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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 19, 2024Hindi

I am 39years old. I current have 5cr of savings split across equity mutual funds (2.5cr), liquid debt mutual funds (0.5cr), high yield bonds (0.5cr), direct stocks (0.9cr), ppf (9lakhs) and land (0.55cr). I also own a house with no loans, which is worth 1.3-1.4cr and gives a rent of 30k. I invest 4lakhs a month in SIPs, and 40-50lakhs pa as lumpsum from my bonus. My monthly expenses are approx 2lakhs and I want to retire by 45. I have a new born - so her education and marriage expenses would be the other major expenses for me down the road. What would be the quantum I require to retire by 45 and how can I bridge the gap if any?

Ans: Commendable Financial Discipline
Your disciplined approach to savings and investments is commendable. With diversified holdings and significant monthly SIP contributions, you are on a strong financial path.

Current Financial Status
You have a diverse portfolio with equity mutual funds, liquid debt mutual funds, high yield bonds, direct stocks, PPF, and land. Your house, which is free of loans, adds to your financial stability.

Estimating Retirement Corpus
To retire by 45, with monthly expenses of ?2 lakhs, you'll need a substantial retirement corpus. Considering inflation and longevity, aiming for a corpus that can sustain your lifestyle for at least 40 years is essential.

Inflation Adjustment
Assuming an average inflation rate of 6%, your current expenses will increase significantly over time. Planning for these inflated expenses is crucial to maintain your lifestyle post-retirement.

Education and Marriage Expenses
Your new-born child's future education and marriage will be significant expenses. Setting aside a portion of your investments specifically for these goals can ensure financial readiness.

Assessing Investment Allocation
Your current allocation includes a good mix of equity, debt, and direct stocks. Equity mutual funds (?2.5cr) and direct stocks (?0.9cr) form a substantial part of your portfolio, providing growth potential. Liquid debt mutual funds and high yield bonds offer stability and income.

Increasing SIP Contributions
You are investing ?4 lakhs a month in SIPs, which is excellent. Consider increasing SIP contributions gradually to leverage the power of compounding, especially in high-performing actively managed funds.

Lumpsum Investments from Bonus
Investing ?40-50 lakhs annually as a lumpsum from your bonus boosts your portfolio. Ensure these investments are directed towards high-growth potential funds for maximum benefit.

Avoiding Direct Funds Pitfalls
Direct funds require active management and a high level of market knowledge. Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with CFP credentials ensures professional management and better decision-making.

Regular Portfolio Review
Regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio is essential. This ensures your investments align with your retirement goals and adjust to market conditions. Consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) will help optimize your strategy.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds offer the advantage of professional management. They can adapt to market changes, potentially providing better returns than index funds. This strategic approach can enhance your portfolio’s growth.

Estimating Retirement Corpus
A general rule is to have at least 25-30 times your annual expenses saved. For ?2 lakhs monthly expenses, this translates to a significant corpus. Factoring in inflation, this corpus should be reassessed regularly.

Bridging the Gap
If there is a gap between your current savings and the required retirement corpus, consider increasing your investment contributions. This can be done by reallocating funds or increasing monthly SIPs.

Emergency Fund
Maintaining an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses is crucial. This ensures financial security and prevents the need to dip into retirement savings during emergencies.

Long-Term Strategy
Your long-term investment horizon aligns well with your goals. Staying invested in high-growth potential funds and increasing contributions will help bridge any gaps and ensure a comfortable retirement.

