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Nayagam P P  |1138 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 28, 2024

Nayagam is a certified career counsellor and the founder of EduJob360.
He started his career as an HR professional and has over 10 years of experience in tutoring and mentoring students from Classes 8 to 12, helping them choose the right stream, course and college/university.
He also counsels students on how to prepare for entrance exams for getting admission into reputed universities /colleges for their graduate/postgraduate courses.
He has guided both fresh graduates and experienced professionals on how to write a resume, how to prepare for job interviews and how to negotiate their salary when joining a new job.
Nayagam has published an eBook, Professional Resume Writing Without Googling.
He has a postgraduate degree in human resources from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi, a postgraduate diploma in labour law from Madras University, a postgraduate diploma in school counselling from Symbiosis, Pune, and a certification in child psychology from Counsel India.
He has also completed his master’s degree in career counselling from ICCC-Mindler and Counsel, India.
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Janaki Question by Janaki on Jun 27, 2024Hindi

My son got 1556 rank in JEE advanced 2024. ECE IIT Guwahati or Engg and Computational Mechanics IIT Delhi, which is better for him

Ans: Janaki Madam, prefer IIT-G-ECE. All the BEST for your Son's Bright Future.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Sir mujhe 10 lakh rs lumsum investment karna hai for 10 years, kin mutual funds me invest Karu or kaise Karu..?
Ans: Investing Rs. 10 lakh lump sum for 10 years is a significant step towards securing your financial future. Mutual funds are an excellent choice for long-term investments due to their potential for high returns and diversification benefits. In this guide, we’ll cover the essential aspects of mutual fund investing, including the different types of funds, advantages, risks, and a comprehensive investment strategy tailored to your needs.

Congratulations on deciding to invest a substantial amount for your future. This shows your commitment to growing your wealth and achieving financial security.

Understanding Mutual Funds

Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. They are managed by professional fund managers who aim to achieve the best possible returns for investors.

Advantages of Mutual Funds

Professional Management: Fund managers have the expertise to make informed investment decisions.
Diversification: Mutual funds spread investments across various securities, reducing risk.
Liquidity: You can easily buy and sell mutual fund units.
Tax Efficiency: Certain mutual funds offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
Power of Compounding: Reinvesting returns can significantly grow your investment over time.
Types of Mutual Funds

1. Equity Mutual Funds:
Equity funds invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns. They are suitable for long-term goals like your 10-year investment horizon. These funds are ideal for investors with a higher risk tolerance.

2. Debt Mutual Funds:
Debt funds invest in fixed-income securities like bonds. They provide stable returns with lower risk compared to equity funds. Including debt funds in your portfolio can help balance risk and provide steady income.

3. Hybrid Mutual Funds:
Hybrid funds invest in a mix of equity and debt. They offer a balanced approach, providing growth potential and stability. These funds are suitable for investors seeking moderate risk and returns.

4. Sectoral/Thematic Funds:
Sectoral or thematic funds invest in specific sectors or themes like technology, healthcare, or infrastructure. These funds can offer high returns but come with higher risk. They are suitable for knowledgeable investors who can handle sector-specific risks.

5. Index Funds:
Index funds replicate the performance of a specific index like Nifty 50 or Sensex. While they offer diversification and lower expense ratios, they might not always provide the best returns compared to actively managed funds.

Why Not Index Funds?

Index funds simply track the market and do not aim to outperform it. They might not provide the best returns in different market conditions. Actively managed funds, on the other hand, have professional managers who adjust the portfolio based on market trends, offering potential for higher returns.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) vs. Lump Sum

While you have a lump sum to invest, it’s worth considering a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) for a portion of the amount. SIP allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly, reducing market timing risks and benefiting from rupee cost averaging.

Investment Strategy for Rs. 10 Lakh

1. Diversify Your Portfolio:

Allocate your investment across different types of mutual funds to balance risk and returns. Here’s a suggested allocation:

Equity Funds (60%): Rs. 6 lakh
Include a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.
Debt Funds (30%): Rs. 3 lakh
Invest in short-term and long-term debt funds for stability.
Hybrid Funds (10%): Rs. 1 lakh
Choose a balanced fund for moderate growth and stability.
2. Selecting the Right Funds:

Choose funds with a good track record and consistent performance. Look for funds managed by reputable asset management companies. Evaluate the fund manager’s expertise and the fund’s performance across different market cycles.

3. Regular Review and Rebalancing:

Review your portfolio regularly, at least once a year. Rebalance your investments to maintain the desired asset allocation. If equity markets perform well, the proportion of equity funds in your portfolio might increase. Rebalancing ensures you stick to your risk tolerance.

4. Emergency Fund:

Before investing, ensure you have an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This fund should be kept in a liquid form like a savings account or liquid mutual funds. An emergency fund provides a safety net for unexpected financial challenges.

5. Life and Health Insurance:

Ensure you have adequate life and health insurance coverage. This protects your family’s financial future and covers medical expenses. Opt for term insurance for life cover and a comprehensive health insurance policy.

6. Tax Planning:

Invest in tax-saving mutual funds (ELSS) if you need to reduce your taxable income. ELSS funds offer tax benefits under Section 80C and have a lock-in period of three years. They also provide the potential for high returns due to equity exposure.

7. Estate Planning:

Plan for the distribution of your assets to ensure your family’s financial security. Create a will to specify how your assets should be distributed among heirs. Setting up trusts can help in managing and protecting your wealth.

Final Insights

Investing Rs. 10 lakh for 10 years can significantly grow your wealth if done wisely. Here’s a summary of the key steps you should take:

Diversify: Invest in a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds.
Professional Management: Choose funds managed by reputable fund managers.
SIP and Lump Sum: Consider splitting your investment between lump sum and SIP.
Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses.
Insurance: Ensure adequate life and health insurance coverage.
Regular Review: Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio.
Tax Planning: Invest in tax-saving mutual funds if needed.
Estate Planning: Plan for the distribution of your assets.
By following these steps and regularly reviewing your financial plan with a Certified Financial Planner, you can achieve your investment goals and secure a comfortable future. Your disciplined approach and proactive decision-making will help you build a strong financial foundation.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 22, 2024Hindi
My son and his wife are software professionals and earn about 76 L per year at Bangalore. Since they have no issues, they save half of the above amount. We purchased one house for them from my own savings. They made a loan of 1.5 crores and purchased another house. They expect to repay the loan in about four years since they are thrifty . They don't have any other savings. Both of them are about 35 years of age. In emergency we can also help them since I am getting reasonably good pension at Government rate. In future they will inherit half of our property which is expected to be about two crores. My question is whether they are investing correctly? What is your advice to them?
Ans: Your son and his wife are doing well financially, earning Rs. 76 lakhs per year. They save half of their income, which is excellent. They have purchased a house with your help and have taken a loan of Rs. 1.5 crores for another house. They aim to repay this loan in about four years. Both are around 35 years old and have a bright financial future ahead.

