My daughter is completed her 1 PUC and has started with 2nd PUC. In college they have started with CET coaching. She is a good swimmer and want to pursue water Polo and wants to go coaching in the morning. She tells 'I don't want to write CET. I don't want to pursue Engineering. I want to take up Marine Biology. I don't neet CET for that. I will study only for Board exam and pursue Swimming classes in the morning'
We wanted her to take up CET to keep Engg as an option as Marine Biology is a niche field and might be difficult to land on a job as we have less scope in India
She has made it clear if you force me i will not read and write exam without reading. Actually she is capable of writing CET, but she do not want to and she is not reading. Her focus is only on swimming
Ans: Hello Aruna.
If your daughter is passionate about swimming and water polo, encourage her to continue. Support her participation in national and international competitions. If she excels in these sports and obtains a valid certificate, she may secure a government job directly after graduation in the respective field. IIT Madras has even reserved two seats for sports candidates, meaning there is no need to take the JEE (Advanced). For more details, please visit the website:
As a parent, your concerns are valid. If she fails to excel in her passion, what will happen to her future? It would be wise to suggest that she attempt the state-level CET entrance examination, even without preparation. Just ask her to submit the answer sheet with random answers. Even if she scores the minimum marks, she can still gain admission to a reputable engineering college through the management quota. If she is not willing to listen to you, it may be beneficial to take her for personal counseling. It raises the question of what she is doing with the remaining hours after spending one, two, or three hours swimming. If she is hesitant to join classes, consider hiring personal tutors to keep her engaged with the syllabus and studies. While a career in sports is possible, for many, it remains just a dream. The journey is quite challenging, and in most cases, strong political connections are needed to advance in sports. Your daughter might be unaware of this reality at a young age. It is advisable to explain these truths to her so that she understands the challenges ahead. Thank you.
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