there is a girl and i truly love her but apparently not vice verca, she is dating bad guys and getting hurt again and again but not giving a single chance to me ,
i truly love her and ready to do anything for her, i confessed my feelings multiple times in front of her but she is like let it be and let the god do whatever he wants also she ghosts me pushed me away and many more things but from the first day we are in a complicated situationship.
Ans: Dear Dakshesh,
I can't speak for her, but I can tell you that when a person, man or woman, is pushing you away and voicing their disinterest, it's best to give them their space. It can either be she is not interested in you romantically or she needs time to get there. But you cannot manipulate, push, or convince her to like you that way. If it happens organically, then good. Or else, you should respect her decision. Moreover, don't you think you deserve someone who likes you back the same way and chooses you over everyone else? I sure think you deserve better.
Please let her make her own choices and as for you, make better choices that are good for you. This toxicity and complicated relationship might be subconsciously exciting right now, but it won't be for long. You will get exhausted.
Best Wishes.