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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4075 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 23, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi

Hi , i am 39 years old having a house loan of 1 cr ( 1 lakh emi) and emergency fund of 10 lakh , 30 L in EPF, 23 L in mutual funds and 4L in stocks and 5L in NPS. I am investing 20 K in sip, 18k in VPF , and 15 K in NPS every month . I have a take home of 2.8 L after above deductions. Am i on track of making a 10 CR corpus if i plan to retire by 50 ?

Ans: You are 39 years old with a house loan of Rs 1 crore, which translates to a monthly EMI of Rs 1 lakh. You have a robust emergency fund of Rs 10 lakh, which is crucial for any unexpected expenses. Your retirement savings include Rs 30 lakh in EPF, Rs 23 lakh in mutual funds, Rs 4 lakh in stocks, and Rs 5 lakh in NPS. Monthly, you are investing Rs 20,000 in SIPs, Rs 18,000 in VPF, and Rs 15,000 in NPS. Your take-home salary, after all deductions, is Rs 2.8 lakh.

Your goal is to build a corpus of Rs 10 crore by the age of 50. Let's analyze and plan how to achieve this ambitious target.

Analyzing Your Current Investments

1. Mutual Funds (Rs 23 lakh)

Your mutual funds are a good mix of equity and debt. Actively managed mutual funds can potentially offer higher returns compared to index funds. Regular reviews and rebalancing with the help of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can optimize your portfolio for better performance.

2. Stocks (Rs 4 lakh)

Direct equity investments carry higher risks but can offer significant returns. Diversifying your stock portfolio and regularly reviewing performance is essential.

3. Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and Voluntary Provident Fund (VPF) (Rs 30 lakh + Rs 18,000 per month)

EPF and VPF are secure and tax-efficient retirement savings options. They offer a fixed return and are less risky, making them a crucial part of your retirement planning.

4. National Pension System (NPS) (Rs 5 lakh + Rs 15,000 per month)

NPS is another tax-efficient retirement savings plan with the added benefit of equity exposure. It offers market-linked returns, which can be higher over the long term.

5. Emergency Fund (Rs 10 lakh)

Your emergency fund is well-maintained and ensures you are prepared for any financial emergencies.

Evaluating Your Financial Goals

Your target is to accumulate a corpus of Rs 10 crore by the age of 50. Considering you have 11 years to achieve this goal, you need a strategic plan that balances growth and risk management.

Strategic Recommendations

1. Increase SIP Contributions

To reach your Rs 10 crore target, consider increasing your SIP contributions. SIPs in equity mutual funds offer the potential for high returns through market participation. Gradually increasing your SIP amount can significantly boost your corpus over time.

Action Plan:

Review your budget to identify areas where you can save more.
Increase your SIP contributions in equity mutual funds.
2. Diversify and Optimize Your Stock Investments

While you have Rs 4 lakh in stocks, consider diversifying across sectors and industries to mitigate risks. Regularly review your stock portfolio and make informed decisions based on market trends and company performance.

Action Plan:

Diversify your stock portfolio.
Regularly review and rebalance your stock investments with your CFP.
3. Enhance EPF and VPF Contributions

Your current contributions to EPF and VPF are solid. These are low-risk, tax-efficient investments that provide steady growth. Continue maximizing your VPF contributions to benefit from the compounding effect over time.

Action Plan:

Continue maximizing your EPF and VPF contributions.
Ensure timely updates to your EPF nominations and withdrawals as needed.
4. Optimize NPS Investments

NPS is a crucial component of your retirement plan. Ensure your NPS investments are in the active choice with a balanced allocation towards equities, corporate bonds, and government securities. This will provide a balanced growth and stability mix.

Action Plan:

Review and optimize your NPS asset allocation.
Regularly monitor your NPS account for performance and rebalancing.
5. Review Mutual Fund Performance

Your mutual funds should be regularly reviewed and rebalanced. Actively managed funds can provide better returns if monitored properly. Work with your CFP to ensure your mutual funds are performing well and aligned with your financial goals.