Compliments on Financial Discipline

First, let’s appreciate their disciplined approach to savings. Saving half of their income shows remarkable financial prudence and commitment. Their goal to repay a substantial loan in four years is ambitious and commendable. It demonstrates their strong financial planning and determination.

Assessment of Current Investments

1. Real Estate Investments:
They have invested heavily in real estate. While owning property provides a sense of security and potential appreciation, it also ties up a significant amount of capital. Real estate investments can be less liquid and may not offer the same growth potential as other investments. It's important to diversify beyond real estate to balance the risk.

Disadvantages of Real Estate as an Investment:

Illiquid: Real estate is not easy to convert to cash quickly.
No Easy Entry and Exit: Buying and selling property involves significant time and effort.
No 100% White Transaction: Real estate transactions often involve a component of black money.
No Partial Withdrawal: You cannot sell a part of the property if you need a small amount of cash.
Given these disadvantages, it’s crucial to look beyond real estate for a well-rounded investment strategy.

2. Lack of Diversification:
Currently, they don't have other savings or investments. Relying solely on real estate can be risky. Diversification is key to managing risk and achieving long-term financial goals. They should consider other investment options to create a balanced and robust portfolio.

Advice for Diversified Investment Strategy

1. Mutual Funds:
Mutual funds are an excellent way to diversify investments. They offer professional management, diversification, and the potential for higher returns. Here’s how they can approach mutual fund investments:

a. Equity Mutual Funds:
Equity mutual funds invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns over the long term. These funds are suitable for their age and risk appetite. They should diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds to manage risk and maximize returns.

b. Debt Mutual Funds:
Debt mutual funds invest in fixed-income securities and provide stability and regular income. These funds are less volatile than equity funds and offer better returns than traditional fixed deposits. Including debt mutual funds will balance their portfolio and provide liquidity.

c. Hybrid Mutual Funds:
Hybrid funds combine equity and debt investments, offering a balanced approach. These funds provide both capital appreciation and regular income. Hybrid funds are suitable for investors looking for moderate risk and steady growth.

Advantages of Mutual Funds:

Diversification: Spreads risk across various securities.
Professional Management: Fund managers with expertise manage investments.
Liquidity: Easy to buy and sell mutual fund units.
Power of Compounding: Reinvesting returns can significantly grow their investment over time.
2. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP):
Starting a SIP allows them to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds. This disciplined approach helps in averaging the cost of investment and reduces market timing risks. They can start with a comfortable amount and gradually increase it. SIPs are ideal for building a substantial corpus over the long term.

3. Emergency Fund:
Maintaining an emergency fund is crucial for unexpected financial challenges. They should set aside 6-12 months of expenses in a liquid and easily accessible form, like a savings account or liquid mutual funds. This fund provides a safety net and ensures they don’t dip into their investments during emergencies.

4. Life Insurance:
Adequate life insurance coverage is essential to protect their family in case of an unfortunate event. Term insurance is the most cost-effective option, providing a high sum assured at a low premium. They should review their existing policies and enhance coverage if needed.

5. Health Insurance:
Comprehensive health insurance is vital to cover medical expenses. They should opt for a family floater plan that covers their entire family. Reviewing and enhancing their health insurance coverage is necessary considering rising healthcare costs.

6. Retirement Planning:
Planning for retirement should start early to build a sufficient corpus. They should estimate their retirement corpus considering factors like inflation, life expectancy, and desired monthly income. Investing in a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds can help them achieve their retirement goals.

7. Children's Education Fund:
If they plan to have children in the future, creating a dedicated education fund is important. This fund should grow over time to meet future education expenses. They can use a mix of equity and debt investments to build this fund.

8. Estate Planning:
Planning for the distribution of their assets ensures their family's financial security. Creating a will specifies how their assets should be distributed among heirs. Setting up trusts can help in managing and protecting their wealth.

Disadvantages of Index Funds and Benefits of Actively Managed Funds

They might have heard about index funds, but there are certain disadvantages to consider. Index funds simply track the market index and do not aim to outperform it. They might not provide the best returns in different market conditions. Actively managed funds, on the other hand, have professional fund managers who strive to outperform the market. They adjust the portfolio based on market trends, providing potential for higher returns.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds and Benefits of Regular Funds Investing Through MFD with CFP Credential

Direct funds might seem appealing due to lower expense ratios, but they come with their own set of challenges. Managing direct funds requires significant time, effort, and expertise. Regular funds, invested through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) credential, offer professional guidance and management. The extra cost is justified by the value of expert advice, regular monitoring, and portfolio adjustments.

Final Insights

Your son and his wife are on a strong financial path with good income and savings habits. However, they need to diversify their investments beyond real estate. Here’s a summary of the key steps they should take:

Diversify investments into mutual funds for better returns and risk management.
Start SIPs for disciplined and regular investments.
Maintain an emergency fund for unexpected challenges.
Ensure adequate life and health insurance coverage.
Plan for retirement early to build a sufficient corpus.
Create a dedicated education fund for future children’s education.
Plan their estate to secure their family's financial future.
Avoid index funds and direct funds; prefer actively managed funds and regular funds through MFD with CFP credential.
By following these steps and regularly reviewing their financial plan with a Certified Financial Planner, they can achieve a secure and prosperous financial future. Their disciplined savings and proactive approach will help them build a strong foundation for the future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
I am 50 years old how to invest mutual fund for retirement fund Currently I am investing 4k in mutual fund 1k in ppf kindly suggest.
Ans: Planning for retirement is crucial, especially at the age of 50. You have already made a good start by investing Rs. 4,000 in mutual funds and Rs. 1,000 in PPF monthly. Now, let’s build a comprehensive investment strategy to ensure a comfortable retirement. I’ll guide you through various aspects of mutual funds, categories, advantages, and risks, focusing on creating a balanced and diversified portfolio.

Understanding Your Current Investments

First, it’s commendable that you have started investing. The discipline to save and invest regularly is the key to financial success. Your current investment of Rs. 4,000 in mutual funds and Rs. 1,000 in PPF is a good foundation. However, we need to optimize your strategy to meet your retirement goals.

Compliments on Your Financial Discipline

It's impressive that you are already investing regularly. Many people struggle to save and invest, but you have taken proactive steps. This shows your commitment to securing your financial future.

Importance of Diversification

Diversification is crucial to manage risk and achieve optimal returns. Relying solely on one type of investment can be risky. By spreading investments across various asset classes, you can balance risk and return.

Advantages of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are an excellent investment option for building a retirement corpus. Here’s why:

Professional Management: Fund managers with expertise manage your investments.
Diversification: Mutual funds invest in a variety of securities, spreading risk.
Liquidity: Easy to buy and sell mutual fund units.
Power of Compounding: Reinvesting returns can significantly grow your investment over time.
Tax Efficiency: Some mutual funds offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
Categories of Mutual Funds

1. Equity Mutual Funds:
Equity mutual funds invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns over the long term. Given your age, a mix of equity funds can provide growth to your portfolio. Diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds to balance risk and return.

