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Dr Shakeeb Ahmed

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan  |78 Answers  |Ask -

Physiotherapist - Answered on May 22, 2024

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan is a senior consultant physiotherapist with over 12 years of experience specialising in orthopaedic and paediatric physiotherapy.
He has served as a technical consultant for the World Health Organisation, the United Nations, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences and several national and international NGOs.
Besides physiotherapy, he is keenly interested in disability management, early intervention, geriatric care and assisting children with disabilities.
Dr Khan has a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy from the Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College in Wardha, Maharashtra, a master's degree in disability rehabilitation administration from the National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad, and a PhD in disability management from Bangalore University.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Mar 28, 2024Hindi

Hello sir I am 33 years old lady taking treatment from rheumatologist for the past 3 years. But still I am facing pain in my right hand wrist which is not bearable. How to get rid of this pain please guide me. Whether I can switch over to homeopathic treatment? Which treatment is better sir and I am also facing lot of burning sensation in my upper abdomen which leads to constipation and stomach pain.

Ans: Hello . Thank you for your query. Considering the pain is only on right wrist , I would suggest one more opinion from Physiotherapist to rule out carpel tunnel syndrome. For burning sensation in upper abdomen ,please take gastroenterologist opinion.
DISCLAIMER: The answer provided by rediffGURUS is for informational and general awareness purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3738 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 16, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 15, 2024Hindi
I am 45 years old my monthly sip in different fund is about 30000 per month. How much money i can get after 5 year. Please advice me where to invest money in SIp for putchasing plot or flat.
Ans: Planning for Future Financial Goals with SIPs

At 45 years old, you have a clear vision for your future. Contributing Rs 30,000 monthly into different funds through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) is a commendable strategy. Let's explore how much you could potentially accumulate in five years and provide insights on where to invest to meet your goal of purchasing a plot or flat. Your current SIP investment is a great start, but optimizing it can help achieve your dreams efficiently.

Evaluating Your Current SIP Investment

Investing Rs 30,000 per month through SIPs is a disciplined approach. SIPs offer the advantage of rupee cost averaging, reducing the impact of market volatility. Over five years, consistent contributions can grow substantially, depending on the market conditions and the performance of the funds you’ve chosen.

Estimating Future Corpus

While exact future values depend on market performance, SIPs generally yield annual returns between 10-15% in well-performing equity funds. Over five years, assuming moderate returns, your SIP contributions could grow significantly, potentially reaching a sizeable corpus. However, these estimates can vary, and it’s essential to review your investments periodically.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds

Actively managed funds, guided by professional fund managers, aim to outperform the market. Unlike index funds that merely replicate the market, actively managed funds adapt to market conditions, seeking higher returns. This active management can enhance the growth of your SIP investments, making them more robust.

Disadvantages of Index Funds

Index funds passively track market indices and offer average returns. They lack flexibility to adapt to market changes. In volatile markets, they may not mitigate risks effectively. Actively managed funds, conversely, leverage expert insights to navigate market dynamics, potentially yielding better returns.

Advantages of Regular Funds through a Certified Financial Planner

Investing in regular funds through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides professional guidance. Regular funds come with advisor support, helping you navigate complex investment landscapes. CFPs offer personalized strategies, aligning investments with your financial goals and risk tolerance, enhancing your investment experience and potential returns.

Importance of Diversification

Diversifying your SIP investments across various asset classes is crucial. Equity funds offer high growth potential, while debt funds provide stability. Diversifying reduces risk and ensures balanced growth. A well-diversified portfolio can better withstand market fluctuations and enhance overall returns.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) for Steady Growth

SIPs promote disciplined savings and steady growth. By investing a fixed amount monthly, you benefit from rupee cost averaging, reducing the impact of market volatility. SIPs are an effective way to build a substantial corpus over time, helping you achieve your goal of purchasing property.