Action Plan:

Schedule regular reviews of your mutual fund portfolio.
Rebalance your mutual funds based on performance and market conditions.
6. Prepay Home Loan Strategically

Your Rs 1 crore home loan with an EMI of Rs 1 lakh is a significant expense. Prepaying your home loan can save you a considerable amount in interest payments. Use bonuses, increments, or any windfalls to make lump-sum payments towards your loan.

Action Plan:

Make periodic lump-sum prepayments towards your home loan.
Aim to reduce the tenure rather than the EMI for maximum savings.
7. Emergency Fund Maintenance

Your emergency fund is adequately maintained at Rs 10 lakh. Ensure it remains easily accessible and periodically review its adequacy based on changes in your expenses or financial situation.

Action Plan:

Periodically review your emergency fund's adequacy.
Keep your emergency fund in highly liquid and low-risk instruments.
8. Tax Planning and Efficiency

Efficient tax planning can significantly impact your savings and investments. Utilize all available tax deductions and exemptions to maximize your post-tax returns. Instruments like EPF, PPF, NPS, and ELSS mutual funds offer tax benefits under various sections of the Income Tax Act.

Action Plan:

Review and optimize your tax-saving investments.
Work with your CFP to ensure tax efficiency in your portfolio.
Long-Term Investment Strategy

1. Regular Portfolio Reviews

Regular reviews of your portfolio are essential to stay on track with your goals. Market conditions, financial goals, and personal circumstances can change. Regular reviews with your CFP will help adjust your investments accordingly.

Action Plan:

Schedule annual or semi-annual portfolio reviews with your CFP.
Adjust your investments based on performance and changing goals.
2. Retirement Lifestyle Planning

Think about your lifestyle post-retirement. Estimate your expenses, including travel, healthcare, and leisure activities. Ensure your investment strategy aligns with your lifestyle goals and provides sufficient income.

Action Plan:

Estimate your post-retirement expenses.
Plan your investments to ensure a steady income stream in retirement.
3. Education and Skill Enhancement

Staying informed about financial markets and investment opportunities is crucial. Consider attending workshops, reading financial literature, or working closely with your CFP to enhance your financial knowledge.

Action Plan:

Educate yourself on financial markets and investment strategies.
Stay updated on financial news and trends.
Risk Management

1. Adequate Insurance Coverage

Ensure you have adequate health and life insurance coverage. Health insurance is crucial to cover medical expenses, while life insurance provides financial security to your dependents.

Action Plan:

Review your health and life insurance policies.
Ensure adequate coverage to protect your family's financial future.
2. Risk Tolerance Assessment

Assess your risk tolerance periodically. As you approach retirement, your risk tolerance may change. Adjust your investment strategy to align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Action Plan:

Periodically assess your risk tolerance.
Adjust your investments to match your risk profile.
Final Insights

Your financial foundation is strong, and you have a clear goal of achieving a Rs 10 crore corpus by age 50. By increasing your SIP contributions, diversifying your investments, optimizing your existing portfolio, and regularly reviewing your financial plan, you can stay on track to meet your retirement goal. Efficient tax planning, risk management, and continuous education will further enhance your financial journey.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

Asked on - Jun 23, 2024 | Answered on Jun 23, 2024
Thanks for the insights sir. Am planning to step up on sip by 20% every year. Will try to do the same on other aspects like emergency fund , VPF , and NPS as well.
Ans: You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best wishes on your financial journey!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4075 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 27, 2024Hindi
Hi i am 49 and currently have a total corpus of approx 2.5 crs ( 1cr in MF/50 lacs in stocks/ another 80-90 lacs in PF/ EPF/ NPS and some other instruments.i am planning to retire in 13 years i.e at 62 . i will be able to accumulate another 5 cr approx more till then and with the current portfolio and interests of those looking at 10 cr of corpus then . will it be sufficient for my 15- 17 years of life after that looking at 3-4 lakhs montly expenses then
Ans: With a planned retirement in 13 years and an estimated total corpus of around 7.5 crores, your goal of achieving a corpus of 10 crores by retirement seems achievable. However, it's essential to conduct a detailed analysis to ensure financial sustainability for the subsequent 15-17 years.