2. Debt Mutual Funds:
Debt mutual funds invest in fixed-income securities, providing stability and regular income. These funds are less volatile than equity funds and offer better returns than traditional fixed deposits. Including debt funds will add stability to your portfolio.

3. Hybrid Mutual Funds:
Hybrid funds combine equity and debt investments, offering a balanced approach. These funds provide both capital appreciation and regular income. They are suitable for investors looking for moderate risk and steady growth.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds. SIPs help in averaging the cost of investment and reduce market timing risks. They instill a disciplined approach to investing, which is crucial for long-term wealth creation.

Power of Compounding

The power of compounding is a significant advantage of mutual funds. By reinvesting returns, your investment grows exponentially over time. Starting early and staying invested for the long term maximizes the benefits of compounding.

Creating an Emergency Fund

Before increasing your investments, ensure you have an emergency fund. This fund should cover 6-12 months of expenses and be kept in a liquid form like a savings account or liquid mutual funds. An emergency fund provides a safety net for unexpected financial challenges.

Increasing Your SIP Amount

Given your current age and investment goals, it’s advisable to increase your SIP amount. Start by increasing your mutual fund SIP to Rs. 6,000 or more per month. As your income grows, further increase the SIP amount. This incremental approach will help build a substantial retirement corpus.

Avoiding Real Estate as an Investment

While real estate might seem attractive, it has several disadvantages:

Illiquid: Real estate is not easy to convert to cash quickly.
No Easy Entry and Exit: Buying and selling property involves significant time and effort.
No 100% White Transaction: Real estate transactions often involve a component of black money.
No Partial Withdrawal: You cannot sell a part of the property if you need a small amount of cash.
Given these drawbacks, it's better to focus on more liquid and flexible investment options like mutual funds.

Life and Health Insurance

Adequate insurance coverage is essential to protect your family. Ensure you have sufficient life insurance, preferably term insurance, which provides a high sum assured at a low premium. Additionally, comprehensive health insurance is crucial to cover medical expenses.

Retirement Corpus Calculation

Estimate your retirement corpus considering factors like inflation, life expectancy, and desired monthly income. This will give you a clear target to aim for with your investments. A Certified Financial Planner can help you with detailed calculations and planning.

Disadvantages of Index Funds and Benefits of Actively Managed Funds

You might have heard about index funds, but they have certain disadvantages. Index funds simply track the market index and do not aim to outperform it. They might not provide the best returns in different market conditions. Actively managed funds, on the other hand, have professional fund managers who strive to outperform the market. They adjust the portfolio based on market trends, providing potential for higher returns.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds and Benefits of Regular Funds Investing Through MFD with CFP Credential

Direct funds might seem appealing due to lower expense ratios, but they come with their own set of challenges. Managing direct funds requires significant time, effort, and expertise. Regular funds, invested through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) credential, offer professional guidance and management. The extra cost is justified by the value of expert advice, regular monitoring, and portfolio adjustments.

Regular Review and Rebalancing

Regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio is essential. Market conditions and personal financial goals change over time. Rebalancing ensures your portfolio remains aligned with your risk tolerance and investment objectives. A Certified Financial Planner can assist with regular reviews and adjustments.

Children’s Education and Marriage

If you have children, plan for their education and marriage expenses. Create dedicated funds for these goals and invest in a mix of equity and debt mutual funds. Early planning ensures you build a sufficient corpus to meet these future expenses.

Estate Planning

Planning for the distribution of your assets ensures your family’s financial security. Create a will to specify how your assets should be distributed among heirs. Setting up trusts can help in managing and protecting your wealth. Estate planning provides peace of mind and ensures your wishes are honored.

Final Insights

Investing for retirement requires a well-thought-out strategy and disciplined execution. Here’s a summary of the key steps you should take:

Increase SIP: Increase your mutual fund SIP to Rs. 6,000 or more per month.
Diversify: Invest in a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds for balanced growth.
Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses.
Insurance: Ensure adequate life and health insurance coverage.
Avoid Real Estate: Focus on liquid and flexible investment options like mutual funds.
Regular Review: Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio.
Estate Planning: Plan for the distribution of your assets to secure your family’s financial future.
By following these steps and regularly reviewing your financial plan with a Certified Financial Planner, you can achieve a secure and comfortable retirement. Your disciplined savings and proactive approach will help you build a strong financial foundation for the future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Hi sir, I am housewife age 40 my husband business man.two children . Son college 1st year daughter 11 studying. Own house 2tent montly 12000. My house expenses use it . My husband children study her handle. Lastyear ijoin the part time job montly 5000/ how to invest . Montly. My bank balance zero. Pls guide me
Ans: I understand your situation and am here to guide you on how to wisely invest your income as a housewife, balancing your family's needs and securing your financial future.

Managing household expenses while handling a part-time job shows your dedication and commitment towards your family's financial stability. Your willingness to invest for the future is commendable.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Current Situation:

Age 40, housewife.
Husband is a businessman.
Two children: Son in college (1st year) and daughter in 11th grade.
Monthly tent income of Rs 12,000 from two houses, covering household expenses.
Part-time job income of Rs 5,000 per month recently started.
Bank balance is zero.
Financial Goals:

Secure financial future for yourself and your family.
Invest wisely to build savings and generate additional income.
Budgeting and Investment Strategy
Monthly Income and Expenses Analysis:

Monthly income: Rs 17,000 (tent income + part-time job).
Expenses covered by tent income: Household expenses.
Investment Potential:

Focus on saving and investing a portion of your income for future needs and emergencies.
Types of Investments
Investing wisely involves understanding different options and their benefits:

1. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

SIPs allow you to invest regularly in mutual funds.
They help in disciplined savings and benefit from rupee cost averaging.

Systematic approach to investing.
Suitable for long-term wealth creation.

Market fluctuations can impact short-term returns.
Need for patience and staying invested for long-term benefits.
2. Debt Mutual Funds

Debt funds invest in fixed-income securities like bonds and treasury bills.
They offer stable returns with lower risk compared to equity funds.

Capital preservation.
Regular income through interest payouts.

Interest rate risk: Values of existing bonds may decrease with rising interest rates.
Credit risk: Possibility of default by bond issuers.
3. Recurring Deposits (RD)

RDs are fixed-income instruments offered by banks.
Regular monthly deposits for a fixed tenure with predetermined interest rates.

Safe investment option.
Fixed returns and disciplined savings.

Lower returns compared to equity investments.
Interest rate fluctuations affecting future returns.
Power of Compounding
Understanding compounding can help you make informed investment decisions:


Compounding is reinvesting your earnings to generate additional earnings over time.
Helps in growing your wealth exponentially with long-term investments.

