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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4129 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 11, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi

Sir,I am aged 61 years. I will get 30 lakhs in my bank account and 2 crores in cash in my hand after selling my house property. I am living with my 85 years old father and 55 years old younger brother. There are no other dependents. We have no other source of income. Let me know how to utilise this fund for a better future. Thank you.

Ans: I understand your situation, and it's essential to make prudent decisions with the funds you'll receive. Let's craft a plan to ensure financial security for you, your father, and your brother.

Firstly, prioritize creating an emergency fund to cover at least six months' worth of living expenses. This fund should be readily accessible in a savings account or liquid investment to handle any unforeseen expenses or emergencies.

Next, consider your long-term financial goals, including retirement planning and providing for your father's and brother's well-being. Given your age, it's crucial to focus on preserving capital and generating a sustainable income stream.

Allocate a portion of the funds towards a conservative investment portfolio that includes a mix of fixed-income securities like bonds, fixed deposits, and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS). These investments offer stability and regular income, which can support your living expenses and medical needs.

For the remaining amount, consider investing in a diversified portfolio of equity mutual funds or blue-chip stocks for potential growth over the long term. However, be mindful of your risk tolerance and invest cautiously, considering your age and financial responsibilities.

Additionally, explore options like Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY), a pension scheme specifically designed for senior citizens, which offers guaranteed returns and a steady income stream.

Since you have no other sources of income, it's essential to plan for the future by securing adequate health insurance coverage for yourself, your father, and your brother. Medical expenses can significantly impact your finances, so having comprehensive health insurance can provide peace of mind.

Lastly, consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner who can assess your unique situation and provide personalized advice tailored to your needs and goals. They can help you navigate various investment options and create a comprehensive financial plan for a secure future.

In conclusion, by carefully allocating your funds and planning prudently, you can ensure financial stability and a better future for yourself, your father, and your brother.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Moneywize   |122 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Mar 19, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 18, 2024Hindi
I am retired(62 yrs) settled in Dehradun. I have a fund of Rs 3 crore. How do i invest this money so that i get Rs 80,000 per month immediately. Please help.
Ans: Generating a monthly income of Rs 80,000 from a principal of Rs 3 crore might be difficult to achieve through safe investment options alone. Here's a rough calculation to consider:

Assuming a monthly return on investment (ROI) of 2.67%, you would need your investment to generate this amount. However, most safe investment options, like fixed deposits (FDs) or debt funds, typically offer lower ROIs.

Here's why achieving a 2.67% monthly ROI might be challenging:

• Safe investment options: These typically offer lower ROIs in the range of 5-6% annually. This translates to a monthly ROI of around 0.4% to 0.5%, much lower than the desired 2.67%.
• Market-linked investments: Some investments like stocks or mutual funds offer the potential for higher returns but also carry a higher degree of risk. You may need a carefully crafted investment strategy to achieve the desired return while managing risk.

Important to consult a financial advisor:

Given your retirement status and financial goals, it's crucial to consult a financial advisor. They can assess your risk tolerance and create a personalised investment plan that considers your income needs and future goals. Here's what a financial advisor can do for you:

• Risk assessment: They will evaluate your comfort level with risk and recommend investments accordingly.
• Asset allocation: They will suggest an asset allocation strategy that balances risk and potential returns. This might include a mix of debt and equity investments.
• Tax planning: They can help you structure your investments in a tax-efficient manner.


• There's a trade-off between risk and return. Higher potential returns often come with greater risk.
• Focus on building a sustainable income stream that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4129 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 24, 2024Hindi
Hello Vivek , I have taken early retirement due to my health issues. I have 2 kids one in 12th and second 9 th Class . I keep aside 50 L for my kids education , 25 L PPF , 14 L mutual fund, 10 L bond , 5 L FD . My PPF will mature 2026 and Bonds will mature 2024. I have 70 L EPF and i will have approx 50 L selling of property . I have my own house of 1.5 Cr . With these money can i get 1 L per month , but i do not want to touch kids education money . Your suggestion will help me to see my finaances. My wife has decent job she eran 50 K per month and we have health insyrance and term insurance.
Ans: Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about your health issues but commend you for taking proactive steps towards financial planning, especially for your children's education and your future needs.

