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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4129 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 13, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 13, 2024Hindi

I am 55. My son is a doctor and pursuing his master's in general surgery in a govt college. My wife is working in a govt organisation. We have own house and no loan. I have savings of about ?1Cr in PF and about ?30 lacs each in NPS and a superannuation scheme from my company. Apart from this, ? 20 lacs worth mutual funds units and same amount in FDs and RDs is invested. I have also invested directly in shares of Blue chip as well as mid and small cap companies. The invested amount is about ?2.0 Cr/- with an enhanced market value at present. My query is that I wish to retire now. In 2-3 months. The future expenditure is my son's higher studies and marriage apart from my health related expenses if any. My wife may or may not continue to work. How should I plan now?

Ans: Assessing Your Financial Position
You have a solid financial foundation with diverse investments. This is commendable, as diversification is crucial for financial security. Your portfolio includes provident fund (PF), national pension system (NPS), superannuation scheme, mutual funds, fixed deposits (FDs), recurring deposits (RDs), and direct equity investments. This mix provides a balance between growth potential and capital protection.

Current Investments Breakdown
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 1 crore
National Pension System (NPS): Rs 30 lakh
Superannuation Scheme: Rs 30 lakh
Mutual Funds: Rs 20 lakh
Fixed Deposits (FDs) and Recurring Deposits (RDs): Rs 20 lakh
Direct Equity Investments: Rs 2 crore (current market value)
Retirement Readiness
At 55, retiring in the next 2-3 months is a significant decision. Let's analyze if your current assets can support your retirement goals and future expenditures. You mentioned your future expenses include your son's higher studies and marriage, as well as potential health-related costs.

Future Expenditure Considerations
Son's Higher Studies: Ensure you allocate sufficient funds for his education. Government medical colleges are relatively affordable, but higher studies may require a substantial amount.
Son's Marriage: Plan for the associated expenses. Cultural norms and personal preferences will dictate this budget.
Health-Related Expenses: As you age, healthcare costs may increase. Ensure you have a robust health insurance policy and an emergency fund for unexpected medical expenses.
Income Generation Post-Retirement
Your investments must generate enough income to cover your living expenses and the additional future costs mentioned. Let's evaluate the potential income from your existing investments.

Provident Fund (PF)
The provident fund is a secure investment, providing steady returns. Consider partially withdrawing from your PF as needed, while letting the remaining amount grow. This strategy can provide liquidity without sacrificing growth.

National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is designed to provide a regular pension post-retirement. Upon retirement, you can withdraw a portion of your NPS corpus and invest the remaining in an annuity to receive regular monthly income. However, avoid recommending annuities as an investment option due to limited flexibility and lower returns.

Superannuation Scheme
Similar to NPS, superannuation schemes offer regular payouts post-retirement. Evaluate the terms of your superannuation scheme and plan withdrawals to complement other income sources.

Mutual Funds
Mutual funds offer growth potential and liquidity. Actively managed funds, guided by professional fund managers, can outperform the market, making them a valuable part of your portfolio. Continue investing through a Certified Financial Planner to ensure optimal fund selection and management.

Fixed Deposits (FDs) and Recurring Deposits (RDs)
FDs and RDs provide stability and guaranteed returns. They are excellent for preserving capital but may not beat inflation. Use these investments for short-term needs and emergency funds.

Direct Equity Investments
Your direct equity investments in blue-chip, mid-cap, and small-cap companies have substantial growth potential. Regularly review and rebalance this portfolio to align with market conditions and your risk tolerance. Consult a Certified Financial Planner for strategic management.

Strategic Withdrawal Plan
To ensure your funds last throughout retirement, develop a strategic withdrawal plan. Here are key steps to consider:

Create a Budget: Outline your monthly expenses and anticipated future costs. Include living expenses, healthcare, and discretionary spending.
Prioritize Withdrawals: Withdraw from lower-yield, stable investments first (like FDs and RDs), preserving higher-growth investments (like mutual funds and equities) for long-term needs.
Maintain an Emergency Fund: Set aside 6-12 months of expenses in a highly liquid account to cover unexpected costs.
Health Insurance: Ensure you have comprehensive health insurance coverage to mitigate healthcare costs.
Review Regularly: Periodically review and adjust your withdrawal strategy with a Certified Financial Planner to stay aligned with changing circumstances and market conditions.
Risk Management
Retirement planning involves managing various risks, such as market volatility, inflation, and unexpected expenses. Here are strategies to mitigate these risks:

Diversification: Maintain a diversified portfolio to spread risk across different asset classes.
Inflation Protection: Invest in assets that offer returns above inflation, such as equities and actively managed mutual funds.
Regular Reviews: Conduct regular portfolio reviews with your Certified Financial Planner to adjust your strategy based on market conditions and personal needs.
Emergency Fund: Keep an emergency fund to handle unforeseen expenses without disrupting your investment strategy.
Tax Planning
Effective tax planning can enhance your retirement corpus. Here are some tax-saving strategies:

