Sir my mom who is 63 yrs old has undergone a liver transplant 10 days back. Unfortunately the doctors realised that the donated liver of donor was Basically of a person who was a heavy drinker and had drink alchol on the day of surgery as well. My mother is shifted to ward now and as per the doctor she is doing fine. But she in the night is getting scared and becomes very anxious and feels as if she doesnt wnt to continue her life. During the day time she is completely ok. Just wanted to know the consequences of getting a toxic liver and would my mother have any pblms in future
Ans: Hello. This is an unusual problem. Typically, before transplant doctors run a very extensive battery of tests to understand the function of the donor liver as the surgery is very complex and should not be done without all parameters being met. I'm quite sure in this case also a similar level of due diligence would've been performed. It is possible that the liver of the donor remained normal and functioning well despite the fact that the donor consumed alcohol. Every liver behaves differently with alcohol, and it is only if the alcohol consumption was very high for a long time that the liver gets affected. Also, some people naturally are protected against liver damage. It is likely that this person was one such who could metabolize the alcohol very well. So, please reassure your mother that she is very safe and has recovered well from a very complex surgery. There are some medications and care to be taken but she's over the most complicated part. She can be comfortable with the knowledge that this liver is very strong and will work well for her as well. All the best!