With your current savings and investments, there's a possibility to generate a monthly income of 1 Lakh, but it requires careful planning:

EPF and Property Sale: Your EPF corpus of 70 Lakh and the expected 50 Lakh from property sale can be significant contributors. Consider options like Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS), Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS), or even annuity plans to generate regular income without depleting the principal.
Mutual Funds & Bonds: Continue to let your Mutual Funds grow for future needs. Bonds maturing in 2024 can also be reinvested in income-generating avenues.
PPF: Once it matures in 2026, you can either reinvest or use a portion for your monthly income needs.
House: If possible, you could explore options like reverse mortgage or renting out a portion for additional income, without selling the property.
Expense Management: Since you have set aside money specifically for your children's education, avoid using it for your monthly income. Focus on optimizing other assets to generate the required 1 Lakh/month.
Health and Insurance: It's great that you have health and term insurance. Ensure they are adequate to cover unforeseen medical expenses and provide financial security to your family.
Remember, the goal is to strike a balance between generating sufficient income and preserving capital. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner can provide a tailored plan considering your unique circumstances, helping you navigate this phase with confidence.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4129 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 06, 2024Hindi
I am aged 61 years. I shall get 30 lakhs in my bank account and 2 crores in cash after selling my property. I have no other income and home. My 85 year old father and 55 year old younger brother are the only dependents. Please advise me on how to utilize these funds for a better future. Thank you.
Ans: Congratulations on selling your property! This windfall presents a great opportunity to secure your future and the well-being of your dependents. Let's explore some smart ways to utilize these funds:

1. Priority: Safeguard Your Nest Egg

Safety First! With no other income and dependents to consider, prioritizing safety for your principal amount is crucial. Sudden emergencies can disrupt your plans, so having a buffer is important.

Bank Deposits: Consider parking a significant portion of the money in Fixed Deposits (FDs) or Senior Citizen Savings Schemes (SCSS). These offer guaranteed returns and easy access in case of need.

2. Regular Income Stream for Living Expenses

Plan for Your Needs: Create a monthly budget for your and your dependents' essential living expenses. This will help determine how much you need to set aside for regular income.

Monthly Income Options: Invest a portion of the corpus in options that generate regular income, like interest from Debt Funds or dividend payouts from some Equity Funds. Remember, these may not fully match inflation, but they provide a safety net.

3. Long-Term Growth for Future Needs

Growing Your Money: Invest a part of the corpus for long-term growth to meet future needs like healthcare or higher education for your brother. Actively managed Equity Mutual Funds can potentially provide inflation-beating returns over the long term (typically 10 years or more).

Seek Expert Advice: A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can assess your risk tolerance and create a personalized asset allocation plan. They can recommend suitable Debt and Equity Mutual Funds based on your goals and investment horizon.

4. Living Accommodation:

Consider Your Needs: You mentioned not having a home. Depending on your needs and preferences, you could consider renting a comfortable place or using a portion of the funds to buy a smaller property.

Plan for the Future: If you plan to buy a property, remember to factor in maintenance and potential future repairs. A CFP can help you plan your finances for such eventualities.

5. Secure Your Dependents' Future:

Brother's Needs: Discuss your brother's long-term needs and goals. If he's employable, you might consider helping him set up a small business or invest in some skill development.

Father's Well-Being: Ensure your elderly father has access to quality healthcare and any special needs are met. You might consider health insurance plans for both of you.

Remember, this is a significant financial decision. Don't rush into any investments. Consulting a CFP will help you create a comprehensive plan that considers all your needs and ensures a secure future for yourself and your dependents.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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