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Gaurav Mohta  | Answer  |Ask -

Answered on Aug 02, 2022

Himanshee Question by Himanshee on Aug 02, 2022Hindi

I am looking for a home loan which gives a full loan for buying a house. What advice do you have for me?

Ans: Most lenders can only pay you a maximum of 80 per cent of the property value. The remaining 20 per cent must come from your side as down payment since it gives the lender the belief that you too have a skin in the game for the purchase.

My advice to you would be to actually pay as much down payment as you can from your side to get a better deal on rate of home loan interest and thereby lower interest payments.

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 01, 2024Hindi
Hello, I want to buy a car. However my salary is only Rs. 30k per month. I only have Rs. 1.5 lakhs in my savings. First hand car will cost me around 8-9 lakhs. Help how to make provision so that I can finally buy a brand new car
Ans: Buying a Car: Financial Planning and Priorities

Understanding Your Financial Situation

You have a stable monthly income of Rs. 30,000. This is a good start, but it is crucial to manage your finances carefully.

Your savings amount to Rs. 1.5 lakhs. This is a solid foundation, but not enough for a first-hand car costing Rs. 8-9 lakhs.

Acknowledging Your Aspirations

Desiring a new car is understandable. It represents comfort, convenience, and a personal milestone. Your goal is clear, but the journey requires thoughtful planning.

Appreciating Your Savings

Saving Rs. 1.5 lakhs is commendable. It shows financial discipline and foresight. Your current savings can serve as an emergency fund.

Evaluating the Cost of a New Car

A new car costing Rs. 8-9 lakhs is a significant expense. Beyond the purchase price, consider insurance, maintenance, fuel, and other costs.

Considering Loan Options

Car loans are an option. However, they come with interest and monthly payments. Ensure your monthly budget can handle these additional expenses.

Prioritizing Financial Stability

Before making large purchases, it is crucial to have financial stability. Your current income and savings indicate you should wait.

Building a Robust Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is essential. It protects against unforeseen expenses and financial stress. Ensure your savings can cover 3-6 months of living expenses.

Increasing Your Income

Consider ways to increase your income. This could be through skill development, seeking a higher-paying job, or additional sources of income.

Setting a Realistic Savings Goal

Set a savings goal specifically for your car. Determine how much you can save monthly without compromising other financial obligations.

Assessing Alternative Transportation

Explore alternative transportation options. This could be public transport, carpooling, or a second-hand car. These can be cost-effective solutions.

Understanding Financial Priorities

Financial priorities include housing, food, healthcare, and education. Ensure these are met before making a large purchase like a car.

The Value of Patience

Waiting until your salary increases significantly will make buying a car more affordable. Patience and planning are key to financial success.

Benefits of Waiting

Waiting allows you to save more, potentially avoid loans, and be financially comfortable when you purchase your car.

Investing Wisely

Consider investing your savings in options that offer good returns over time. Consult a Certified Financial Planner for tailored advice.

Disadvantages of Index Funds

Index funds track market indices and offer lower returns compared to actively managed funds. They lack flexibility and customization.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds

Actively managed funds are overseen by professional managers. They aim for higher returns through strategic investments. Consult a Certified Financial Planner for guidance.

Regular Funds vs. Direct Funds

Direct funds require individual research and decision-making. Regular funds, managed by a Mutual Fund Distributor with CFP credentials, offer professional guidance and oversight.

Managing Your Expectations

Understand that significant purchases require time and planning. Setting realistic expectations helps in achieving financial goals without stress.

Exploring Second-Hand Cars

Consider second-hand cars as a viable option. They are more affordable and can still meet your needs effectively.

Evaluating Total Cost of Ownership

Consider the total cost of ownership, including depreciation, fuel, maintenance, and insurance. This helps in making an informed decision.

Building a Credit History

If considering a loan, building a good credit history is important. Pay bills on time and manage debts responsibly.

Seeking Professional Advice

A Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized advice. They help create a financial plan tailored to your goals and situation.


In summary, while the desire for a new car is understandable, financial prudence suggests waiting. Focus on increasing income, saving, and ensuring financial stability first.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3405 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 01, 2024Hindi
Hello sir I'm 28 rights now and I want to invest 50K in Mutual Fund & 2000 SIP, Please Suggest Which fund Best for MF and SIP.
Ans: It's fantastic that you're thinking about investing at 28. Starting early gives your money more time to grow through compounding, which is like earning interest on your interest.

Since there's no one-size-fits-all answer in investing, let's discuss some factors to consider to pick the right mutual funds (MFs) and SIP for you:

1. Investment Goals:

What are you saving for? A down payment on a house, retirement, a dream vacation? Different goals have different time horizons, which affect your investment choices.
2. Risk Tolerance:

How comfortable are you with market ups and downs? Some MFs invest in stocks that can be more volatile, while others focus on bonds that are typically steadier.
3. Investment Timeframe:

When will you need the money? Long-term goals (10+ years) allow for taking on more risk to potentially achieve higher returns.

Investing in mutual funds can be a powerful tool for financial growth. Your goal is to invest Rs. 50,000 in a mutual fund and Rs. 2,000 monthly through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). Let’s explore the best strategies for you.

The Importance of Diversification

Diversification reduces risk by spreading your investments across various assets. Mutual funds offer diversification, allowing you to invest in a mix of stocks, bonds, and other securities. This balanced approach can help achieve your financial goals.