Tax Efficiency in Investments

Tax-efficient investments enhance your returns by minimizing tax liabilities. Utilize tax-saving instruments like Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) and Public Provident Fund (PPF). Understanding the tax implications of different investments helps in optimizing your savings for future goals.

Reassessing Investment Strategies Periodically

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your SIP investments is essential. Financial markets and personal circumstances change, necessitating periodic reassessments. Stay informed about your investments and seek professional advice to make necessary adjustments, ensuring your investment plan remains on track.

Importance of Inflation-Protected Investments

Inflation erodes purchasing power, making it essential to invest in inflation-protected assets. Equities and equity mutual funds historically outpace inflation, ensuring your savings retain value. Consider inflation-indexed bonds and other assets that safeguard against rising costs, securing your future expenses.

Asset Allocation Strategy

An effective asset allocation strategy balances growth and risk. Allocate a portion of your portfolio to equities for growth and another to debt instruments for stability. As you approach your goal timeline, gradually shift to more conservative investments, preserving your capital while still generating returns.

Health Insurance and Contingency Planning

Healthcare costs can significantly impact your savings. Adequate health insurance coverage is essential to protect your investments. Additionally, creating an emergency fund ensures you have financial cushioning for unexpected expenses, preventing the depletion of your investment corpus.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is vital for successful investment planning. Understand the potential returns and risks associated with different investments. A balanced approach, considering both growth and safety, ensures your investments meet your needs without undue risk.

Planning for major financial goals can be overwhelming. It’s natural to feel uncertain about the future. A comprehensive approach, empathetic guidance, and understanding your unique situation make the process smoother. Your financial goals are achievable with the right strategies and support.

You’ve made commendable progress with your SIP investments. Your disciplined approach to building your financial base is praiseworthy. With continued focus and strategic planning, you are well on your way to achieving your goal of purchasing a plot or flat.

Assessing Your Risk Tolerance

Understanding your risk tolerance is key to creating a suitable investment portfolio. Assess your comfort level with market fluctuations and potential losses. Align your investments with your risk profile, ensuring peace of mind while aiming for growth.

Seeking Continuous Learning

Stay informed about financial trends and investment options. Continuous learning empowers you to make informed decisions. Attend seminars, read financial literature, and consult with experts to enhance your financial knowledge.

Importance of Regular Monitoring

Regularly monitoring your investments ensures they remain aligned with your goals. Track performance, assess market conditions, and make adjustments as needed. Consistent oversight maximizes returns and minimizes risks.

Building a Solid Financial Foundation

A strong financial foundation includes adequate insurance coverage, an emergency fund, and debt management. Ensure you have sufficient life and health insurance. Maintain an emergency fund for unforeseen expenses, and manage debts to prevent financial strain.

Reinvesting Matured Investments

As your fixed deposits mature, consider reinvesting them in higher-yielding options. Evaluate current market conditions and investment opportunities. Strategic reinvestment enhances growth and aligns with your financial goals.

Aligning Investments with Life Stages

Investment strategies vary with life stages. Younger investors can take higher risks for growth, while those nearing major financial goals should focus on capital preservation. Tailor your investments to your current life stage for optimal results.

Utilizing Professional Tools and Resources

Leverage professional tools and resources for effective investment planning. Financial calculators, planning software, and expert consultations provide valuable insights. Utilize these resources to enhance your financial strategy.

Embracing a Long-Term Perspective

Adopt a long-term perspective for investment planning. Short-term market fluctuations should not deter your strategy. Focus on long-term goals and remain committed to your investment plan for sustained growth.

Final Insights

Achieving your goal of purchasing a plot or flat requires strategic planning and informed decisions. Reassess your current SIP investments, consider actively managed funds, and diversify your portfolio. Seek professional guidance to align your investments with your goals. With a comprehensive approach, disciplined savings, and continuous monitoring, you can achieve your financial objectives. Your dedication and efforts will pave the way for a secure and fulfilling future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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