Maximizes returns through reinvestment.
Accelerates wealth accumulation over time.

Investing regularly in SIPs or RDs allows you to benefit from compounding and build a substantial corpus for future needs.
Managing Risk
Risk Appetite:

As a conservative investor, focus on low to moderate risk investments like debt funds and RDs.
Avoid high-risk investments like direct equity or speculative instruments.

Spread investments across different asset classes to reduce overall risk.
Balance between fixed-income investments (like RDs and debt funds) and equity-oriented investments (like SIPs) for growth potential.
Financial Planning for Children's Education
Education Planning:

Plan for your children's higher education expenses systematically.
Estimate future costs and start investing early to meet these goals.
Investment Allocation:

Allocate a portion of your savings towards education funds through SIPs or targeted investment plans.
Building an Emergency Fund
Emergency Fund Importance:

Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to at least 6-12 months of expenses.
Helps in covering unexpected financial needs without disturbing long-term investments.
Liquid Investments:

Utilize liquid funds or keep a portion of savings in easily accessible instruments for emergency needs.
Final Insights
By adopting a disciplined approach to savings and investing, you can achieve financial security and meet your future goals effectively. Here’s a summary of the key steps:

Budgeting and Income Analysis: Understand your monthly income and expenses.
Investment Strategy: Focus on SIPs, debt funds, and recurring deposits for stable returns.
Power of Compounding: Reinvest earnings to benefit from long-term wealth creation.
Risk Management: Opt for low to moderate risk investments aligned with your risk tolerance.
Education Planning: Start investing early for your children's education expenses.
Emergency Fund: Maintain liquidity for unforeseen expenses without affecting long-term investments.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir, Iam 64 years old NRI, I have saving about 1 cr, please let me know where to invest safely
Ans: It’s great to see you thinking about safe investments for your savings. With Rs 1 crore to invest, let’s discuss a strategy that balances safety, growth, and income.

At 64, planning your investments carefully is crucial. Your focus on safety and returns is commendable. You deserve peace of mind and steady returns.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Investment Amount:

Rs 1 crore

Safety of principal
Regular income
Moderate growth
Time Horizon:

Medium to long-term
Types of Investments
Diversifying your investments will help achieve a balance between safety and returns. Here’s how you can allocate your Rs 1 crore:

1. Debt Mutual Funds

Debt mutual funds invest in fixed-income securities like government and corporate bonds.
They provide regular income and are less volatile than equity funds.

Lower risk compared to equity funds.
Provides stability and steady returns.

Interest rate risk: Value may decrease if interest rates rise.
Credit risk: Possibility of issuer default.
Recommended Allocation:

Allocate Rs 40 lakh to debt mutual funds.
Choose funds with a mix of high-quality corporate bonds and government securities.
2. Balanced or Hybrid Mutual Funds

Hybrid funds invest in a mix of equity and debt.
They offer a balanced approach to investing, providing both growth and income.

Diversification across asset classes.
Potential for moderate growth with reduced risk.

Market risk from equity component.
Interest rate and credit risks from debt component.
Recommended Allocation:

Allocate Rs 30 lakh to balanced or hybrid mutual funds.
This provides a balanced exposure to both equity and debt.
3. Monthly Income Plans (MIPs)

MIPs are mutual funds that primarily invest in debt instruments but also have a small equity component.
They are designed to provide regular monthly income.

Regular monthly income.
Lower risk due to high debt component.

Market risk from the equity component.
Interest rate and credit risks from debt component.
Recommended Allocation:

Allocate Rs 20 lakh to MIPs.
This ensures regular income with moderate growth potential.
4. Liquid Funds

Liquid funds invest in short-term debt instruments.
They offer high liquidity and low risk, ideal for emergencies.

High liquidity.
Better returns than a savings account.

Lower returns compared to other debt funds.
Interest rate risk.
Recommended Allocation:

Allocate Rs 10 lakh to liquid funds.
This ensures quick access to funds in case of emergencies.
Power of Compounding
The power of compounding is essential in long-term investing. By reinvesting your returns, your money grows exponentially over time.


Compounding is earning returns on your initial investment and the returns generated.
The longer you stay invested, the more your money grows.

Exponential growth of wealth.
Maximizes long-term returns.

Investing in mutual funds and reinvesting the returns can significantly grow your corpus over time.
Avoiding High-Risk Investments
Given your priority on safety, avoiding high-risk investments is prudent.

Equity Exposure:

Limit equity exposure to reduce volatility.
Focus on funds with a higher debt component for stability.
Real Estate:

Real estate can be illiquid and high maintenance.
Focus on liquid and manageable investments.
Disadvantages of Index Funds
While index funds are popular, they have some drawbacks compared to actively managed funds.

Limited Flexibility:

Index funds mirror the market and cannot adapt to changing conditions.
Actively managed funds can adjust to market trends and opportunities.
No Outperformance:

Index funds aim to match the market, not outperform it.
Actively managed funds can potentially deliver higher returns.
Recommended Approach:

Prefer actively managed funds through a Certified Financial Planner for tailored advice and potential outperformance.
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds might seem attractive due to lower expense ratios, but they come with their own challenges.

Lack of Guidance:

Direct funds require you to make all investment decisions.
Investing through a Certified Financial Planner provides expert advice and tailored strategies.

Managing direct funds can be time-consuming and complex.
Professional guidance simplifies the process and ensures informed decisions.
Recommended Approach:

Invest through regular funds with guidance from a Certified Financial Planner.
Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing

Regularly review your investment portfolio.
Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Keeps your investments aligned with your goals.
Reduces risk by maintaining diversification.
Recommended Actions:

Review your portfolio every six months.
Rebalance if any asset class deviates significantly from the desired allocation.
Tax Considerations for NRIs
Tax Implications:

Understand the tax implications of your investments.
Consult with a tax advisor for NRI-specific tax benefits and obligations.
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA):

Take advantage of DTAA between India and your resident country.
This helps avoid double taxation on your investment income.
Emergency Fund
Maintaining an emergency fund is crucial, especially at your age. Ensure it is accessible and sufficient for at least 6-12 months of expenses.

1. Liquid Funds

Liquid funds invest in short-term debt instruments.
They offer quick access to funds with minimal risk.

High liquidity.
Better returns than a savings account.

Lower returns compared to other debt funds.
Interest rate risk.
Recommended Allocation:

Keep a portion of your emergency fund in liquid funds.
This ensures quick access and better returns than a savings account.
Regular Income through SWP
A Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) can provide regular income from your mutual fund investments.


SWP allows you to withdraw a fixed amount regularly from your mutual fund investments.
It provides a steady cash flow.

Regular income while keeping your principal invested.
Flexibility to choose the withdrawal amount and frequency.

