Dear Anu, I am a housewife with two kids, younger one is 3 years old.
I used to be working before the birth of my second child. I can't join back the job as we are nuclear family and husband is busy whole day with his work.
I have to take care of the house and kids almost full day. Sometimes I’m frustrated and irritated.
I gave talked about this to my husband but not much respite. He says 'I’m doing my job to earn. You do your job to look after house.'
Don't know what to do.
Ans: Dear PS,
Typical nuclear family with very little family support relies solely on the mother being the caregiver and this can result in a lot of frustrations. Understood!
But what exactly are you trying to do fighting the situation knowing that things might be the same for a few years down the line till the children grow a little older? Are you planning on being frustrated for all these years?
Also, someone needs to give your husband a talk on these gender specific remarks and pushing the job of the home to you.
Maybe he didn’t mean it the way it sounded, but well…
In the digital world, there is enough and more to do to use the skills that a person has. So why not explore, a work-from-home part time option?
Depending on what your expertise is and the time that you can give to the work from home option, why don’t you focus on searching for this?
This will require an amazing time management and organization skills on your part, so you are able to give it at least 3-4 hours a day.
This will not only keep you occupied and financially stronger, it will also give you a sense of direction and purpose which is what is currently lacking.
Also, if you have an option of a ‘nanny’ for even two hours during the day when the children can be kept busy, you can even have some time for yourself which will re-energize you.
Caring for two small children is no mean feat and make sure when you discuss the work-from-home option (If you choose this), with your husband, you emphasize how important it is for you along with managing the home.
The commitment ‘to do something for yourself’ will be the focus of your discussion and please do something before your frustrations start seeping out and get onto the kids which might eventually happen.
First, be happy yourself to nurture your home and family.
Step Up…All the best!