Avoiding Index Funds
Index funds track market indices and have lower costs. However, actively managed funds can potentially offer higher returns. Fund managers actively select stocks to outperform the market, making them a better choice for maximizing returns.

The Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds have lower expense ratios but require a lot of time and expertise to manage effectively. Investing through regular funds via a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) credential provides expert advice and continuous monitoring of your portfolio.

Diversifying Investments
Diversification reduces risk by spreading investments across various asset classes. Here’s a diversified investment strategy:

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt funds provide stability and are less volatile than equity funds. They are ideal for balancing the risk in your portfolio. Consider:

Corporate Bond Funds: Invest in high-quality corporate bonds for moderate returns with low risk.
Short Duration Funds: Suitable for 1-3 year investment horizons with moderate risk.
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a safe, long-term investment with attractive interest rates and tax benefits. Continue investing in PPF to build a secure corpus. It complements the high-risk equity investments with its assured returns.

Importance of Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing
Investing is not a one-time activity. Regularly monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio ensures it stays aligned with your goals. Market conditions change, and so should your investment strategy. A Certified Financial Planner can help with this ongoing process.

Risk Management and Insurance
Adequate insurance coverage is crucial to protect your financial future. Ensure you have sufficient life insurance and health insurance. Your company's medical insurance is good, but consider a personal health insurance policy for additional coverage.

Tax Planning
Efficient tax planning maximizes your returns. Utilize tax-saving instruments like Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) and PPF to reduce your tax liability and increase your investment corpus.

Building an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is essential to cover unexpected expenses without dipping into your investments. Aim to save at least 6 months of your expenses in a liquid fund. This ensures quick access to funds in case of emergencies.

Power of Compounding
Compounding is a powerful concept in investing. By reinvesting earnings, you earn returns on both your initial investment and the returns generated. This snowball effect can lead to substantial growth over time. Starting early and staying invested are key to maximizing the benefits of compounding.

Evaluating Your Current Investments
Let's take a closer look at your existing investments and how they align with your goals:

Mutual Fund Portfolio: Rs 14.5 lakhs is a solid start. Continue increasing your SIP investments as planned.
Stocks: Rs 3,00,000 in stocks provides exposure to direct equity. Ensure you diversify across different sectors to manage risk.
Fixed Deposits (FDs): Rs 6,00,000 in FDs offers safety but lower returns. Consider shifting a portion to debt funds for better returns.
PPF: Rs 2,00,000 in PPF is a good long-term investment. Continue contributing regularly.
Life Insurance: Rs 3,00,000 maturity value is low. Consider increasing your life insurance coverage for better financial protection.
Step-Up SIP Strategy
Your plan to step up SIP investments by 25% year-on-year is excellent. This strategy leverages the power of compounding and rupee cost averaging to build a substantial corpus over time. Here's how it works:

Year 1: Invest Rs 2,60,000
Year 2: Increase by 25%, invest Rs 3,25,000
Year 3: Increase by 25%, invest Rs 4,06,250
And so on...
Retirement Planning
Achieving a corpus of Rs 10 crore by age 50 requires disciplined saving and smart investing. Here's a detailed plan:

Aggressive Growth Phase (34-44 years): Focus on equity mutual funds and increase SIPs yearly.
Moderate Growth Phase (45-50 years): Gradually shift a portion of equity investments to debt funds to reduce risk.
Post-Retirement Phase: Create a monthly pension of Rs 1,00,000 by investing in a mix of debt funds, balanced funds, and annuities.
Benefits of a Certified Financial Planner
Working with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) ensures expert advice and personalized investment strategies. CFPs provide continuous monitoring of your portfolio, helping you adapt to changing market conditions and stay aligned with your financial goals.

Investing in Yourself
Investing in your skills and education can lead to higher earning potential. Continuous learning and upgrading skills can open up better job opportunities and career growth, leading to higher savings and investments.

Final Insights
You're on the right track with your diversified investments and disciplined saving habits. By following this strategic plan, you can achieve your goal of retiring by 50 with a corpus of Rs 10 crore and a monthly pension of Rs 1,00,000. Keep increasing your SIPs, monitor your investments regularly, and work with a Certified Financial Planner to ensure a secure financial future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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