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach
Your disciplined investment strategy is commendable. To optimize your portfolio, consider increasing SIP contributions, regularly reviewing your portfolio, and consulting with a CFP. This balanced approach will help you achieve financial growth and secure your retirement goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 14, 2024Hindi
Hello sir, I am 42 years old and want to retire by age of 55. My current savings is 303L in EPF. 307L in equity, 9.6L in nps. Investment I does as follows 1. Epf - 45000 by employer and same contribution by me as well which combined around 90000/- 2. 27000/- monthly sip , Nippon small cap 6000, axis small cap 6000, quant infrastructure fund 6000/-, quant small cap 6000/-l miarae asset blue chi large cap 3000/- all started very soon having corpus of 4L as of today. 3. Investing 25000/- in nps monthly. 4. Around 50k monthly in equity I have a liability of 50L home loan which I have planned to get rid off by 2028. I have another home loan which will be closed by end of 2025. I have a daughter which is doing CA and for marriage it will be required around 1 cr. I have a son who are going to persue medical which will cost me 50-75L. How I can plan my retirement to get atleast 3L monthly by age of 55. My current monthly take home salary is 3L around.
Ans: Given your goal to retire by 55 with a monthly income of ?3L, you have a comprehensive plan with a mix of investments and savings. Here's a suggested strategy:

EPF: Continue the contribution as it offers tax benefits and stable returns.

SIPs: Your SIPs in small and large-cap funds are good for growth. Consider adding a diversified equity fund for balance. Monitor and rebalance annually.

NPS: Since you're investing ?25,000 monthly, ensure you choose the auto-choice option for a balanced allocation between equity, corporate bonds, and government securities.

Home Loans: Prioritize closing the higher interest rate loan first while maintaining EMIs for both.

Children’s Education and Marriage: Start separate SIPs or investments earmarked for these goals to reach 1 cr for your daughter's marriage and 50-75L for your son's medical studies.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund of at least 6 months' expenses.

Retirement Corpus: Aim to build a corpus that can generate ?3L/month. Based on a conservative estimate, a corpus of around ?6-7 crores by 55 might be needed. Regularly review and adjust your investments to align with this target.

Professional Advice: Consult a financial advisor to fine-tune your plan and ensure you're on track to meet your retirement and other financial goals.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 17, 2024Hindi
I am 32 years old and investing 60k per month in SIP. I have also invested some amount under different policies which will mature each month. Along with that I invest 50k in NPS, 114000 in LIC and 150000 in PPF each year. How much money would I need to retire by 45 assuming my monthly expense of 1 lakh adjusted to inflation?
Ans: Commendable Investment Strategy
You have a solid investment strategy with SIPs, NPS, LIC, and PPF. Your disciplined approach is admirable and sets a strong foundation for early retirement at 45.

Determining Your Retirement Corpus
To retire at 45 with a monthly expense of ?1 lakh adjusted for inflation, you need a substantial corpus. Calculating the exact amount involves considering inflation rates and life expectancy. Assuming an inflation rate of 6%, your monthly expenses would significantly increase over time.

Importance of SIPs
Investing ?60,000 per month in SIPs is a great start. SIPs provide disciplined, regular investments and benefit from rupee cost averaging and compounding. Increasing your SIPs annually can further boost your retirement corpus.

Evaluating Insurance-Cum-Investment Policies
Your investments in various policies maturing monthly can be reviewed. Insurance-cum-investment policies often underperform compared to pure investments. Surrendering these policies and redirecting funds into mutual funds can yield better returns.

Maximizing NPS Contributions
Your annual NPS contribution of ?50,000 is beneficial. NPS offers tax benefits and a disciplined retirement savings approach. Consider increasing your NPS contributions if possible to further secure your retirement.

LIC Policies Review
You are investing ?1,14,000 in LIC annually. LIC policies, while offering insurance, often have lower returns. Consider the benefits of surrendering these policies and reinvesting in higher-yielding instruments like mutual funds.

PPF Contributions
Your annual PPF contribution of ?1,50,000 is a secure investment. PPF offers tax benefits and guaranteed returns. Continue maximizing your PPF contributions to build a secure retirement fund.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds, guided by professional managers, can adapt to market conditions and aim for higher returns. They offer flexibility and professional expertise, making them a better choice over index funds.

Disadvantages of Index and Direct Funds
Index funds, while low-cost, lack flexibility and often underperform compared to actively managed funds. Direct funds require active monitoring and decision-making, which can be challenging without professional guidance. Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) ensures expert management and better decision-making.

