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Answered on Sep 01, 2021
Hi Sweety.
Thanks for writing to us.
During the lockdown, a lot of kids were demanding pets as they were home all the time and comparatively free and bored.
One must get a pet when and only when everyone in the family is ready for such a long-term commitment.
Please remember that the responsibility of the pet is ultimately going to come on you. Think carefully if you are ready to give time to the pet for next 10-12 years.
This year has been difficult for all of us.
Many people have rushed to get pets and have started abandoning them once their work and regular routine started.
I strongly advise you to think seriously before getting a pet.
Please make an informed decision.
Answered on Sep 01, 2021
Hi Ravi.
Thanks for writing to us.
Your pup is young and can be biting walls/furniture due to teething/boredom.
You will have to provide details about her daily routine and exercise.
Just giving toys is not enough. We sometimes have to teach pets how to use those toys.
You can try using doggie puzzles, activity balls, kong toys in which you can stuff his daily meals and keep him engaged.
We’ve posted some videos here that might help.
Young pups need a lot of mental stimulation in combination with walks, exercise and other activities.
Answered on Sep 01, 2021
Hi Neetu.
Thanks for writing to us.
Your pet's issues are serious.
You will need a detailed consultation with a trainer so that you can understand his routine and bite history behaviour.
Advice regarding aggressive behaviour can’t be given online.
Answered on Sep 01, 2021
Hi Rajesh.
Thanks for writing to us.
May I ask why you wish to get one more pet?
Since your pet is very young, you will need to think seriously before getting another one.
Having two pets is time consuming and a lot more effort is required. Are you prepared for the additional time commitment?
It’s not advisable to get another pet just to give company to your current pet.
Beagles need a lot of mental stimulation together with daily exercise and activities to keep them busy.
We would advise getting another pup once your first pet is at least 2-3 years old and has settled down well.
Deciding on whether to select a female/male, the age of the new puppy, etc, depends on your routine, the pet’s temperament and many other factors.
Answered on Sep 01, 2021
Hi Kavya,
You can start by short rides near your building 2-3 times a week.
Avoid feeding her a full meal just before or after the ride.
Start by taking her for a ride to fun places such as a beach/park/walk to create good association with the car. She will get used to it very soon.
Hope you have a great holiday.