Tax-Efficient Withdrawals: Plan your withdrawals from different investment accounts in a tax-efficient manner. Withdraw from tax-exempt sources first.
Utilize Deductions: Make use of available tax deductions under sections like 80C, 80D, etc.
Reinvest Returns: Reinvest returns from investments to take advantage of compounding and tax deferral.
Consult a Tax Expert: Work with a tax expert to ensure you are maximizing tax benefits and staying compliant with tax laws.
Estate Planning
Estate planning ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your demise. Here are steps for effective estate planning:

Draft a Will: Ensure you have a legally valid will that clearly outlines the distribution of your assets.
Nominate Beneficiaries: Ensure all your financial accounts and insurance policies have updated nominee information.
Power of Attorney: Appoint a trusted person to handle your financial affairs if you become incapacitated.
Trusts: Consider setting up trusts for managing and protecting your assets.
Involving Your Family
Involving your family in financial planning ensures they are aware of your financial situation and wishes. Here are ways to involve them:

Open Communication: Discuss your financial plans and decisions with your wife and son.
Financial Literacy: Educate your family about managing finances, investments, and the importance of financial planning.
Joint Decisions: Make major financial decisions jointly to ensure alignment and support.
Succession Planning: Prepare your son to handle finances and investments in the future.
Reviewing Insurance Coverage
Adequate insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your family’s financial well-being. Here are key insurance types to review:

Health Insurance: Ensure you and your wife have comprehensive health insurance to cover medical expenses.
Life Insurance: Review your life insurance policies to ensure they provide adequate coverage for your family’s needs.
Home Insurance: Protect your home and valuable possessions with appropriate home insurance.
Lifestyle Considerations
Retirement is not just about financial security; it’s also about enjoying your time. Here are lifestyle considerations:

Hobbies and Interests: Engage in activities and hobbies that you enjoy and find fulfilling.
Travel Plans: Plan for travel and leisure activities within your budget.
Volunteering: Consider volunteering or engaging in community service for personal satisfaction.
Health and Wellness: Focus on maintaining good health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and preventive healthcare.
Final Insights
You are in a strong financial position to retire, given your diversified investments and substantial assets. Proper planning and strategic management of your portfolio will ensure a comfortable and secure retirement. Collaborate with a Certified Financial Planner to fine-tune your strategy, manage risks, and make informed decisions. By addressing future expenses, healthcare needs, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, you can enjoy a fulfilling retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4129 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 05, 2024

I am 50 Year old working in IT and my annual CTC is 30Lakhs. I have current investments worth approximately around 2+ crores in form of Retirals, FD, Insurance, Pension, Shares and MF. My monthly expenses are coming to approx. 50K and i have two kids (9 year and 5 year) doing schooling. Please let me know how to perform retiring planning considering kids education and health expenses. I also have my individual house and dont have any EMI's at the moement. I dont have plan to work long time, might stick to work for next 2-3 years.
Ans: Given your current financial situation, it's commendable that you've accumulated substantial investments and have no outstanding debts. To plan for retirement while also considering your children's education and healthcare expenses, consider the following steps:

Assess Your Financial Goals: Determine your retirement age, desired lifestyle, and estimated expenses post-retirement, including children's education and healthcare costs.

Budgeting: Create a detailed budget outlining your monthly expenses, including children's education and healthcare costs. Ensure you allocate funds for these expenses while also maintaining your current lifestyle.

Investment Diversification: Review your existing investments and ensure they are aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Consider diversifying your investment portfolio with a mix of equity funds, debt instruments, and real estate to mitigate risk and maximize returns.

Education Planning: Start saving for your children's education by investing in education-focused investment vehicles such as mutual funds or education savings plans. Consider the inflation rate and projected education costs to determine the required investment amount.

Health Insurance: Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage for yourself and your family to mitigate the financial impact of any medical emergencies or healthcare expenses.

Retirement Corpus Calculation: Estimate the corpus required to sustain your desired lifestyle post-retirement, factoring in inflation, life expectancy, and other variables. Consider consulting a financial advisor for a comprehensive retirement planning strategy tailored to your needs.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to at least six months' worth of expenses to cover unexpected financial setbacks or emergencies.

By following these steps and regularly reviewing your financial plan, you can effectively balance retirement planning with your children's education and healthcare expenses, ensuring a secure financial future for you and your family.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4129 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 14, 2024Hindi
Hello sir, I am 42 years old and want to retire by age of 55. My current savings is 303L in EPF. 307L in equity, 9.6L in nps. Investment I does as follows 1. Epf - 45000 by employer and same contribution by me as well which combined around 90000/- 2. 27000/- monthly sip , Nippon small cap 6000, axis small cap 6000, quant infrastructure fund 6000/-, quant small cap 6000/-l miarae asset blue chi large cap 3000/- all started very soon having corpus of 4L as of today. 3. