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Mayank Chandel  |1267 Answers  |Ask -

IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA, CS Exam Expert - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Mayank Chandel has over 18 years of experience coaching and training students for various exams like IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA and CS.
Besides coaching students for entrance exams, he also guides Class 10 and 12 students about career options in engineering, medicine and the vocational sciences.
His interest in coaching students led him to launch the firm, CareerStreets.
Chandel holds an engineering degree in electronics from Nagpur University.... more
Senthilraman Question by Senthilraman on Jul 01, 2024Hindi

Is studying CSE in Sai university, chennai is good. Thank you.

Ans: Hi
go ahead with it.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4212 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi
Term Insurance: available @ 13times of Monthly expenses Planning to take additional one to cover @ 20 times Health insurance: Corporate insurance available (3L) Personal floater insurance available (Includes Myself, Spouse and two kids) (25L) Emergency corpus: Covered as part of Debt allocation Planned investment allocation and SIP as follows Flexi Cap : 17% Mid Cap : 14% IT Theme Fund : 10% Healthcare fund : 8% Energy and Resources fund : 8% Nifty50 Index fund : 10% Planned Investment allocation but kept in Cash Segment Debt : 8% Direct stocks : 25% Current Allocation as per current value Real Estate: 47% Equity (MF, Stocks) : 21% Debt (MF, P2P) : 11% Gold (Physical Coins) : 6% Retirement (PF, PPF) : 15% Investment ratio @42% of disposable income Current age : 34 Please let me know any update to be done here and planning to invest more in equity MF during market crash with amount of Direct stocks planned
Ans: You’ve done a commendable job planning your investments and insurance. Your diversified portfolio reflects a thoughtful approach to balancing risk and returns. Let’s dive into a detailed assessment of your current situation and explore some updates and strategies to optimize your financial plan further.

Comprehensive Review of Your Current Financial Plan
Insurance Coverage
Term Insurance: You have term insurance at 13 times your monthly expenses, which is good. Planning to increase this to 20 times is excellent. This will provide a more robust financial safety net for your family.

Health Insurance: Your corporate insurance of Rs 3 lakh is basic but complemented well by a personal floater of Rs 25 lakh. This covers you, your spouse, and two kids, ensuring significant medical protection.

Emergency Corpus: Your emergency fund covered through debt allocation is essential for unexpected expenses. This helps avoid dipping into your investments during emergencies.

Investment Allocation
Mutual Funds: Your planned SIPs and allocation in different types of mutual funds show a well-thought-out strategy. Let's evaluate each category:

Flexi Cap (17%): Flexi cap funds offer flexibility by investing across large, mid, and small-cap stocks. This diversification within equities can capture growth across different market segments.

Mid Cap (14%): Mid cap funds target medium-sized companies with high growth potential. They balance risk and return between large and small-cap funds.

IT Theme Fund (10%): Investing in the IT sector is a good choice for leveraging India's strong position in technology. However, thematic funds can be volatile and are best suited for investors with high-risk tolerance.

Healthcare Fund (8%): Healthcare funds capitalize on the growing healthcare industry. They are relatively defensive, providing stability even during economic downturns.

Energy and Resources Fund (8%): These funds focus on companies in the energy and resources sectors. They can be cyclical, tied to global commodity prices and economic cycles.

Nifty50 Index Fund (10%): Index funds track market indices like Nifty50. However, they merely mirror the market and do not aim to outperform. Actively managed funds might offer better returns through skilled stock selection and active management.

Debt Allocation (8%): Having a portion in debt instruments provides stability and reduces overall portfolio volatility. It’s prudent for a balanced portfolio.

Direct Stocks (25%): Your significant allocation to direct stocks indicates confidence in picking individual companies. This approach requires substantial research and market understanding but can yield high returns.

Cash Segment: Keeping a part of your investment allocation in cash provides liquidity. You plan to use this for equity investments during market downturns, which can be a strategic move to buy low and maximize returns.

Current Allocation Overview
Real Estate (47%): Your substantial investment in real estate shows a strong commitment to this asset class. While real estate can provide steady income and appreciation, it is illiquid and requires significant maintenance. Diversifying more into liquid assets might offer better flexibility and growth potential.

Equity (21%): This includes mutual funds and direct stocks. It’s a balanced mix, but there’s room to increase equity exposure for higher growth, especially given your age and investment horizon.

Debt (11%): Including debt mutual funds and P2P lending is prudent for income stability. These assets are less volatile but offer lower returns compared to equities.