Consider the following factors:

Inflation: Account for inflation in your expense calculations to maintain the purchasing power of your corpus over time.
Investment Returns: Assess the expected returns from your current investments and future contributions to meet your target corpus.
Expenses: Review your anticipated expenses post-retirement, including healthcare, travel, and other lifestyle needs.
Contingency Planning: Build a buffer for unforeseen expenses or emergencies to safeguard your retirement corpus.
Regular Review: Periodically review your portfolio's performance and adjust your investment strategy if needed to stay on track towards your retirement goals.
Consulting with a Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific financial situation and retirement aspirations. With careful planning and prudent management, you can aim for financial security and peace of mind in your retirement years.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4075 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 08, 2024

I am 40 years old, working as a Chief Manager in a PSU Bank. My net monthly income is around 1.60 lakhs p.m. I have savings and investments of Rs 20 lakhs in Various MFs via SIPs. Rs 3.00 lakhs in PPF, Rs 23.00 lakhs in PF, Rs 17.00 lakhs in bank deposits and Rs 4.00 lakhs in stocks. I want to retire at 50. How much corpus do I need and how to invest to achieve it in the next 10 years ? (I am a single father, having a daughter and my parents to take care of)
Ans: It's great that you're planning ahead for your retirement and considering your responsibilities towards your daughter and parents. Here's a strategy to help you achieve your retirement goal:

Calculate Retirement Corpus: Estimate your retirement expenses based on your current lifestyle and expected future needs. Consider factors like inflation, healthcare costs, and any additional expenses for your daughter's education and your parents' care. Aim for a retirement corpus that can sustain your lifestyle and cover these expenses.
Investment Strategy: Given your 10-year time horizon, you can adopt an aggressive investment approach with a focus on wealth accumulation. Since you already have investments in various MFs, PPF, PF, bank deposits, and stocks, ensure that your portfolio is diversified across asset classes to manage risk effectively.
Asset Allocation: Review your existing asset allocation and make adjustments as needed to align with your retirement goals and risk tolerance. Consider allocating a higher percentage of your portfolio to equities for long-term growth potential, supplemented by fixed income investments for stability.
Maximize Contributions: Continue to maximize contributions to your PF and PPF accounts, as they offer tax benefits and provide a secure foundation for your retirement savings. Additionally, explore other tax-efficient investment options like NPS (National Pension System) to further boost your retirement corpus.
Regular Review: Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your retirement goals and risk tolerance. Rebalance your portfolio periodically to maintain the desired asset allocation and take advantage of market opportunities.
Professional Advice: Consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner who can evaluate your financial situation, assess your retirement needs, and recommend a customized investment strategy tailored to your goals and circumstances.
By following these steps and staying disciplined in your savings and investment approach, you can work towards building a sufficient retirement corpus to retire comfortably at 50 while fulfilling your responsibilities towards your daughter and parents. Remember, consistency and patience are key to achieving your long-term financial goals.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4075 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 21, 2024Hindi
Sir, i am 36 years old. Every month my take home salary is 70000. Already i am investment is 3500/- in sbi small cap on every month from last one year and i am in vesting 25000 in quant flexi cap, i had 1 crore term insurance and i want to retire at 45 years and how much corpus i will made?
Ans: Planning for Early Retirement: Building Your Corpus
Congratulations on your proactive approach towards financial planning and your aspiration for early retirement! Let's strategize to help you achieve your goal of retiring by the age of 45 with a sufficient corpus.

