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Sushil Sukhwani  |436 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Jul 05, 2024

Sushil Sukhwani is the founding director of the overseas education consultant firm, Edwise International. He has 31 years of experience in counselling students who have opted to study abroad in various countries, including the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. He is part of the board of directors at the American International Recruitment Council and an honorary committee member of the Australian Alumni Association. Sukhwani is an MBA graduate from Bond University, Australia. ... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi

I am ECE graduate in India , fresher & want to pursue MS in Data Science from Germany. Is it possible?

Ans: Hello,

First and foremost, thank you for getting in touch with us. I am happy to know that you have completed your Bachelor’s in Electronics and Communication Engineering and now wish to pursue your MS in Data Science from Germany. Concerning your query as to whether it is possible, I would like to let you know that an Indian graduate with a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) can definitely pursue an MS in Data Science in Germany. You would be glad to know that Master’s programs in Data Science or associated fields that are open to foreign candidates, including those with different educational backgrounds viz., ECE are offered by a number of universities in Germany.

In order to boost your chances, a solid foundation in pertinent abilities viz., mathematics, programming, and statistics, which are crucial for Data Science may require to be demonstrated by you. Moreover, fluency in the English language (frequently proven via tests viz., the IELTS or the TOEFL) and fulfilling particular academic standards established by the universities are crucial factors. Lastly, in order to find the perfect match for your academic and professional objectives, I would suggest that you investigate various universities and their program-specific criteria.

For more information, you can visit our website: www.edwiseinternational.com

You can also follow us on our Instagram page: edwiseint

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Nidhi Gupta  |160 Answers  |Ask -

Physiotherapist - Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 24, 2024Hindi
Hello Dr Nidhi, Dr Shakib and Dr shreya Had an accident 1.5 yrs back. I had a small fracture with z bone where legaments attached on backside of knee.Also i had dislocation of 5mm of leg below knee. I was treated with belt for whole leg PTS brace for 4 weeks then PCL/CI Brace for next 3 weeks alongwith gradual physiotheropy at home. But unfortunayely my legaments could not get strenth and I cannot walk as normal before. I have pains. I did Physiotheropy exercizes but could not do gym exercizes. I have kidney function issues creatnine 1.5 and protien 2 plus So I took ayurvedic medicines as was already taking for kidney issue. Also I am a vegetarian. I am really under tension as I cannot walk with normal speed as wrll as for long distance and perform other routine duties. Even my left knee has also giving pains since last 2 month and my low waist is also giving me much pain since last three months. Not done any exercise in last month. Pleasd give me proper guidance to recover. Thanks
Ans: Hello Anonymous,
For how long did you do the physiotherapy? Are you still continuing with the physiotherapy?
Have you done recent MRI?
Aqua-therapy which means doing exercises in water can help heal the knee very well. If possible for you please ask a certified aqua-physiotherapist or go to a center that has aqua-therapy and do exercises there in their pool. This will help you in developing proprioception which will strengthen the muscles around the knee very well. Also your core muscles need to be worked on.
Also please go to a good sports physio or a physio who does myofascial release. You may need therapies like cupping, dry needling, myofascial release rather than only conventional physio. That can help your waist pain and knee.
Warm regards,
Dr Nidhi Bajaj Gupta
Founder@ Merahki Holistic Wellness
Follow us on Insta: merahki_holisticwellness

