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Dr Karthiyayini

Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan  |801 Answers  |Ask -

General Physician - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan has been practising for 30 years.
She specialises in general medicine, child development and senior citizen care.
A graduate from Madurai Medical College, she has DNB training in paediatrics and a postgraduate degree in developmental neurology.
She has trained in Tai chi, eurythmy, Bothmer gymnastics, spacial dynamics and yoga.
She works with children with development difficulties at Sparrc Institute and is the head of wellness for senior citizens at Columbia Pacific Communities.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 17, 2024Hindi

Hello Doctor, My father is 68 and he had undergone a heart bypass surgery in 2018 after a heart attack. He was doing all fine until last month, he complained of breathlessness. When admitted to hospital we were told that he has heart failure and his heart is not pumping enough and that's the reason his lungs were filled with fluid. He was treated for 3 days and he was put on ventilator and discharged. Now I am little worried that doctors have advised him to not to do any heavy tasks and not even long walking etc. Also they told us that this condition cannot be cured and he has to live with it. Could you please tell us if there's something I'm missing and is there any treatment or advice from you for this? Also he is complaining more of indigestion, is this related to heart failure? Thank you.

Ans: After a bypass, have your father followed all lifestyle modification?
Did he get any Covid infection during the Pandemic?
This cardiac failure denotes his inability to cope with his day to day work as his cardiac capability has gone down in its reserve
To bring up this is through small quantity meals three times a day with two small mid day and mud evening snacks
Early dinner before 7pm are few tips to follow
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