Market risk: Value of investments can fluctuate.
Depleting principal if withdrawals exceed returns.
Recommended Allocation:

Set up an SWP for monthly income.
Withdraw a sustainable amount to ensure longevity of your investments.
Final Insights
By following this roadmap, you can effectively invest Rs 1 crore with a focus on safety and steady returns. Here’s a summary of the steps:

Debt Mutual Funds:

Allocate Rs 40 lakh.
Focus on high-quality corporate bonds and government securities.
Balanced or Hybrid Mutual Funds:

Allocate Rs 30 lakh.
Provides balanced exposure to equity and debt.
Monthly Income Plans (MIPs):

Allocate Rs 20 lakh.
Ensures regular income with moderate growth potential.
Liquid Funds:

Allocate Rs 10 lakh.
Ensures quick access to funds in case of emergencies.
Power of Compounding:

Reinvest returns to maximize long-term growth.
Avoid High-Risk Investments:

Limit equity exposure and avoid real estate.
Disadvantages of Index and Direct Funds:

Prefer actively managed funds with professional guidance.
Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing:

Review and adjust your portfolio every six months.
Tax Considerations for NRIs:

Understand tax implications and leverage DTAA benefits.
Emergency Fund:

Maintain liquidity and accessibility.
Regular Income through SWP:

Set up an SWP for steady monthly income.
By diversifying your investments and leveraging the power of compounding, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your financial goals with safety and stability.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
Hi I am an it professional. My annual ctc is 45 lacs. I have 26 lacs in epf, 24 lacs in equity, 1.1 lacs in gold soverign bond. I own a car and scooty. I have one flat in greater noida with 30 lacs as loan . My monthly expense is 70k. I also have paternal property worth 3cr which is in village from where currently i am getting nothing. My wife is home maker and i have 2 children(girl 9 years old, boy 4 years old) I want to retire after 5 years . How should i plan my investment
Ans: You have a diverse financial portfolio, which includes a high annual income, investments in EPF, equity, gold bonds, a car, a scooty, and a flat with a loan. Your monthly expenses are Rs. 70,000, and you also own a valuable paternal property. Your goal is to retire in 5 years. Let's discuss how you can plan your investments to achieve a secure retirement.

Evaluating Current Investments

1. Employee Provident Fund (EPF):
Your EPF balance of Rs. 26 lakhs is a stable and secure investment. It provides assured returns and tax benefits. Continue contributing to your EPF to build a strong retirement corpus. It will be a significant part of your retirement income.

2. Equity Investments:
Your Rs. 24 lakhs in equity indicate a good start towards wealth creation. Equity investments have the potential for high returns, especially over the long term. However, they come with market risks. To mitigate this, diversify your equity portfolio across various sectors and companies. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio with the help of a Certified Financial Planner.

3. Gold Sovereign Bonds:
You have Rs. 1.1 lakhs in gold sovereign bonds, which provide security and act as a hedge against inflation. It's good to have some exposure to gold, but don’t rely solely on it. Continue holding these bonds as part of your diversified portfolio.

4. Real Estate:
Your flat in Greater Noida, with a loan of Rs. 30 lakhs, is both an asset and a liability. Real estate can provide stability and potential appreciation, but it also ties up capital. Focus on paying off the loan efficiently to reduce interest burden and enhance equity in the property.

5. Paternal Property:
Your paternal property worth Rs. 3 crores is a significant asset. Although it currently generates no income, it has potential for future returns. Consider ways to monetize this property, such as leasing it out or developing it, to create an additional income stream.

Assessing Monthly Expenses

Your monthly expense of Rs. 70,000 includes household expenses, children's education, and lifestyle costs. As you plan for retirement, it's crucial to ensure that your post-retirement income can cover these expenses comfortably. Factoring in inflation is essential to maintain your standard of living.

Investment Planning for Retirement

1. Mutual Funds:
Mutual funds are excellent for long-term wealth creation. They offer diversification, professional management, and potential for high returns. Here’s how you can approach mutual fund investments:

a. Equity Mutual Funds:
Allocate a significant portion of your investments to equity mutual funds. These funds invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns. They are suitable for your moderate to high-risk appetite. Choose funds with a strong track record and diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

b. Debt Mutual Funds:
Include debt mutual funds for stability and regular income. These funds invest in fixed-income securities and are less volatile than equity funds. They provide liquidity and help balance the risk in your portfolio. Opt for short-term and medium-term debt funds for better returns than traditional fixed deposits.

c. Hybrid Mutual Funds:
Hybrid funds offer a mix of equity and debt investments. They provide a balanced approach, combining growth potential and stability. These funds are suitable for investors nearing retirement, offering both capital appreciation and regular income.

Advantages of Mutual Funds:

Diversification: Mutual funds invest in a wide range of securities, reducing risk.

Professional Management: Fund managers have expertise in selecting and managing investments.

Liquidity: You can easily buy and sell mutual fund units, providing flexibility.

Power of Compounding: Reinvesting returns can significantly grow your investment over time.

2. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP):
SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds. This disciplined approach helps in averaging the cost of investment and reduces market timing risks. Start a SIP with a comfortable amount and gradually increase it as your income grows. SIPs are ideal for building a substantial corpus over the long term.

3. Child Education Fund:
Plan for your children's higher education expenses. Create a dedicated education fund using a mix of equity and debt investments. This fund should grow over time to meet the future costs of education, ensuring your children have the best opportunities without financial stress.

4. Emergency Fund:
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This fund provides a safety net for unexpected financial challenges, such as medical emergencies or job loss. Keep this fund in a liquid and easily accessible form, like a savings account or liquid mutual funds.

5. Life Insurance:
Ensure adequate life insurance coverage to protect your family in case of an unfortunate event. Term insurance is the most cost-effective option, providing a high sum assured at a low premium. Review your existing policies and enhance coverage if needed.

6. Health Insurance:
Having comprehensive health insurance is crucial to cover medical expenses without dipping into your savings. Opt for a family floater plan that covers your entire family. Review the coverage and enhance it if necessary, considering the rising healthcare costs.

7. Retirement Corpus Calculation:
Estimate the retirement corpus required to sustain your lifestyle post-retirement. Consider factors like inflation, life expectancy, and desired monthly income. A Certified Financial Planner can help you with accurate calculations and create a personalized retirement plan.

8. Reducing Debt:
Focus on reducing and eventually eliminating your home loan. This will free up your finances and reduce the interest burden. Prioritize debt repayment along with your investment goals.

9. Estate Planning:
Plan for the distribution of your assets to ensure your family's financial security. Create a will to specify how your assets should be distributed among your heirs. Consider setting up trusts if needed for managing and protecting your wealth.

Final Insights

Retirement planning requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. By diversifying your investments, reducing debt, and ensuring adequate insurance coverage, you can build a secure financial future. Here’s a summary of the key steps to take:

Continue contributing to your EPF for assured returns and tax benefits.

Diversify your equity investments to manage risk and maximize returns.

Hold on to your gold sovereign bonds as a hedge against inflation.

Pay off your home loan efficiently to reduce interest burden.