Regular Portfolio Review
Regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio is crucial. Market conditions change, and your investment strategy should adapt accordingly. A CFP can provide tailored advice, ensuring your investments stay aligned with your retirement goals.

Building an Emergency Fund
Maintaining an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses is essential. This fund provides financial security and prevents you from withdrawing investments during emergencies.

Estimating Retirement Corpus
To estimate the required corpus for retirement at 45, consider factors like inflation, life expectancy, and desired lifestyle. A general rule is to have at least 25 times your annual expenses saved. Consulting with a CFP can provide a more accurate and personalized estimate.

Increasing SIP Contributions
As your income grows, consider increasing your SIP contributions. Even small incremental increases can significantly impact your retirement corpus due to the power of compounding.

Diversification and Risk Management
Diversification reduces risk and enhances returns. Spread your investments across various sectors and asset classes. Actively managed funds provide this diversification, ensuring a balanced and resilient portfolio.

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach
You are on a strong path towards early retirement. By surrendering low-performing insurance-cum-investment policies and reinvesting in mutual funds, you can enhance returns. Increasing SIP contributions, maximizing NPS and PPF, and regular portfolio reviews are crucial steps. Consulting with a CFP ensures professional guidance, helping you achieve financial independence by 45.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 18, 2024

I am 31 yrs old male. Current portfolio. 6.5 L in stocks. 15 k per month in MF from last 3 years. 4.8 L PF 20 L Current account balance. 50 L lic policy due on 2032. 3 houses ( 1 home loan is Currently running ) 1 small shop. 6 acres of land at native place. I want to get retired at the age of 45 with 3 crores cash in hand. How can i achieve this pls guide ? Where should i invest more.
Ans: Achieving Financial Independence: A Comprehensive Plan

Current Financial Position
You have a diverse portfolio, which is commendable. Here is a summary:

Rs 6.5 lakh in stocks.
Rs 15,000 per month in mutual funds for the last 3 years.
Rs 4.8 lakh in Provident Fund (PF).
Rs 20 lakh in your current account.
Rs 50 lakh LIC policy maturing in 2032.
Three houses, with one home loan ongoing.
One small shop.
Six acres of land at your native place.
Your goal is to retire at 45 with Rs 3 crore in cash. Let’s break down how you can achieve this.

Analyzing Your Current Investments
Stock Investments
Your Rs 6.5 lakh in stocks indicates a risk appetite, which is positive for growth. However, ensure your portfolio is well-diversified across sectors to mitigate risks. Regularly review your stock investments to stay aligned with market trends and performance.

Mutual Funds
Investing Rs 15,000 monthly in mutual funds for the last three years is a good strategy. Diversification here is key too. Actively managed funds often outperform index funds due to professional management. Ensure your mutual funds are actively managed by seasoned professionals who can make strategic decisions based on market conditions.

Provident Fund (PF)
Your Rs 4.8 lakh in PF is a stable, long-term investment. Continue contributing to this as it provides a safe and secure return. It also benefits from tax advantages, enhancing your overall returns.

Current Account Balance
Your Rs 20 lakh in a current account is too large an amount to sit idle. Consider deploying this into higher-yield investments. A portion can go into mutual funds or a fixed deposit for better returns.

LIC Policy
Your Rs 50 lakh LIC policy maturing in 2032 provides a safety net. However, consider the returns this policy will generate. Traditional LIC policies often offer lower returns compared to market-linked instruments. Evaluate if this policy aligns with your financial goals.

Real Estate Holdings
Owning three houses, a shop, and six acres of land indicates significant real estate investment. Real estate can be illiquid and may not provide the immediate liquidity needed upon retirement. Assess the rental income potential and the appreciation prospects of these properties.

Strategic Recommendations
Rebalance Your Portfolio
To achieve your goal of Rs 3 crore by 45, rebalancing your portfolio is crucial. Diversify across different asset classes, focusing on growth and liquidity.

