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Maxim Emmanuel  |250 Answers  |Ask -

Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on Jun 16, 2024

Maxim Emmanuel is the marketing director of Maxwill Zeus Expositions.
An alumnus of the Xavier Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, Maxim has over 30 years of experience in training young professionals and corporate organisations on how to improve soft skills and build interpersonal relationships through effective communication.
He also works with students and job aspirants offering career guidance, preparing them for job interviews and group discussions and teaching them how to make effective presentations.... more
Mohammad Question by Mohammad on May 29, 2024Hindi

I'm b.tech mechanical engineering student.. pass out in 2021 and I have 1 experienced in reliance refinery plant in Gujarat..but now some family issues..i will switched the job.. then now no job..so help me sir

Ans: I believe I have replied to you earlier, please check my earlier reply!?

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R P Yadav  |304 Answers  |Ask -

HR, Workspace Expert - Answered on Jan 05, 2024

Sir iam 51 old my salry total less 15k in small private firm last 20 years owner notincrease my salary i had explord all possibility opportunities in big companies nothing on my way i have own house and family findings problem But my job is supplying of cnc cutting tool forall major manufacturing indian industries what to do jaga
Ans: I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with your salary for the past 20 years. It’s understandable that you’re looking for ways to improve your financial situation. Here are some tips that might help:

Research your market value: Research the market value of your job title, years of experience, and the cost of living in your area. This can help you determine whether your current salary is fair or not. You can use websites like Indeed to find out more.

Negotiate with your employer: If you believe that your salary is lower than what you deserve, you can try negotiating with your employer. Prepare a list of your accomplishments and the value you bring to the company. Set up a private meeting with your manager to discuss your salary. Be kind but straightforward. If your request is denied, take the time to understand why. If it’s solely a budgetary issue, ask your manager when you can realistically revisit the conversation.

Consider freelancing: Freelancing can be a good option if you’re looking for more flexibility in your work schedule. You can work from home and choose the projects you want to work on. You can also set your own rates and potentially earn more than you would at a traditional job.

Explore other job opportunities: If you’re not happy with your current job, consider exploring other job opportunities. Look for companies that offer better salaries and benefits. You can also consider switching to a different industry if you have transferable skills.

Remember, improving your financial situation may take some time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away. Keep working hard and exploring new opportunities, and you’ll increase your chances of finding a job that meets your needs. Good luck!

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Kanchan Rai  |258 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
Hellow, I'm retired 77.My wife never liked me but pretended well for 47 years. I have only one son who is well settled in his business. I had givn enough money to my wife and son, keeping some money for my survival. Fed up with my wife's behaviour I joined Old age home. My all requirements are borne by my son. He, his wife and children respect and love m. One old lady in the old age home approached me for companion ship. I'm depressed without a sincere partener. Shall I accept the offer?
Ans: After many years in a marriage where you didn't feel truly loved, it’s natural to feel apprehensive but also hopeful about forming a new connection.

Given your current situation, accepting the companionship offer from the lady at the old age home could be a positive step towards finding the sincere partner you’ve been missing. Before making any decisions, reflect on your own feelings and what you truly seek in a relationship. Take your time to get to know her better. Share conversations and moments to see if this companionship brings you joy and comfort. It's important to move forward at a pace that feels right for you, ensuring that the relationship is built on mutual respect and genuine care.

Remember, it’s okay to desire companionship and to seek happiness. Your past experiences shouldn’t hold you back from exploring new, fulfilling connections. Given your supportive family, it might also be helpful to share your thoughts with your son and seek his perspective, as he knows you well and might provide valuable insights.

Embrace the opportunity to build a relationship that aligns with your needs and brings you happiness. It's never too late to find meaningful companionship.

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Kanchan Rai  |258 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

my sister is not talking to me im in over dipression because of this i cant able consentrate on my busines . pls help me to talk with me .. important im heart patient she is doctor in gynocology .. she is very close to my heart ..
Ans: Start by gently reaching out to her. Since she’s close to your heart and knows your health condition, a sincere, heartfelt message might be the best way to open the door to communication. Write her a letter or a text where you honestly express how much you miss her and how deeply her absence is impacting you. Let her know how important she is in your life, not just as a sister but as a vital emotional support.