Explore ways to monetize your paternal property for additional income.

Invest in mutual funds, with a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid funds.

Start and increase SIPs for disciplined and regular investments.

Create a dedicated education fund for your children's future.

Maintain an emergency fund for unexpected financial challenges.

Ensure adequate life and health insurance coverage.

Estimate your retirement corpus and plan accordingly.

Focus on reducing and eliminating debt.

Plan your estate to secure your family's financial future.

By following these steps and regularly reviewing your financial plan with a Certified Financial Planner, you can achieve a comfortable and financially secure retirement. Your diverse portfolio and proactive approach will help you build a strong foundation for the future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Hello sir, I have started my first job now with salary of 45k per month and I want to invest the money.. excluding 20k from the salary for my personal expense... Could you guide me proper roadmap for investing rest 25k money and where to invest and possible outcome in coming years
Ans: Congratulations on starting your first job and thinking about investing. You're making a smart move to secure your financial future. Let's create a detailed roadmap for investing Rs 25,000 per month from your salary.

Genuine Compliments and Empathy
Starting to invest early in your career is a fantastic decision. It shows you are serious about building a secure financial future. This proactive approach will help you achieve your financial goals.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Investment Amount:

Rs 25,000 per month

Build a substantial corpus over time
Ensure growth and financial security
Time Horizon:

Long-term investment for wealth creation
Types of Investments
To maximize returns and minimize risk, it's essential to diversify your investments. Here’s how you can allocate your Rs 25,000 monthly investment:

1. Equity Mutual Funds

Equity mutual funds invest in stocks of various companies.
They offer potential for high returns over the long term.

Higher returns compared to other investment options.
Diversification reduces risk.

Market risk: Value can fluctuate.
Requires a long-term horizon to ride out volatility.
Recommended Allocation:

Allocate Rs 10,000 per month to equity mutual funds.
Focus on large-cap and diversified equity funds for stability and growth.
2. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)

SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds.
They offer the benefit of rupee cost averaging and disciplined investing.

Reduces the impact of market volatility.
Makes investing affordable and regular.

Subject to market risk.
Requires patience and consistency.
Recommended Allocation:

Continue with the Rs 10,000 allocation for equity mutual funds through SIPs.
This disciplined approach builds wealth over time.
3. Debt Mutual Funds

Debt mutual funds invest in fixed-income securities like bonds and government securities.
They provide regular interest income and are less volatile than equity funds.

Lower risk compared to equities.
Provides stability to your portfolio.

Interest rate risk: Value may decrease if interest rates rise.
Credit risk: Possibility of issuer default.
Recommended Allocation:

Allocate Rs 5,000 per month to debt mutual funds.
This creates a balanced portfolio and reduces overall risk.
4. Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds invest in a mix of equity and debt.
They offer a balanced approach to investing.

Diversification across asset classes.
Potential for growth with reduced risk.

Market risk from equity component.
Interest rate and credit risks from debt component.
Recommended Allocation:

Allocate Rs 5,000 per month to hybrid funds.
This provides a balanced exposure to both equity and debt.
Tax-Advantaged Investments
To optimize your tax savings, consider investing in instruments that offer tax benefits.

1. Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS)

ELSS funds are equity mutual funds that offer tax benefits under Section 80C.
They come with a lock-in period of three years.

Tax deduction up to Rs 1.5 lakh per year.
Potential for high returns.

Market risk: Subject to equity market volatility.
Lock-in period: Funds are locked for three years.
Recommended Allocation:

If not already included in the Rs 10,000 SIP allocation, consider investing part of it in ELSS for tax benefits.
Emergency Fund
You already have a substantial emergency fund, which is great. Ensure it is accessible and sufficient for at least 6-12 months of expenses.

1. Liquid Funds

Liquid funds invest in short-term debt instruments.
They offer quick access to funds with minimal risk.

High liquidity.
Better returns than a savings account.

Lower returns compared to other debt funds.
Interest rate risk.
Recommended Allocation:

Keep a portion of your emergency fund in liquid funds.
This ensures quick access and better returns than a savings account.
Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing

Regularly review your investment portfolio.
Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Keeps your investments aligned with your goals.
Reduces risk by maintaining diversification.
Recommended Actions:

Review your portfolio every six months.
Rebalance if any asset class deviates significantly from the desired allocation.
Power of Compounding
The power of compounding is your best friend in long-term investing. By reinvesting your returns, your money grows exponentially over time.


Compounding is earning returns on your initial investment and the returns generated.
The longer you stay invested, the more your money grows.

Exponential growth of wealth.
Maximizes long-term returns.

Investing Rs 25,000 per month in a diversified portfolio can grow significantly over 10-15 years due to compounding.
Disadvantages of Index Funds
While index funds are popular, they have some drawbacks compared to actively managed funds.

Limited Flexibility:

Index funds mirror the market and cannot adapt to changing conditions.
Actively managed funds can adjust to market trends and opportunities.
No Outperformance:

Index funds aim to match the market, not outperform it.
Actively managed funds can potentially deliver higher returns.
Recommended Approach:

Prefer actively managed funds through a Certified Financial Planner for tailored advice and potential outperformance.
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds might seem attractive due to lower expense ratios, but they come with their own challenges.

Lack of Guidance:

Direct funds require you to make all investment decisions.
Investing through a Certified Financial Planner provides expert advice and tailored strategies.

Managing direct funds can be time-consuming and complex.
Professional guidance simplifies the process and ensures informed decisions.
Recommended Approach:

Invest through regular funds with guidance from a Certified Financial Planner.
Final Insights
By following this roadmap, you can effectively invest Rs 25,000 per month and build a substantial corpus over time. Here's a summary of the steps:

Equity Mutual Funds:

Allocate Rs 10,000 per month.
Focus on large-cap and diversified funds.
Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs):

Continue with disciplined SIP contributions.
Debt Mutual Funds:

Allocate Rs 5,000 per month.
Provides stability and regular income.
Hybrid Funds:

Allocate Rs 5,000 per month.
Balanced exposure to equity and debt.
ELSS for Tax Savings:

Consider part of SIP allocation for tax benefits.
Emergency Fund:

Maintain liquidity and accessibility.
Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing:

Review and adjust your portfolio every six months.
By diversifying your investments and leveraging the power of compounding, you'll be well on your way to achieving your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Sir, Please ???? advise me to get regular monthly passive income of R.S: 45,000.00. How much I have to invest? What are the types of investments I have to do? How much amount to be invested? My mobile numb eight one six nine seven zero seven nine zero one.I am living in Bangalore. Even if you provide your number, I can call back you. Thanks and regards J.Visvesvara Rao
Ans: Hello Visvesvara Rao! It's great that you're thinking about creating a steady passive income stream. Let's explore how you can achieve a monthly passive income of Rs 45,000 through smart investments.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Target Monthly Passive Income:

Rs 45,000 per month

Investment Amount:

Determine how much you need to invest to achieve this income

It's commendable that you're planning for financial stability and a regular income. This foresight will serve you well in achieving your goals.

