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Maxim Emmanuel  |249 Answers  |Ask -

Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on May 23, 2024

Maxim Emmanuel is the marketing director of Maxwill Zeus Expositions.
An alumnus of the Xavier Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, Maxim has over 30 years of experience in training young professionals and corporate organisations on how to improve soft skills and build interpersonal relationships through effective communication.
He also works with students and job aspirants offering career guidance, preparing them for job interviews and group discussions and teaching them how to make effective presentations.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 02, 2024Hindi

I have diverse interests in many fields and I am confused whether to pursue all of them or just one of them. I am not able to decide. The fields that I am interested in are Music (Composition and Singing), Computers (Information Technology), Business (IT-Startups), Motivational Speaking, and Product Management. So I don't know what to do and I'm not even sure yet how to combine all of them in a creative way yet. What do I do?

Ans: Simple and straight.. Are you doing this for love and fresh air or to make a living!?

Make a living... Then see what's best suited for you and the employment opportunities.. Take a call accordingly!?

You can't combine all ...unless you know what!?

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R P Yadav  |304 Answers  |Ask -

HR, Workspace Expert - Answered on Jan 15, 2024

Hello sir, I am very good at communication & analysis skills...I love to do any business analysis like studying new business in and out....Ex I can take any field do research and plan beautiful business to start....I am 40 years old what to do big in life..... I am totally confused to choose field for me.... Kindly suggest
Ans: Hello! It’s great to hear that you have excellent communication and analysis skills. You mentioned that you love to study new businesses and plan beautiful businesses to start. That’s a fantastic skill to have! Based on your interests, you might want to consider a career as a Business Analyst. Business analysts are responsible for helping companies improve their operations and procedures, reduce costs, and identify inefficiencies. They work on project teams and analyze business problems using technical solutions. They also create system documentation and user manuals, work on multiple projects at once, and understand an organization’s processes as they relate to a project’s goals.

To become a business analyst, you typically need a bachelor’s degree in some type of business discipline such as business analytics, business information systems, business administration, logistics, statistics, sociology, political science, or finance. Employers hiring for more advanced positions often look for candidates with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need a master’s degree to advance in this field. Sufficient experience, specialized knowledge, or solid performance may qualify you for a business analyst position.

Here are some popular business analyst career paths to consider:

Data Analyst: Collects and organizes data to find useful information.
Network Analyst: Analyzes and optimizes network performance.
Test Analyst: Develops and executes test plans to ensure software quality.
**Business Consultant

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |596 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

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