Explain that you’re feeling overwhelmed and that your current stress and sadness are affecting your health and your ability to concentrate on your business. She might not realize the full extent of how her not talking to you is affecting you. Sometimes, people need to hear directly how their actions (or inactions) are impacting others.

Make sure to approach her without assigning blame or bringing up past conflicts, if there are any. Focus on expressing your feelings and your need to reconnect. Emphasize your desire to understand any reasons behind her distance and your hope to work through them together.

It might also be helpful to give her some time and space to process your message. Doctors often have very busy and stressful lives, and she might be dealing with her own pressures.

Ultimately, the goal is to reopen lines of communication with kindness and understanding. Reaching out with a genuine, open heart can often be the first step in healing a strained relationship. If things don’t resolve quickly, consider seeking the help of a counselor or mediator to facilitate the conversation.

Take care of yourself, especially considering your heart condition. Surround yourself with supportive friends or family who can help you through this difficult time.

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Kanchan Rai  |258 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 24, 2024Hindi
Hii ma'am. My parents were all okay when I showed the matrimony proposal of a interstate guy. I asked them about their opinion and they were okay with it. So I started to get to know the guy and we both liked each other. But now my parents changed their mind and they don't want a interstate marriage. Am feeling betrayed, hurt and sad. Don't know how to handle everything. Feeling like my emotions are not valid.
Ans: I can imagine how hurtful and confusing this must be for you. Feeling like your emotions are invalidated, especially by those you trust the most, can be incredibly painful. It's important first to recognize that your feelings are entirely valid. Being disappointed and betrayed in a situation like this is natural.

Start by giving yourself the space to feel and process these emotions. It's okay to feel sad, hurt, or even angry. These are normal reactions to such a significant shift in your parents' stance.

Once you've taken some time to process your feelings, try to understand where your parents are coming from. Sometimes, they might have concerns or fears that they didn't initially express. Approach them with an open mind and ask them to share their reasons for changing their opinion. This isn't just about seeking their approval but understanding their perspective, which might help bridge the emotional gap.

It's also essential to communicate how you feel. Let them know how their change of heart has impacted you. Be honest about your feelings, without placing blame. Explain how their initial support encouraged you to build a connection with the guy and how their sudden change has affected you emotionally.

Remember to stay true to your feelings and values. You have a right to seek a future that aligns with your happiness and desires. If your relationship with this person feels right to you, consider discussing with your parents how important this is for you. Sometimes, understanding each other's viewpoints can lead to a compromise or a more supportive stance.

In the end, it's about finding a balance between honoring your feelings and trying to understand and address your parents' concerns. Take one step at a time, and don’t hesitate to seek support from trusted friends or professionals to help you navigate this emotionally complex situation.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3969 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

I can't save money what to do I earn 15k per month
Ans: Managing your finances on a monthly income of Rs. 15,000 can be challenging, but with careful planning and discipline, you can start saving money and secure your financial future. Let’s break it down step by step to help you make the most of your earnings.

Understanding Your Financial Situation
Monthly Income
Salary: Rs. 15,000
List all your expenses to understand where your money goes. Typical expenses might include:

Rent: Rs. 4,000
Groceries: Rs. 3,000
Transportation: Rs. 2,000
Utilities (Electricity, Water, etc.): Rs. 1,000
Mobile/Internet: Rs. 500
Other Expenses (Entertainment, Clothing, etc.): Rs. 1,500
Total Expenses: Rs. 12,000

This leaves you with Rs. 3,000, which can be allocated towards savings and investments.

Creating a Budget
Step 1: Track Your Spending
Keep a record of every rupee you spend. This helps identify unnecessary expenses and areas where you can cut back.

Step 2: Categorize Expenses
Divide your expenses into categories: Fixed (rent, utilities) and Variable (groceries, entertainment). Focus on reducing variable expenses.

Step 3: Set a Savings Goal
Aim to save at least 10-20% of your income. In your case, try to save Rs. 1,500-3,000 monthly.