Types of Investments for Regular Passive Income
To generate a regular monthly income, you need a mix of investments that provide stability, growth, and regular payouts. Here are some recommended options:

1. Dividend-Paying Mutual Funds and Stocks
Dividend-Paying Mutual Funds:

These funds invest in companies that regularly pay dividends.
They provide a steady stream of income along with potential capital appreciation.
Dividend-Paying Stocks:

Invest in blue-chip companies with a history of paying consistent dividends.
These stocks offer both regular income and potential growth.

Regular income through dividends.
Potential for capital growth over time.

Dividends can be cut if the company faces financial difficulties.
Stock prices can be volatile.
2. Debt Mutual Funds

Debt mutual funds invest in bonds and other fixed-income securities.
They provide regular interest income.

Lower risk compared to equities.
Regular payouts in the form of interest.

Interest rate risk: If rates rise, the value of existing bonds may fall.
Credit risk: Possibility of issuer default.
3. Monthly Income Plans (MIPs)

MIPs are hybrid funds that invest in both equity and debt.
They aim to provide regular monthly income.

Balanced risk due to diversification in equity and debt.
Regular income payouts.

Market risk from the equity component.
Interest rate and credit risks from the debt component.
4. Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) in Mutual Funds

SWP allows you to withdraw a fixed amount from your mutual fund investments regularly.
It provides flexibility and regular income.

Control over withdrawal amounts.
Potential for capital appreciation while receiving regular income.

Market risk: Fund value can fluctuate.
Potential depletion of capital if withdrawals exceed returns.
Calculating the Required Investment
To generate Rs 45,000 per month, or Rs 540,000 per year, let's consider the expected returns from different investment options.

Expected Returns
Dividend-Paying Stocks and Mutual Funds:

Average dividend yield: 4-5%
Required investment: Rs 1.08 to 1.35 crores
Debt Mutual Funds and MIPs:

Average return: 7-8%
Required investment: Rs 67.5 lakhs to 77.14 lakhs
SWP in Mutual Funds:

Average return: 8-10%
Required investment: Rs 54 lakhs to 67.5 lakhs
Diversified Investment Plan
To minimize risks and maximize returns, consider a diversified investment plan. Here's a suggested allocation:

Dividend-Paying Stocks and Mutual Funds:

Invest 40% of your corpus
Approximate investment: Rs 60 lakhs
Debt Mutual Funds and MIPs:

Invest 40% of your corpus
Approximate investment: Rs 60 lakhs
SWP in Mutual Funds:

Invest 20% of your corpus
Approximate investment: Rs 30 lakhs
Steps to Implement Your Investment Plan
Assess Your Risk Tolerance:

Understand your risk tolerance before investing.
Higher equity exposure can lead to higher returns but comes with increased risk.
Consult a Certified Financial Planner:

Get personalized advice tailored to your financial situation and goals.
A Certified Financial Planner can help you select the best funds and stocks.
Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing:

Monitor your investments regularly.
Rebalance your portfolio annually to maintain your desired asset allocation.
Tax Planning:

Optimize your investments for tax efficiency.
Utilize tax-saving instruments like ELSS funds under Section 80C.
Final Insights
Creating a monthly passive income of Rs 45,000 is achievable with a well-planned and diversified investment strategy. Here's a summary of the steps:

Avoid High-Risk Schemes:

Steer clear of schemes like Tanishq Golden Harvest and Bajaj Finance FD.
Focus on diversified mutual funds and dividend-paying stocks.
Diversify Your Investments:

Spread your investments across equity, debt, and hybrid funds.
This reduces risk and enhances returns.
Regular SIP Contributions:

Continue and increase your SIP contributions as your income grows.
This builds a substantial corpus over time.
Review and Rebalance:

Periodically review your portfolio's performance.
Rebalance to align with your financial goals.
By following these steps and consulting a Certified Financial Planner, you can achieve your goal of a stable monthly passive income.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
I am 49 years of age and completing my 50 this year end. My funds requirements are: 1. Rs 50 lacs by 2031/32. 2. Rs 120 lacs by 20233/34. 3. Rs 50 lacs by 2036/37. The above requirement are worked out based on my kids settlements and additional retirement corpus. Presently I am investing 20K monthly in SIP which has fund value of 3.5 lacs as of now. How much more I need to invest and which fund which can fulfill above requirements.
Ans: I can help you create a plan to meet your financial goals. Let's work through the details step-by-step.

Understanding Your Financial Situation
You are currently 49 years old and planning for three major financial goals:

Rs 50 lakhs by 2031/32
Rs 120 lakhs by 2033/34
Rs 50 lakhs by 2036/37
You are investing Rs 20,000 per month in SIPs with a current fund value of Rs 3.5 lakhs.

Compliments and Appreciation
First, I want to commend you for your proactive approach to financial planning. Investing in SIPs and having clear financial goals shows great foresight and dedication to securing your future and your children’s future. This commitment will pay off significantly over time.

Setting Financial Goals
Your primary goal is to accumulate Rs 220 lakhs (Rs 2.2 crores) by 2036/37, distributed over three milestones. To achieve these goals, we need to assess your current investments and determine how much more you need to invest.

Evaluating Current Investments
You are currently investing Rs 20,000 monthly in SIPs. With a fund value of Rs 3.5 lakhs, this is a good start. However, to meet your future requirements, we need to ensure your investments are optimized for growth.

Investment Strategy
Understanding Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are a powerful investment tool due to their diversification, professional management, and potential for high returns. Let's break down the different types of mutual funds you can consider:

Equity Mutual Funds: These invest in stocks and are suitable for long-term goals. They have the potential for high returns but come with higher risk. Given your long-term horizon, equity funds can help you achieve substantial growth.

Debt Mutual Funds: These invest in fixed-income securities like bonds. They are less risky than equity funds and provide regular income. They are suitable for short to medium-term goals and for balancing the overall risk of your portfolio.

Hybrid Mutual Funds: These funds invest in a mix of equity and debt instruments. They offer a balanced approach with moderate risk and returns. These can be a good choice for a diversified portfolio.

Compounding and Its Power
One of the greatest benefits of investing in mutual funds is the power of compounding. Compounding allows your investment earnings to generate their own earnings over time. The longer you stay invested, the more significant the impact of compounding.

Calculating the Required Investments
Goal 1: Rs 50 Lakhs by 2031/32
To meet this goal, you need to invest in a mix of equity and debt funds to balance growth and risk. Given the time frame, a higher allocation to equity funds is advisable.

Goal 2: Rs 120 Lakhs by 2033/34
For this goal, you need a more aggressive investment strategy. Higher equity exposure will help in achieving this substantial amount.

Goal 3: Rs 50 Lakhs by 2036/37
This goal can be met with a balanced approach, utilizing hybrid funds to maintain growth while managing risk.