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Anu Krishna  |1017 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 05, 2024Hindi
Hi, I'm a 47 year old woman working as an engineer in a corporate. I fell in love with my classmate when I was doing my engineering. He too loved me and we wanted to get married. But his father declined our marriage proposal since I did not belong to their caste. Since his parents disagreed, he did not want to go ahead with this marriage. So, we decided to leave the matter for now but continued to meet eaach other regularly and talk. A few months later, his parents forced him to get married to a close family acquaintance. Being the only child, my mom also forced me to get married to an alliance she had found suitable and i too got married. Even after marriage, I couldn't forget my boyfriend and so we would meet regularly after office and diacuss everything under the sun including our marital lives. I was never happy with my marriage and never had a child. He also seemed unhappy with his marriage but had a daughter with his wife. My husband passed away in a road accident after 3 years of marriage. I started feeling insecure and so forcedmy boyfriend to marry me. He declined to marry me due to societal pressure but was very keen to have a physical relationship. I also agreed and got pregnant with his child. When our son was 6 months old, he helped me find a rented home close to his home so that he could meet me to fulfil his physical desires. Now that my son is 10 years old and beginning to understand things, he keeps asking why his fathee doesnt stay with us and visits us only occasionally. He has never celebrated our sons birthday or taken us put anywhere. I have remained his mistress and so feel very insecure and neglected in this relationship. I also find it very difficult to lead a life like this. When i discuss this with my boyfriend, he says he cannot leave his wife and daughter for our sake (he seems to have a soft corner for them). We have had serious fights about this, and i have even told him to stay away from our lives. But he continues to come to me whenever he wants a physical relation and i succumb to the situation. Now, i feel used and want to cut off this relationship. As my son grows old and gets to know of all these things, i am afraid what he will think of me. I dont want to be looked down by my son. I have a good job, i am financially independent and have bought an apartment as well. I am confident that i can take good care of my son and lead a decent life. Please suggest what i should do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Why exactly are you living off the scraps of this guy? (In terms of love)
He clearly has sent a message that there's no family with you and your son. So, when he comes over just for sex, how does that make you feel? The reason that you writing to me is perhaps that you feel disrespected with his behavior.

You are financially independent and have the freedom to raise you son out of this confusing environment. Why would you not do that and actually free yourself from this unsettled feeling? If you are looking for love, care and affection from this man, let me draw this out for you...he is clear that he is not going to leave his family and hey, why would he? His wife has not been a party to all of this.

With all the complications of having a relationship on the side, you brought a child into this world out of wedlock (that's still not the issue), the issue is that you are still hanging onto him and the scraps he throws at you in the form of intimacy. Do not mistake sex for love...Sex stems from Love and not the other way round. So, if you feel that someday he's going to crawl back to you if you keep the sex going, I highly doubt that. Plus, again that would be unfair to his wife as well.

Now, why would you not give yourself a chance to move away from this and actually pursue a healthy relationship (when you feel that you are ready)? And that can happen only when you actually decide that you value yourself and respect for you is non-negotiable. Would you be willing to do that?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4344 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 08, 2024Hindi
Hello, I am 39 and I earn 1.5 lacs per month after Tax and Mandatory PF deduction. I have a total Loan EMI of around ?60,000 which will continue for the next 9 yrs. I have 38 lacs in provident Fund, 5 lacs in PPF, 5 lacs in Bank FD and 15 lacs in Equity MF(?40000/- SIP in 5 Different High Risk Portfolio). I am planning to retire at 50. Kindly guide me how to reach ?3 Crore Savings/nvestment in the quickest way.?
Ans: It's great that you are planning for your future. You’ve done well with your finances so far. Let's break down your current financial situation and find the best path to reach your goal of Rs. 3 crore by age 50.

Current Financial Snapshot
Income and Expenses:

Monthly Income: Rs. 1.5 lakh (after tax and PF deduction)
Loan EMI: Rs. 60,000 per month (for the next 9 years)

Provident Fund: Rs. 38 lakh
PPF: Rs. 5 lakh
Bank FD: Rs. 5 lakh
Equity MF: Rs. 15 lakh (Rs. 40,000 SIP in 5 high-risk portfolios)
You’re doing well with a diversified portfolio and a disciplined approach. Let’s see how we can achieve your Rs. 3 crore target.

Assessing Your Financial Goals
You aim to retire at 50, which gives you 11 years to reach your goal of Rs. 3 crore. This requires a strategic and disciplined investment approach.

Increasing SIPs and Investments
1. Increase Monthly SIPs:

Your current SIP of Rs. 40,000 is a good start. Try to increase your SIP amount gradually. Even a 10% increase annually can significantly boost your corpus.

2. Diversify Your Investments:

Diversify into different mutual fund categories. Balance between high-risk and moderate-risk funds. This ensures growth and stability.

Power of Compounding
1. Mutual Funds:

Mutual funds are excellent for long-term growth. They provide diversification, professional management, and compounding benefits.

2. Equity Funds:

Equity funds can offer high returns but come with high risk. Since you have 11 years, equities can play a significant role in growing your corpus.

3. Debt Funds:

Debt funds are more stable and provide moderate returns. They balance the risk in your portfolio.

Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing
1. Monitor Investments:

Regularly review your portfolio. Ensure it aligns with your goals. Adjust allocations as needed.