Increase Mutual Fund Investments
Increase your monthly mutual fund investments. Actively managed funds provide better returns due to professional expertise. By increasing your SIP amount, you leverage the power of compounding over the remaining years till retirement.

Utilize Idle Funds
Deploy your current account balance into higher-yield investments. A combination of mutual funds, fixed deposits, and other market-linked instruments can provide better returns than letting the money sit idle.

Review and Possibly Surrender LIC Policy
Review the performance and returns of your LIC policy. If it’s underperforming, consider surrendering and reinvesting the proceeds into higher-yield mutual funds. This can significantly enhance your corpus by the time you retire.

Optimize Real Estate Investments
Evaluate the rental income from your properties. If the returns are low, consider selling one or more properties to reinvest in more liquid and higher-yield investments. Focus on investments that align with your goal of achieving Rs 3 crore.

Focus on Asset Allocation
Maintain a balanced asset allocation strategy. A mix of equities, debt, and other financial instruments will provide stability and growth. Regularly review and adjust your asset allocation based on market conditions and your financial goals.

Steps to Enhance Returns
Regular Portfolio Review
Conduct regular reviews of your portfolio. Assess the performance of each investment and make necessary adjustments. Staying updated with market trends and performance is crucial for optimizing returns.

Professional Guidance
Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to get tailored advice. A CFP can provide insights into market conditions and suggest strategies aligned with your financial goals. Professional guidance ensures that your investments are well-managed and optimized for growth.

Risk Management
Ensure that your portfolio is well-diversified to manage risks. Avoid over-concentration in any single asset class. Diversification across equities, debt, and other instruments will provide a balanced approach to risk and return.

Tax Efficiency
Consider the tax implications of your investments. Utilize tax-advantaged instruments to enhance your post-tax returns. Tax-efficient investing will ensure that more of your returns stay with you, contributing to your overall financial goal.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses. This fund should be liquid and easily accessible. An emergency fund provides financial security without having to liquidate your long-term investments prematurely.

Achieving Rs 3 Crore Goal
Calculate Required Savings
To achieve Rs 3 crore in the next 14 years, calculate the required monthly savings. Utilize the power of compounding by increasing your monthly SIPs and other investments. The earlier you start, the better the compounding effect on your investments.

Optimize Returns
Focus on investments that offer higher returns over the long term. Equity mutual funds, especially actively managed ones, can provide significant growth. Avoid low-yield instruments and focus on those that align with your risk profile and financial goals.

Strategic Withdrawals
Plan for strategic withdrawals from your investments as you approach retirement. This ensures liquidity and availability of funds when needed. Structured withdrawals will help manage your finances smoothly post-retirement.

Financial Discipline
Maintain financial discipline by sticking to your investment plan. Avoid unnecessary withdrawals and ensure regular contributions to your investments. Consistent investing and financial discipline are key to achieving your retirement goal.

Regular Updates
Stay updated with financial news and market trends. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions about your investments. Regular updates ensure that your investment strategy remains relevant and effective.

Monitoring Progress
Track Investment Performance
Regularly track the performance of your investments. Use financial tools and apps to monitor and evaluate the growth of your portfolio. Tracking helps in identifying underperforming assets and making timely adjustments.

Adjust Strategy as Needed
Be flexible with your investment strategy. If market conditions change, be prepared to adjust your strategy. Flexibility ensures that your investments remain aligned with your financial goals.

Seek Expert Advice
Don’t hesitate to seek advice from a CFP for any significant financial decisions. Expert advice can provide clarity and direction, ensuring your financial plan stays on track. Professional guidance is invaluable in achieving your financial goals.