Choosing the Right Mutual Fund

When selecting a mutual fund, consider factors like your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals. Equity funds, debt funds, and hybrid funds offer different benefits. Equity funds have higher risk and return potential, debt funds offer stability, and hybrid funds provide a balanced approach.

Equity Funds for Long-Term Growth

Equity funds invest in stocks and are ideal for long-term growth. They can generate high returns over time but come with higher risk. If you are comfortable with market fluctuations, equity funds can be a good choice.

Debt Funds for Stability

Debt funds invest in fixed-income securities like bonds. They provide stable returns with lower risk compared to equity funds. Debt funds are suitable if you prefer a conservative approach and want steady income.

Hybrid Funds for Balance

Hybrid funds invest in a mix of equity and debt. They offer a balanced approach, reducing risk while providing growth potential. Hybrid funds are suitable if you seek moderate risk and balanced returns.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

SIP allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly, promoting disciplined saving. Investing Rs. 2,000 monthly through SIP can help you build wealth over time. It mitigates market volatility through rupee cost averaging.

Benefits of SIP

SIP offers several benefits, including disciplined investing, convenience, and flexibility. It helps in building a habit of regular saving and investing. SIP also benefits from the power of compounding, enhancing long-term returns.

Evaluating Fund Performance

When choosing funds, evaluate their past performance, expense ratio, and fund manager’s expertise. Consistent performance over time indicates reliability. A lower expense ratio ensures more of your money is invested rather than spent on fees.

Role of Fund Manager

A skilled fund manager can significantly impact the fund’s performance. Look for funds managed by experienced professionals with a good track record. Their expertise can help in making informed investment decisions.

Understanding Expense Ratio

Expense ratio reflects the cost of managing the fund. A lower expense ratio means higher returns for you. Compare the expense ratios of different funds to make cost-effective choices.

Risk Assessment

Understanding your risk tolerance is crucial. Assess how comfortable you are with potential losses. High-risk funds can offer higher returns, but consider your financial stability and long-term goals.

Investment Horizon

Your investment horizon impacts fund selection. For long-term goals, equity funds can be suitable. For short-term goals, consider debt or hybrid funds. Align your investments with your time frame.

Importance of Regular Review

Regularly reviewing your investment portfolio ensures it stays aligned with your goals. Monitor fund performance and make adjustments as needed. This proactive approach helps in optimizing returns.

Advantages of Actively Managed Funds

Actively managed funds aim to outperform the market through strategic investments. Fund managers use research and analysis to make informed decisions. They can adapt to market conditions, potentially providing better returns.

Disadvantages of Index Funds

Index funds track a market index and lack active management. They may underperform in volatile markets as they cannot adjust holdings. Actively managed funds offer better growth opportunities through strategic management.

Benefits of Regular Funds

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) offers guidance and expertise. Regular funds, managed by professionals, ensure informed decisions. CFPs help in selecting suitable funds, optimizing your investment strategy.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds

Direct funds require investors to make decisions without professional guidance. This can be challenging for those without market knowledge. Regular funds through CFPs provide expert advice, enhancing investment outcomes.

Personalized Investment Strategy

Creating a personalized investment strategy involves understanding your financial situation and goals. A CFP can help tailor a plan that suits your needs. This approach ensures your investments align with your objectives.

Market Trends and Analysis

Staying informed about market trends helps in making better investment decisions. A CFP can provide insights and analysis, guiding you through market changes. This expertise enhances your investment strategy.

The Role of Financial Education

Understanding financial concepts is crucial for making informed decisions. Educate yourself about mutual funds, SIPs, and market dynamics. Knowledge empowers you to take control of your financial future.

Building a Strong Financial Foundation

Investing in mutual funds and SIPs helps in building a strong financial foundation. It promotes disciplined saving, diversification, and long-term growth. A well-structured investment plan supports your financial goals.

Final Thoughts

Investing in mutual funds and SIPs can significantly enhance your financial growth. Choose funds based on your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals. Regularly review your portfolio and seek guidance from a Certified Financial Planner.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Moneywize   |112 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Jun 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 23, 2024Hindi
I have Rs 80000 as extra income every month which I want to invest in good MFs. Pease give me five such good SIPs where I can invest Rs 16,000 every month for the next five years.
Ans: An inactive UAN can cause some delays in withdrawing your PF amount, but it's definitely solvable. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Activate your UAN:

• You can activate your UAN online on the EPFO Member e-SEWA portal (https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/). You'll need your UAN number, PAN, Aadhaar number, and your bank account details.

2. Link your KYC (Know Your Customer) information:

• For a smooth online withdrawal process, ensure your KYC details (PAN, Aadhaar, and Bank account information) are linked to your UAN on the member portal.

If you're unable to activate online or prefer an offline approach:

• Visit the nearest EPFO office with your UAN activation request form, KYC documents (PAN, Aadhaar card), and a copy of your resignation letter. The EPFO staff will assist you with activation.

3. Once your UAN is active and KYC is linked:

You can then withdraw your PF amount online through the EPFO member portal. There are two options:

• Full Withdrawal (Form 19): This is for situations when you're no longer employed and not planning to rejoin the workforce anytime soon.
• Partial Withdrawal (Form 31): This is for specific needs like medical emergencies, house renovation, etc.

4. Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

• If your account has been inactive for more than three years, there might be additional documents required for withdrawal. Check the EPFO website for details.
• Tax implications might apply depending on your employment duration and withdrawal reason.

For any further assistance, you can utilize the EPFO's grievance redressal mechanism or contact their regional helpdesk through the EPFO website.

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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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