2. Rebalance Portfolio:

Rebalance your portfolio annually. This helps maintain the desired asset allocation and reduces risk.

Leveraging Existing Assets
1. Provident Fund:

Your PF is a significant amount. Continue contributing to it. It’s a safe and steady investment.

2. PPF:

PPF is also safe and tax-efficient. Consider increasing your contributions to the maximum limit.

3. Bank FD:

FDs are stable but offer lower returns. You might want to move some of this into higher-yielding investments.

Debt Management
1. Loan EMI:

Your Rs. 60,000 EMI is a significant expense. Ensure you don’t default. Pay off the loan as per schedule.

Tax Planning
1. Tax-efficient Investments:

Utilize tax-saving investments like ELSS. They provide equity exposure and tax benefits under Section 80C.

Insurance and Risk Management
1. Term Insurance:

Ensure adequate term insurance. It protects your family’s financial future.

2. Health Insurance:

Adequate health insurance is crucial. It prevents medical emergencies from derailing your financial plans.

Discipline and Patience
1. Stay Invested:

Avoid withdrawing investments unless necessary. The power of compounding works best with time.

2. Regular Investments:

Maintain regular investments. Consistency is key to achieving your financial goals.

Scenario Analysis
Let’s look at some scenarios to see how your investments can grow.

1. Mutual Fund Growth:

Assuming a conservative annual return of 10% for your mutual funds:

Current MF Corpus: Rs. 15 lakh can grow to approximately Rs. 42 lakh in 11 years.
Monthly SIPs: Increasing your SIP to Rs. 50,000 can accumulate around Rs. 1.1 crore in 11 years.
2. Provident Fund Growth:

Assuming an 8% annual return for your PF:

Current PF Corpus: Rs. 38 lakh can grow to approximately Rs. 89 lakh in 11 years.
3. PPF Growth:

Assuming a 7% annual return for your PPF:

Current PPF Corpus: Rs. 5 lakh can grow to approximately Rs. 10.5 lakh in 11 years.
4. Bank FD Growth:

Assuming a 6% annual return for your FD:

Current FD Corpus: Rs. 5 lakh can grow to approximately Rs. 9.5 lakh in 11 years.
Potential Total Corpus
Combining all these investments, you can achieve your Rs. 3 crore goal:

Mutual Funds: Rs. 1.52 crore
Provident Fund: Rs. 89 lakh
PPF: Rs. 10.5 lakh
Bank FD: Rs. 9.5 lakh
Total: Approximately Rs. 2.61 crore

Bridging the Gap
1. Additional Investments:

You need to bridge a gap of around Rs. 40 lakh. Increase your SIPs and consider lump-sum investments when possible.

2. Bonuses and Increments:

Utilize bonuses and salary increments to invest more. Every additional investment helps.

3. Cost-cutting:

Review expenses and find ways to save more. Small savings can add up over time.

Final Insights
Achieving Rs. 3 crore in 11 years is challenging but possible with disciplined planning. Increase your SIPs, diversify investments, and regularly review your portfolio.

Stay patient and committed to your plan. The power of compounding and strategic investments will help you reach your goal.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4344 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Hello sir, I am 57 years old and working as a marketing consultant for some foreign companies. I have a child who is just 13 years old. I am planning to work for another 10 years since this is an independent assignment and I get paid for my consultancy work in India. I earn almost 30 lakh per annum. I have a corpus of about 1.55 cr in Mutual funds, PPF of 4 Lakhs, and insurance of 10 lakh which has grown into 15 lakh in 3 years, investments in stocks worth 30 lakhs but now valued at 45 lakhs, one flat given on rent which fetches 7500 per month and another flat in my own name. Term insurance worth 1.6Cr, Heatlth insurance worth 22 Lakhs. No liabilities whatsoever. I need to get a monthly retirement amount of 3 Lakhs per month from 67 years onwards. I have an SIP of about 80,000 per month. Can you pl advice whether these investments is sufficient enough to generate an income of a min 3 lakhs per month after retirement? Thank you so much.
Ans: You’ve done a commendable job managing your finances. Let’s break down your current financial situation and assess if it aligns with your retirement goal of Rs. 3 lakh per month.