Gold (6%): Physical gold is a traditional store of value and provides a hedge against inflation. However, it doesn’t generate regular income and has storage costs. Limiting exposure to gold while focusing on growth assets could be more beneficial.

Retirement (15%): Investments in Provident Fund (PF) and Public Provident Fund (PPF) are great for long-term stability and tax benefits. These should continue to be a part of your retirement planning.

Investment Ratio and Income
You’re investing 42% of your disposable income, which is commendable. This high savings rate will significantly enhance your wealth accumulation over time. Maintaining or increasing this rate can accelerate your journey to financial independence.

Strategic Updates and Recommendations
Increasing Equity Exposure
Rebalance Real Estate Allocation: Given your heavy real estate investment, consider reducing this allocation gradually. Redirecting these funds into equity mutual funds or stocks can offer better growth and liquidity. Real estate is often capital-intensive and less flexible during financial emergencies.

Enhance Equity Allocation: Increasing your allocation to equity mutual funds, especially in the current market, can capitalize on potential growth. Consider diversifying into more actively managed equity funds for better returns. Actively managed funds, with expert fund managers, can outperform indices by selecting high-performing stocks.

Leverage Market Opportunities: Using the cash segment to invest in equity during market dips is a sound strategy. This approach, known as "buying the dip," allows you to purchase quality stocks or funds at lower prices, enhancing long-term returns.

Refining Mutual Fund Strategy
Evaluate Thematic Funds: Thematic funds like IT, healthcare, and energy can be volatile. Ensure these align with your risk tolerance and investment goals. Regular review and rebalancing can help manage their performance and risk.

Focus on Flexi Cap and Mid Cap Funds: These funds provide diversification and growth potential across different market capitalizations. They are less risky than small-cap funds but offer better returns than large-cap funds alone.

Consider Actively Managed Funds Over Index Funds: While index funds like Nifty50 provide market-matching returns, actively managed funds can outperform through strategic stock selection and market timing. They adapt to changing market conditions better than passive index funds.

Engage a Certified Financial Planner (CFP): Partnering with a CFP can help refine your mutual fund selection. They provide tailored advice, helping you choose funds that match your risk profile and financial goals. They also offer ongoing support and adjustments to your portfolio.

Optimizing Insurance Coverage
Increase Term Insurance Coverage: Your plan to increase term insurance to 20 times your monthly expenses is wise. This will provide a more comprehensive safety net for your family, covering education, lifestyle, and long-term needs.

Review Health Insurance Regularly: Regularly review your health insurance coverage to ensure it keeps pace with rising medical costs. Consider topping up your existing cover or adding critical illness coverage if needed.

Enhancing Debt and Cash Allocation
Diversify Debt Instruments: Within your debt allocation, explore various instruments like debt mutual funds, fixed deposits, and bonds. This diversification can balance returns and risk, ensuring stability during market volatility.

Maintain Liquidity for Opportunities: Keeping some allocation in cash is strategic for seizing market opportunities. Ensure this segment is not too large, as idle cash loses value over time due to inflation.

Long-Term Investment Focus
Utilize Compounding in Equities: Equity investments benefit significantly from compounding over the long term. Staying invested in quality stocks or funds will grow your wealth exponentially as returns generate more returns.

Stick to Your Plan: Market fluctuations are inevitable. Maintain your long-term investment focus and avoid making decisions based on short-term market movements. This discipline will help you achieve your financial goals effectively.

Enhancing Financial Education and Awareness
Continuous Learning: Stay informed about market trends and investment strategies. This knowledge will empower you to make better investment decisions and adjust your strategies as needed.

Leverage CFP Expertise: A Certified Financial Planner can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the complexities of investing. Their expertise ensures your portfolio is aligned with your goals and market conditions.

Final Insights
Your financial planning reflects a balanced approach, with a good mix of insurance, equity, debt, and real estate. However, some adjustments can further optimize your strategy. Increasing your equity exposure, especially through actively managed mutual funds, can enhance your long-term returns. Rebalancing your real estate allocation and leveraging market dips for equity investments are strategic moves to consider.

Engaging a Certified Financial Planner will provide you with personalized advice, helping you refine your investment strategy and achieve your financial goals. Remember, long-term wealth creation requires patience, discipline, and continuous learning. With your thoughtful planning and strategic adjustments, you’re well on your way to securing a prosperous financial future for yourself and your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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