Reducing Expenses
Negotiate Rent: Talk to your landlord for a possible rent reduction.
Roommates: Consider sharing accommodation to split costs.
Groceries and Food
Plan Meals: Make a weekly meal plan to avoid impulse buying.
Bulk Purchase: Buy non-perishable items in bulk for discounts.
Cook at Home: Eating out less can save a significant amount.
Public Transport: Use buses or trains instead of taxis or autos.
Carpool: Share rides with colleagues or friends to cut costs.
Energy Saving: Use energy-efficient appliances and switch off when not in use.
Optimize Plans: Choose cost-effective mobile and internet plans.
Increasing Income
Part-Time Work
Consider part-time jobs or freelancing to supplement your income. Skills like tutoring, writing, or graphic design can be monetized.

Selling Unused Items
Sell items you no longer need. Platforms like OLX or Quikr can help you find buyers.

Building an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund covers unexpected expenses and prevents debt. Aim to save 3-6 months of expenses. Start with a small amount and gradually build it up.

Automate Savings
Set up an automatic transfer of Rs. 1,500-3,000 to a separate savings account. This ensures consistency.

Investing for the Future
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Start a SIP with a small amount. Mutual funds can be a good option for long-term growth. You can start with as low as Rs. 500 per month.

Recurring Deposit (RD)
An RD in a bank can help you save regularly. It’s safe and provides fixed returns.

Health Insurance
Get a basic health insurance plan. It protects you from high medical costs and ensures you don’t have to dip into savings during emergencies.

Avoiding Debt
Credit Cards
Avoid using credit cards if you can’t pay the full amount each month. High-interest rates can lead to debt accumulation.

Personal Loans
Take personal loans only for essential needs. Ensure you can manage the EMIs within your budget.

Financial Discipline
Avoid Impulse Purchases
Before buying anything, ask yourself if it’s necessary. Wait for 24 hours before making a purchase decision.

Stick to the Budget
Review your budget regularly and adjust it as needed. Discipline is key to financial stability.

Final Insights
Managing finances on a limited income requires discipline and strategic planning. Track your spending, create a realistic budget, and prioritize savings. Reduce unnecessary expenses and explore ways to increase your income. Building an emergency fund and starting small investments can secure your financial future. Stay committed to your financial goals and regularly review your progress.

You can achieve financial stability and growth even with a modest income. Start small, stay disciplined, and watch your savings grow over time.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3969 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 18, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir!! I am a 38 yrs old govt servant. My monthly in hand income is 1.2 lakhs. My MF investments (all direct growth option) through SIPs are as follows: 1. ?10000/- in SBI multi asset allocation fund (for short term goals) 2. ?5000/- in ICICI prudential fund (long term goal) 3. ?5000/- in HDFC index fund (long term goal) 4. ?3000/- in HDFC hybrid equity fund (long term goal) Kindly advise me if I can continue with the current allocation or if I need to make some changes in my SIP portfolio. Also, I want to add ?20000/- in my monthly SIPs for long term goals bringing my total monthly investment to ?45000/- in MFs. Please suggest some equity mutual funds where I can invest. I have a moderate risk appetite.
Ans: It's wonderful to see you investing systematically and planning for the future. Your current SIP portfolio looks good, but let's analyze it in detail and suggest some changes and additions for your long-term goals.

Evaluating Your Current SIP Portfolio
You have a diversified SIP portfolio with a monthly investment of Rs. 23,000:

SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund: Rs. 10,000 for short-term goals.
ICICI Prudential Fund: Rs. 5,000 for long-term goals.
HDFC Index Fund: Rs. 5,000 for long-term goals.
HDFC Hybrid Equity Fund: Rs. 3,000 for long-term goals.
Each fund type has its own strengths and weaknesses. Let’s dive deeper.

Multi Asset Allocation Fund
SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund: Multi asset funds invest in a mix of equities, debt, and other asset classes like gold. They provide diversification and reduce risk.
For short-term goals, this fund is suitable due to its balanced approach.