Current Financial Position
Income and Investments:

Annual Income: Rs. 30 lakh
Mutual Funds: Rs. 1.55 crore
PPF: Rs. 4 lakh
Insurance (grown to): Rs. 15 lakh
Stocks: Rs. 45 lakh
Rental Income: Rs. 7,500 per month
Term Insurance: Rs. 1.6 crore
Health Insurance: Rs. 22 lakh
SIP: Rs. 80,000 per month
You have substantial investments and a solid income stream. Let's evaluate if this will be sufficient for your retirement needs.

Assessing Your Retirement Needs
You plan to retire at 67 and need Rs. 3 lakh per month. Let’s look at some key aspects:

Corpus Requirement:

To generate Rs. 3 lakh monthly, you need a substantial corpus. Assuming a safe withdrawal rate of 4%, you'll need around Rs. 9 crore. This estimate ensures you don’t outlive your savings.

Current Investments:

Mutual Funds (Rs. 1.55 crore): These are growth-oriented. Over 10 years, they can grow significantly with compounding.

Stocks (Rs. 45 lakh): Equities can provide high returns but come with risk. Over time, these can grow well.

PPF (Rs. 4 lakh): This is safe and gives steady returns but isn't enough alone.

Insurance (Rs. 15 lakh): This is a backup but not an investment vehicle.

Monthly SIPs:

Rs. 80,000 per month is great. Over 10 years, this can accumulate to a significant amount.

Rental Income:

Rs. 7,500 per month is a steady but small addition. Real estate generally appreciates, adding to your asset base.

Mutual Funds: The Power of Compounding
Mutual funds are your best bet for long-term growth. Here's why:

Diversification: Mutual funds spread your investment across different assets, reducing risk.

Professional Management: Managed by experts, they can adjust to market conditions.

Compounding: The longer you stay invested, the more your money grows exponentially.

Liquidity: You can redeem funds easily, unlike some other investments.

Tax Efficiency: Equity mutual funds held for over a year attract lower capital gains tax.

Types of Mutual Funds
Equity Funds: Invest in stocks, high returns, high risk. Suitable for long-term.

Debt Funds: Invest in bonds, stable returns, lower risk. Good for short to medium-term.

Balanced Funds: Mix of equity and debt, moderate risk. Ideal for balanced growth.

ELSS: Tax-saving funds with a 3-year lock-in. Benefit from tax deductions.

Planning Your Retirement Corpus
Projected Growth
Your current mutual funds (Rs. 1.55 crore) and SIPs (Rs. 80,000 monthly) can grow significantly. Assuming a conservative 10% annual return:

Current Corpus:

Rs. 1.55 crore growing at 10% per year for 10 years can become approximately Rs. 4 crore.
SIP Growth:

Rs. 80,000 monthly over 10 years at 10% can accumulate around Rs. 1.5 crore.
Combined, your mutual fund investments alone could reach around Rs. 5.5 crore.

Stocks and PPF
Stocks (Rs. 45 lakh):

If they grow at 10%, they could reach around Rs. 1.2 crore in 10 years.
PPF (Rs. 4 lakh):

Assuming 7% annual return, it can grow to around Rs. 8 lakh in 10 years.
Rental Income
Your rental property can provide steady income. Assuming rents increase, it can contribute more over time. If reinvested wisely, it adds to your corpus.

Insurance and Health Coverage
Term Insurance: Rs. 1.6 crore ensures your family’s financial security.

Health Insurance: Rs. 22 lakh covers medical emergencies, preventing depletion of your savings.

Strategies to Ensure a Comfortable Retirement
Increase SIPs: If possible, increase your SIP amount annually. This accelerates corpus growth.

Diversify: Maintain a balanced portfolio with a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid funds.

Monitor and Rebalance: Regularly review your portfolio. Rebalance to maintain desired asset allocation.

Stay Invested: Avoid withdrawing investments unless necessary. Let compounding work.

Tax Planning: Utilize tax-efficient investment options like ELSS.

Final Insights
Given your current investments and income, you're on a good path. However, aiming for Rs. 3 lakh per month requires diligent planning. Increasing SIPs and ensuring a balanced portfolio will help achieve your goal.

Keep track of your investments and adjust as needed. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner can provide tailored advice to maximize your returns and ensure financial security.

You’ve done a great job so far. With continued careful planning and investment, you’re well on your way to achieving your retirement goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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