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Omkeshwar Singh  | Answer  |Ask -

Head, Rank MF - Answered on Dec 07, 2022

Mutual Fund Expert... more
Avil Question by Avil on Dec 07, 2022Hindi

I am a 40 years old and working with prestigious IT Company as a Project Manager. I don't have any mutual funds now. I have PPF, life insurance, Superannuation funds. I want to achieve 3 crore in next 12 to 15 years. Can you suggest me which funds i can create and which online portal is good to create those funds?

Ans: Monthly investment of Rs 55000 is required to achieve a corpus of Rs 3 cr in 15 years!

Funds that can be considered are as under:

HDFC Index Fund – Sensex Plan – Growth

UTI Flexi cap Fund – Growth

Axis ESG Equity fund – Growth

Samco Flexi cap fund – Growth

Motilal Oswal Mid cap Fund - Growth

Nippon India Small Cap Fund – Growth

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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I am 50 years old i have no savings Now i will be able to save 1 lakhs every month. But i am afraid to committed sip But i can. I want 3 crore in five years. I want investment in mutual fund. What kind of fund you suggested Thanks
Ans: At 50, starting with no savings can be daunting. But saving Rs 1 lakh every month is commendable. Achieving Rs 3 crore in 5 years is ambitious. It requires careful planning and the right investment strategy. Let’s explore how mutual funds can help you reach this goal, and address your concerns about SIPs.

Your Financial Goal: Understanding the Challenge
Rs 3 crore in 5 years is a significant target. It’s essential to understand what this goal entails.

High Returns Needed: You need high returns to reach Rs 3 crore in 5 years.
Investment Discipline: Consistent saving and investing are crucial to success.
Why This is Important: Achieving this goal requires understanding the required returns and commitment to regular investing.

Evaluating Your Risk Appetite
At 50, your risk tolerance might be lower than someone younger. But, aiming for Rs 3 crore in 5 years requires exposure to higher returns and, consequently, higher risks.

Assess Your Comfort: How comfortable are you with market ups and downs?
Balancing Act: Finding the right balance between high returns and risk is key.
Why This Matters: Your risk appetite will guide your choice of mutual funds and investment strategies.

Why Mutual Funds?
Mutual funds offer a diverse range of investment options, catering to different risk appetites and financial goals.

Diverse Choices: Equity funds, debt funds, and balanced funds are available.
Professional Management: Managed by experienced fund managers who aim to maximize returns.
Why Mutual Funds Work: They provide access to a broad range of assets and professional management, which is crucial for achieving high returns.

Types of Mutual Funds to Consider
Given your goal and the need for significant growth, here’s a look at different types of mutual funds and their suitability.

1. Equity Mutual Funds
Equity funds invest in stocks and aim for high growth. They are suitable for long-term goals but come with higher volatility.

Growth Potential: Can offer high returns if the market performs well.
Market Risk: More volatile and can fluctuate significantly in the short term.
Why Consider This? They have the potential to deliver the high returns needed for your goal but are riskier.

2. Balanced or Hybrid Funds
Balanced funds invest in both equities and debt. They aim to provide growth with moderate risk.

Balanced Growth: Offers exposure to equities for growth and debt for stability.
Lower Volatility: Less volatile than pure equity funds.
Why Consider This? They offer a balance between risk and return, which might suit your risk tolerance better.

3. Aggressive Hybrid Funds
Aggressive hybrid funds allocate a higher portion to equities but include some debt for cushioning.

Growth with Cushion: Provides higher growth potential with some stability.
Moderate Risk: Balances between aggressive growth and safety.
Why Consider This? They offer a good mix of growth potential and risk management.

Understanding SIPs: Systematic Investment Plans
You mentioned being hesitant about committing to SIPs. Let’s explore why SIPs could be beneficial and address your concerns.

Benefits of SIPs
SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount in mutual funds regularly, usually monthly. They offer several advantages:

Disciplined Investing: Helps inculcate a habit of regular saving and investing.
Rupee Cost Averaging: Buys more units when prices are low and fewer when high, averaging out the cost.
Compounding Benefits: Regular investments grow significantly over time due to compounding.
Why SIPs are Great: They automate investing, reduce the impact of market volatility, and leverage the power of compounding.

Addressing SIP Concerns
Your hesitation about SIPs is understandable. Here’s why SIPs might still be worth considering:

Flexibility: You can start, stop, or modify SIPs at any time without penalties.
No Lump Sum Commitment: SIPs avoid the risk of investing a large amount at the wrong time.
Market Volatility Management: SIPs smooth out the impact of market volatility over time.
Why You Should Reconsider SIPs: They offer flexibility, lower risk of timing the market, and provide a disciplined approach to investing.

Crafting Your Investment Plan
Given your goal and considerations, let’s craft a plan to help you achieve Rs 3 crore in 5 years. This plan will focus on a mix of mutual funds to balance growth potential and risk.

1. Diversify Your Portfolio
Investing in a mix of funds can help balance risk and returns. Here’s how you can diversify:

Equity Funds: Allocate a significant portion to equity funds for high growth potential.
Balanced Funds: Include balanced funds to moderate risk and provide stability.
Aggressive Hybrid Funds: These can be a good middle ground, offering higher returns with some risk management.
Why Diversification is Key: It reduces risk by spreading your investments across different types of assets.

2. Start with SIPs and Consider Lump Sum Investments
Given the large monthly savings, combining SIPs with occasional lump sum investments could be effective.

SIP Strategy: Start SIPs in equity and balanced funds to build wealth steadily.
Lump Sum Strategy: Invest lump sums when markets dip to take advantage of lower prices.
Why This Combination Works: SIPs provide regular investment discipline, while lump sums can capitalize on market opportunities.

3. Monitor and Adjust Your Portfolio
Regular monitoring and adjusting your portfolio are essential to stay on track.

Review Performance: Check fund performance and rebalance if needed.
Adjust Allocation: Shift more into balanced or debt funds as you approach your goal to reduce risk.
Why This is Important: Markets and fund performances change, so regular review helps keep your investments aligned with your goals.

Managing Risks and Expectations
Investing for high returns comes with risks. Here’s how to manage them and set realistic expectations.

1. Understand Market Volatility
High returns come with higher volatility. Be prepared for market ups and downs.

Stay Invested: Don’t panic and withdraw during market drops.
Long-Term Perspective: Focus on your 5-year goal rather than short-term fluctuations.
Why This Matters: Staying invested through market cycles is crucial to achieving long-term growth.

2. Be Realistic About Returns
While aiming for high returns, it’s essential to set realistic expectations.

Market Performance: Understand that markets can underperform, and returns are not guaranteed.
Diversification Benefits: Diversifying can reduce the impact of poor performance in one area.
Why This is Important: Being realistic helps manage expectations and reduces the stress of investing.

Final Insights
Reaching Rs 3 crore in 5 years is ambitious but achievable with a disciplined approach. Here’s a quick recap of your plan:

Understand Your Goal and Risk: Know that high returns come with high risks. Diversification and disciplined investing are key.

Consider SIPs and Lump Sums: SIPs provide regular investment discipline, while lump sums can capitalize on market opportunities.

Choose the Right Funds: Mix equity, balanced, and aggressive hybrid funds to balance growth and risk.

Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals.

Stay Invested and Realistic: Understand market volatility and have realistic expectations about returns.

Investing requires patience, discipline, and a well-thought-out strategy. Following this plan will put you on a path to achieving your goal of Rs 3 crore in 5 years.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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