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Sanjeev Govila  |458 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Dec 06, 2023

Colonel Sanjeev Govila (retd) is the founder of Hum Fauji Initiatives, a financial planning company dedicated to the armed forces personnel and their families.
He has over 12 years of experience in financial planning and is a SEBI certified registered investment advisor; he is also accredited with AMFI and IRDA.... more
Ratan Question by Ratan on Dec 05, 2023Hindi

Sir, I am 61 yrs. old. I want to start SIP of 1000 pm for 3 yrs., in which I can start, so i can get max. return?

Ans: Systematic Investment Plan is the best way to build a corpus. This also instils discipline in investing.

When going for a mutual fund, 3 years is short duration. Always invest for a longer term, say 5 - 7 years or may be even longer to make best use of the market fluctuations.

Choice of Mutual fund depends on the purpose and risk appetite.

If you are old and are a dependent (Low risk appetite): At this point it is better to stick to debt funds/hybrid funds. These are less prone to the market fluctuations since their exposure to equities is very minimal.

There are other schemes as well other than MFs:

1.Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS) -8.20% p.a. ; Rs. 1,000(Min Investment)
2.Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS) - 7.40% p.a. ; Rs. 1,500(Min Investment)
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 12, 2024Hindi

Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 01, 2024Hindi
I am 40 year old want to invest in mutual fund sip for 10 years and at the age 51 I want 5 cr
Ans: That's a positive step towards your financial future! Investing in SIPs for the next 10 years is a great approach. Let's discuss your goal and how to approach it:

1. Starting Strong!

Good Decision! Starting a SIP at 40 shows initiative. However, building a Rs. 5 crore corpus in 10 years is ambitious.

Market Performance Matters: Equity investments (like SIPs) can be volatile. Guaranteed returns are difficult to predict due to market fluctuations.

2. Understanding Your Goal:

Ambitious Target: A Rs. 5 crore corpus in 10 years requires a high investment amount or exceptional returns. Both have challenges.

Time Horizon is Key: A longer investment horizon allows for compounding and potentially reaching larger sums.

3. Let's Do the Math (Hypothetically):

Hypothetical Example: Assuming a hypothetical 15% annual return (past performance is not a guarantee of future results), a monthly SIP of Rs. 1,20,000 for 10 years could lead to a corpus of around Rs. 2 crore.

Reaching the Target: The above example shows a gap between your target corpus and the potential accumulation. Consider these options:

Increase SIP amount: If possible, significantly increase your SIP amount to reach your target faster.
Seek Professional Guidance: A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can analyze your risk tolerance, investment goals, and suggest a personalized strategy to potentially maximize your returns and reach your target corpus.
Remember, reaching your financial goals requires discipline, potentially increasing your investment amount, and a realistic understanding of market returns. Consulting a CFP can help you create a roadmap that considers your risk tolerance and suggests strategies to get you closer to your goals.

Here's the key takeaway: You're on the right track! Consider consulting a CFP for a personalized plan and potentially adjust your target corpus based on a realistic investment approach.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 08, 2024

Iam 38 years old i need 5cr corpus in 55 years i have started sip of amount 7500 with 15% returns now value 1 lakh.
Ans: It's excellent that you're planning for your financial future by investing in SIPs. Here's a breakdown of your goal and how you can achieve it:

Goal: You aim to accumulate a corpus of 5 crore by the time you turn 55. This is a significant amount and requires disciplined investing over the years.
Current SIP: You've started with a monthly SIP of 7500 with an assumed return rate of 15%. At present, your SIP value is 1 lakh.
Investment Strategy:
Increase SIP Amount: Consider gradually increasing your SIP amount over time. As your income grows or expenses decrease, channel a higher portion towards your investments.
Diversify Portfolio: While it's great to have high-return expectations, it's crucial to diversify your portfolio to manage risk. Consider investing in a mix of equity, debt, and other asset classes.
Regular Review: Regularly review your investment portfolio and adjust your SIP amount or asset allocation as needed. Market conditions and personal circumstances can change, so it's essential to stay flexible.
Long-Term Perspective: Keep in mind that building a 5 crore corpus over the next 17 years requires patience and discipline. Stick to your investment plan even during market fluctuations, and avoid making impulsive decisions.
Professional Guidance: Consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to fine-tune your investment strategy and ensure it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
Emergency Fund: While focusing on long-term goals, don't forget to maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Aim for at least 6-12 months' worth of living expenses in a liquid and easily accessible account.
By following a systematic investment approach, staying committed to your financial goals, and seeking professional advice when needed, you can work towards building a substantial corpus for your future.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Hi sir iam 36 yrs right now.i am planning to start sip of around 10000rs per month.please suggest some funds to invest
Ans: starting a SIP is a great decision. It's good to start early and stay consistent.

At 36, you have ample time to build a strong portfolio.

Importance of SIPs
Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) are powerful.

They help you invest small amounts regularly and build wealth over time.

SIPs also bring discipline and mitigate market volatility.

Categories of Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds
Equity funds invest in stocks.

They offer high growth potential but come with higher risk.

Ideal for long-term goals due to compounding.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt funds invest in bonds and fixed-income securities.

They provide stable returns with lower risk.

Suitable for short to medium-term goals.

Hybrid Mutual Funds
Hybrid funds combine equity and debt.

They balance risk and reward.

Good for medium-term goals.

Evaluating Your Risk Appetite
Before choosing funds, assess your risk tolerance.

Higher risk can bring higher rewards but also higher losses.

Choose a mix of funds that match your comfort level.

Recommended Fund Types
Large Cap Funds
Large cap funds invest in large, established companies.

They are less volatile and provide stable returns.

Mid Cap Funds
Mid cap funds invest in medium-sized companies.

They offer higher growth potential with moderate risk.

Small Cap Funds
Small cap funds invest in small, emerging companies.

They are high-risk but can give high returns over the long term.

Multi Cap Funds
Multi cap funds invest across large, mid, and small cap stocks.

They offer diversification and balance risk and reward.

Balanced Advantage Funds
Balanced advantage funds adjust between equity and debt.

They provide stability and growth.

Suitable for moderate risk investors.

Steps to Start Your SIP
Define Your Goals

Identify your financial goals.

Is it retirement, children's education, or a big purchase?

Set Your Budget

You mentioned Rs. 10,000 per month.

Make sure it's affordable and sustainable.

Choose Fund Categories

Based on your risk appetite, select a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid funds.

Start Small and Increase Gradually

Begin with Rs. 10,000 and increase as your income grows.

Monitoring and Rebalancing
Regularly review your investments.

Rebalance your portfolio based on performance and market conditions.

This keeps your investments aligned with your goals.

Tax Implications
Understand the tax implications of your investments.

Equity funds held for over a year have lower tax rates.

Debt funds held for over three years benefit from indexation.

Final Insights
Starting a SIP is a smart move.

Your plan to invest Rs. 10,000 monthly is a great start.

Diversify across large cap, mid cap, small cap, and balanced funds.

Monitor and rebalance regularly to stay on track.

With consistency and smart choices, you’ll achieve your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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