Final Insights
Reaching your goal of Rs 3 crore by the age of 45 is achievable with a strategic and disciplined approach. Focus on optimizing your current investments, increasing contributions to high-growth instruments, and maintaining a balanced portfolio. Regular reviews and professional guidance will keep you on track. Remember, consistency and informed decision-making are key to financial success.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 19, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 19, 2024Hindi
I am 34 years old and unmarried. Earning monthly salary of 2,80,000. I am investing 1,50,000 in SIP. Also paying home loan Pre-emi of approx 25,000. Already have 1cr of saving (mf, shares, Pf). How to plan my retirement at age of 45?
Ans: Planning your retirement is crucial for financial stability. Your current financial status is strong. Let’s chart a detailed plan to retire at 45.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
You are earning Rs 2,80,000 monthly. Investing Rs 1,50,000 in SIPs is commendable. You are also paying Rs 25,000 as home loan Pre-EMI. With Rs 1 crore in savings, you are on a good track.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Retirement at 45 is an ambitious goal. It requires careful planning. Your primary goal is financial independence. You need to assess your post-retirement expenses.

Estimating Retirement Corpus
You need a substantial corpus for a comfortable retirement. Consider your lifestyle, inflation, and future expenses. Factor in healthcare costs, which rise with age.

Strategic Asset Allocation
Diversify your investments across various asset classes. A balanced portfolio reduces risk and maximizes returns. Allocate funds to equity, debt, and gold.

Equity Investments
Equity investments are essential for wealth creation. They offer high returns over the long term. Continue your SIPs in actively managed mutual funds. They have the potential to outperform the market.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds are managed by experts. They aim to beat the market. They adapt to market changes and seize opportunities. This flexibility can lead to higher returns compared to index funds.

Disadvantages of Index Funds
Index funds replicate the market index. They cannot outperform the market. They lack flexibility. Actively managed funds, on the other hand, can adapt and perform better.

Debt Investments
Debt investments provide stability to your portfolio. They offer fixed returns and are less risky. Consider investing in high-quality debt instruments.

Gold Investments
Gold is a good hedge against inflation. It adds stability to your portfolio. Invest a small portion in gold to diversify your assets.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund. It should cover at least six months of expenses. This fund provides financial security during unforeseen events.

Managing Your Home Loan
Your home loan Pre-EMI is Rs 25,000. Consider increasing your EMI to repay the loan faster. This will reduce interest burden and free up funds for investment.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure adequate insurance coverage. Health and life insurance are crucial. They protect your family from financial distress.

Reviewing Your Investments Regularly
Regular review of your investments is essential. Market conditions change, and so should your investment strategy. Regularly consult a Certified Financial Planner.

Avoiding Direct Funds
Direct funds might seem cost-effective, but they require deep market knowledge. Regular funds through a Certified Financial Planner offer professional advice and better management.

Setting Up a Retirement Budget
Estimate your post-retirement monthly expenses. Consider inflation and healthcare costs. Plan a budget that covers all your needs without compromising on lifestyle.

Generating Passive Income
Create sources of passive income. Dividends, interest from fixed deposits, and rental income are good options. This ensures a steady income flow post-retirement.

Monitoring and Rebalancing
Keep track of your portfolio. Rebalance it periodically. This ensures your investments are aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.

Tax Planning
Effective tax planning increases your savings. Utilize tax-saving investment options. Consult a Certified Financial Planner for optimal tax strategies.

Planning for Contingencies
Prepare for contingencies like medical emergencies. Have a separate fund for such situations. This prevents dipping into your retirement corpus.

Investing in Health
Invest in your health. A healthy lifestyle reduces medical expenses. Regular exercise, balanced diet, and periodic health check-ups are essential.

Seeking Professional Guidance
Consult a Certified Financial Planner regularly. They provide valuable insights and help in making informed decisions. Their expertise can significantly impact your financial success.

Final Insights
Retiring at 45 is achievable with careful planning and disciplined execution. Your current financial standing is strong, and with the right strategy, you can attain financial independence. Focus on strategic asset allocation, regular review, and professional guidance. Diversify your investments, maintain an emergency fund, and ensure adequate insurance coverage. Regularly consult a Certified Financial Planner to keep your financial plan on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

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