Assessing Your Current Financial Position
Income and Investments
Your monthly take-home salary of ?70,000 provides a solid foundation for savings and investment.
Currently, you are investing ?35,000 per month in SBI Small Cap Fund and ?25,000 per month in Quant Flexi Cap Fund.
Insurance Coverage
You have wisely secured a term insurance policy with a coverage of ?1 crore, ensuring financial protection for your family in case of any unforeseen events.
Estimating Retirement Corpus
Retirement Age and Expected Corpus
With the goal of retiring at 45 years, you have approximately 9 years left to accumulate a sufficient corpus for retirement.
Estimate your desired retirement corpus based on your expected expenses and lifestyle needs post-retirement.
Monthly Savings Requirement
Determine the monthly savings required to achieve your retirement goal within the specified timeframe.
Consider factors such as inflation, investment returns, and risk tolerance when projecting your savings target.
Investment Strategy for Early Retirement
Asset Allocation
Review your current investment portfolio and asset allocation to ensure alignment with your retirement objectives.
Consider diversifying across different asset classes to spread risk and optimize returns.
Risk Management
Evaluate the risk-return profile of your investment portfolio and make adjustments based on your risk tolerance and time horizon.
Ensure a balanced approach to risk management, considering both growth-oriented and stable investment options.
Retirement Planning Considerations
Lifestyle Expectations
Assess your post-retirement lifestyle expectations and determine the level of income required to maintain your desired standard of living.
Account for factors such as healthcare expenses, travel, and leisure activities when estimating your retirement budget.
Long-Term Financial Security
Plan for long-term financial security by incorporating provisions for healthcare expenses, inflation, and unexpected contingencies into your retirement plan.
Consider setting aside a contingency fund to cover emergencies and unforeseen expenses during retirement.
Conclusion: A Path to Financial Freedom
By adopting a disciplined savings and investment approach, you can work towards achieving your goal of early retirement with confidence and financial security.

Seek Professional Guidance
Consult with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to develop a customized retirement plan tailored to your specific needs and objectives. A CFP can provide personalized advice and guidance to help you navigate the complexities of retirement planning and ensure a smooth transition into your golden years.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Anu Krishna  |986 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
Me and my wife are happily married for 10 years and having a twins 4 years before. This incident happened 8 years ago, when my wife and her cousin visited the home town for a temple function they reconnected with this guy who is their old friend ( a distinct relative also), this person had an interest on my wife before marriage and my wife rejected. Now this person is married and having one kid. when they reconnected my wife's cousin used to do conference calls along with this person and my wife. My wife asked me is it ok to talk. i said yes it is fine but just maintain a boundary. So she wont attend all the calls from them. Attended some conference calls for 5 to 15 min and drop the call saying my husband don't like me in phone too much. this happens weekly once or twice for 2 month. they also had a watsapp group, in that they had friendly chat between them, mostly between wife's cousin and that person. My wife reply was very less. but when i was going through the messages they are not flirty messages, there i saw my wife saying very positive about our relationship and her cousin also agreed to that saying they are the best couples. but that person has addressed my wife's cousin and my wife occasionally as honey and dear. but both of them ignored and not asked them to stop calling like that. when i checked this with my wife she said that person calls everyone as honey/dear even her sisters and other cousin.it is habitual for him so she found no meaning in that and she is not bothered to correct that. thats why she ignored. i asked her to stop talking to him. My wife told she already stopped talking with him as he tried to make personal calls as she did not like it. that time the wats group also not active so she exited from the group and blocked his number. Recently we came to know that one of the relative girl got into affair with this person and this person got divorced due to that 1. Does words like honey can be used in friendly way. i have many freinds in other gender i never used honey even though i used 'dear' occassionaly. As he used this word with my wife, Does this make my wife less pure than other women's. is this cheating ? 2. I cant come in to terms with the fact my wife talked to a person who is a womanizer. does this affect my wife's reputation in the society. they never met in person other than this temple function reconnect.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
What is cheating and what is not is purely based on the Book of Rules that each of us have within us; it comes from the way we have been raised on a diet of 'right' and 'wrong' AND from our own experiences.
While validating whether a particular rule works well or not, just put in into context and see it.
- Does that rule keep you away from actually seeing things more openly?
- Does that rule keep you occupied with small things that hold no value?

I guess, you must think of it: is this really cheating? When your wife says that she has stopped talking to him, what makes you still obsess over it?
Also, her rule book says that 'honey' and 'dear' might not be a big thing...Plus, how can she control what another person says...yes, she could have objected and she didn't but not that she played on it.

See, the second doubts have crept in, the mind goes all over the place...even if there are no flirty messages, you will still find something problematic to confirm that what you were thinking in the first place.
So, maybe you need to look within to understand if there are jealousies and insecurities within you and that is what is occupying your mind. If Yes, then address this; speak with your wife and it's fine to tell her that you feel hurt and that you don't like it. When you are frank, a lot of things get sorted out...she may very well understand your point of view...and on your part, as you have said: she used to reply less and not respond much to him...
Do you want unnecessary thoughts drive a wedge in your marriage? Speak it out and things fall in place...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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