Monthly Investment Requirement
Based on your goals, it is crucial to calculate the additional amount you need to invest monthly. Assuming an average annual return of 12% from equity funds, you will need to increase your monthly SIP contributions. Here’s a rough guide:

Current SIP Contribution: Rs 20,000 per month.
Estimated Shortfall: To meet your total requirement, you will likely need to increase your SIP to around Rs 50,000 to Rs 60,000 per month. This is an estimate and actual requirements can vary.
Steps to Achieve Your Goals
Increase SIP Contributions: Gradually increase your SIP contributions to align with your financial goals. Aim for Rs 50,000 to Rs 60,000 monthly.

Diversify Investments: Allocate funds across equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds. This diversification helps manage risk and optimize returns.

Regular Review: Periodically review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals. Adjust the allocation as needed based on market conditions and your financial situation.

Stay Invested: The key to achieving long-term financial goals is to stay invested. Avoid withdrawing funds unless absolutely necessary. Let compounding work in your favor.

Why Not Index Funds
Index funds might seem attractive due to their low cost and simplicity. However, they simply track market indices and do not aim to outperform them. Actively managed funds, on the other hand, have the potential to generate higher returns through expert management and stock selection.

The Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds have lower expense ratios compared to regular funds. However, investing in direct funds requires a deep understanding of the market and active management. Most investors benefit from the expertise and guidance of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who can help select the right regular funds and manage them effectively.

Additional Tips
Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund to cover 6-12 months of expenses. This ensures that you don't have to dip into your investments during emergencies.

Insurance: Ensure you have adequate life and health insurance coverage. This protects your family and savings from unforeseen events.

Avoid High-Interest Debt: Clear any high-interest debt you may have. This helps in reducing financial stress and allows more funds to be allocated towards investments.

Automate Investments: Automate your SIPs to ensure disciplined investing. This eliminates the hassle of manual transfers and ensures consistency.

Final Insights
Achieving your financial goals requires a strategic and disciplined approach. Increase your SIP contributions, diversify your investments, and stay invested for the long term. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to stay on track. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can provide personalized guidance and help optimize your investment strategy. Your dedication to planning for your children’s future and your retirement is commendable. With careful planning and execution, you can achieve your financial goals and secure a comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4172 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 22, 2024Hindi
Hi My salary is 50k and I have started investing 10k in Tanishq golden harvest scheme for future gold. I have savings of almost 11 lakh and something so I am planning to put the whole amount in fd for three years on Bajaj finance fd plan? Is it good? Also I started a sip of 10k monthly in et money quant less fund so I am sure if i should continue it or stop it?
Ans: It's wonderful that you're taking steps to secure your financial future. Let's discuss your current investment choices and how you can optimize them for better returns.

Understanding Your Current Financial Situation
Income and Investments:

Salary: Rs 50,000/month
Tanishq Golden Harvest Scheme: Rs 10,000/month
SIP in ET Money Quant Less Fund: Rs 10,000/month
Savings: Rs 11 lakhs
Planned Investments:

Bajaj Finance FD for 3 years
Evaluating Tanishq Golden Harvest Scheme
The Tanishq Golden Harvest Scheme allows you to save for gold purchases. However, it has some limitations and risks:

Lack of Flexibility:

The scheme is primarily for buying gold, limiting your options.
You might get better returns by investing in more versatile assets.
Gold Price Volatility:

Gold prices can be volatile and may not always increase.
Your returns depend on gold price movements at the time of maturity.
Better Alternatives:

Investing in a diversified mutual fund can provide better returns.
Gold ETFs or mutual funds offer more flexibility and market-linked returns.
Assessing Bajaj Finance FD
Fixed Deposits (FDs) are a safe investment, but they come with their own set of drawbacks:

Low Returns:

FD interest rates are generally low and may not keep up with inflation.
Over time, the real value of your money might decrease.
Tax Implications:

Interest earned from FDs is fully taxable.
This reduces the overall returns from the FD.
Better Alternatives:

Mutual funds offer the potential for higher returns.
They are more tax-efficient, especially for long-term investments.
Evaluating ET Money Quant Less Fund SIP
Your investment in ET Money Quant Less Fund needs careful consideration:

Actively Managed Funds:

Actively managed funds have the potential to outperform index funds.
They are managed by professionals who aim to beat market returns.
Fund Performance:

Regularly review the performance of your mutual fund.
If it consistently underperforms, consider switching to a better-performing fund.
Consult a Certified Financial Planner:

Get personalized advice from a Certified Financial Planner.
They can help you choose funds that align with your financial goals.
Optimizing Your Investments
Let's look at better investment options and strategies to maximize your returns:

Diversified Mutual Funds
Higher Returns:

Diversified mutual funds typically offer higher returns compared to FDs.
They invest in a mix of equities and debt instruments.
Risk Management:

Diversification reduces the overall risk of your investment portfolio.
Choose a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds for balanced growth.
Power of Compounding:

Start early to benefit from compounding over time.
Reinvest dividends and interest to maximize growth.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Discipline and Regularity:

SIPs promote regular investing and financial discipline.
They allow you to invest small amounts regularly, reducing market risk.
Rupee Cost Averaging:

SIPs average out the purchase cost of units over time.
This reduces the impact of market volatility.
Long-Term Growth:

SIPs in equity mutual funds can provide significant long-term growth.
They are ideal for building a corpus for future goals.
Gold ETFs and Gold Mutual Funds

Gold ETFs and gold mutual funds offer more flexibility than schemes like Tanishq Golden Harvest.
They are market-linked and can be bought or sold easily.
Better Returns:

These options often provide better returns compared to physical gold schemes.
They also eliminate storage and security concerns.
Tax Planning and Efficiency
Tax-Efficient Investments:

Equity mutual funds and certain debt funds are more tax-efficient.
Long-term capital gains from equity mutual funds are taxed at a lower rate.
Section 80C Deductions:

Invest in tax-saving instruments like ELSS funds under Section 80C.
This helps reduce your taxable income and saves money.
Emergency Fund Management
Adequate Emergency Fund:
Maintain an emergency fund of 6-12 months of expenses.
Keep it in a high-interest savings account or a liquid mutual fund for easy access.
Final Insights
To achieve your financial goals, consider the following steps:

Reallocate Investments:

Avoid the Tanishq Golden Harvest Scheme and Bajaj Finance FD.
Invest in diversified mutual funds for better returns and flexibility.
Increase SIP Contributions:

Gradually increase your SIP contributions as your income grows.
This enhances your investment corpus over time.
Regular Reviews:

Review your investment portfolio every 6 months.
Adjust your investments based on performance and changing financial goals.
Consult a Certified Financial Planner:

Seek advice from a Certified Financial Planner for personalized investment strategies.
They can help you optimize your portfolio and achieve your financial objectives.
By making informed investment choices and staying disciplined, you can build a substantial corpus and secure your financial future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


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