Long-Term Goals Funds
ICICI Prudential Fund: This is a good choice for long-term investment due to its diversified equity portfolio.
HDFC Index Fund: Index funds track market indices and have lower management costs. They can be good, but actively managed funds may outperform them.
HDFC Hybrid Equity Fund: Hybrid funds invest in both equity and debt, offering a balanced risk-return profile. Suitable for moderate risk appetite.
Adding Rs. 20,000 to SIPs for Long-Term Goals
Since you plan to add Rs. 20,000 monthly to your SIPs, here are some suggestions for equity mutual funds:

Large Cap Fund: Invest Rs. 7,000 in a large-cap fund for stability and steady returns. Large-cap funds invest in well-established companies.

Mid Cap Fund: Invest Rs. 5,000 in a mid-cap fund for higher growth potential. Mid-cap funds can offer better returns with moderate risk.

Small Cap Fund: Invest Rs. 4,000 in a small-cap fund for high growth potential. Small-cap funds are riskier but can deliver substantial returns over the long term.

Multi Cap Fund: Invest Rs. 4,000 in a multi-cap fund to diversify across large, mid, and small-cap stocks. Multi-cap funds provide a good mix of stability and growth.

Diversification and Risk Management
Diversification is key to managing risk and maximizing returns. Your current portfolio is diversified, but adding more equity funds will enhance it further.

Equity Allocation
Large Cap: Focus on stability with consistent performers.
Mid Cap: Target higher returns with moderate risk.
Small Cap: Aim for substantial growth with higher risk.
Multi Cap: Achieve a balanced risk-return profile with diversified investments.
Sector Diversification
Investing across different sectors can reduce sector-specific risks. Ensure your funds cover a variety of sectors like technology, finance, healthcare, and consumer goods.

Avoiding Index Funds
You have an index fund, but let’s discuss its limitations.

Disadvantages of Index Funds
Passive Management: Index funds simply replicate the market index, missing out on active opportunities.
Market Limitations: They can’t outperform the market, only match it.
Limited Flexibility: They can’t adjust quickly to market changes.
Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Active Strategy: Fund managers actively select stocks to outperform the market.
Research Driven: Decisions are based on in-depth research and analysis.
Flexibility: Managers can adjust portfolios based on market conditions.
Consider replacing your HDFC Index Fund with an actively managed fund to potentially achieve better returns.

Direct Funds vs. Regular Funds
You are investing in direct funds, which means no distributor commissions. However, let’s discuss the benefits of regular funds through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Self-Management: Requires continuous monitoring and management.
Lack of Guidance: No professional advice on fund selection and portfolio balancing.
Time-Consuming: Requires time and effort to stay updated with market trends.
Benefits of Regular Funds with CFP
Professional Guidance: CFPs provide expert advice tailored to your financial goals.
Portfolio Management: Regular monitoring and adjustments by professionals.
Comprehensive Planning: CFPs offer holistic financial planning, including insurance, tax planning, and retirement planning.
Consider consulting a CFP to switch to regular funds for better management and guidance.

Financial Planning Beyond Mutual Funds
Apart from mutual funds, ensure a comprehensive financial plan for long-term security.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This fund provides liquidity during unforeseen circumstances and avoids the need to liquidate investments.

Health Insurance
Health insurance is crucial to cover medical emergencies without affecting your savings. Choose a comprehensive health plan for adequate coverage.

Term Insurance
Term insurance provides financial security to your family in your absence. Opt for a term plan with coverage of at least 10-15 times your annual income.

Regular Monitoring and Review
Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and risk appetite.

Annual Review: Assess fund performance and make necessary adjustments.
Market Conditions: Stay updated with market trends and economic changes.
Additional Investment Strategies
Consider these strategies for better returns and risk management.

Systematic Transfer Plan (STP)
STP helps in gradually moving investments from debt to equity or vice versa.

Benefit: Reduces risk by averaging out the purchase cost.
Implementation: Start with a lump sum in a debt fund and gradually transfer to equity funds.
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
SWP provides regular income during retirement.

Benefit: Offers regular cash flow while keeping the corpus invested.
Implementation: Set up SWP from equity or hybrid funds for regular withdrawals.
Final Insights
Your current SIP portfolio is well-diversified and suitable for long-term goals. However, consider adding more equity funds to enhance returns. Replace your index fund with an actively managed fund for better performance. Consult a Certified Financial Planner for professional guidance and portfolio management. Ensure you have an emergency fund, health insurance, and term insurance for comprehensive financial security. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to stay aligned with your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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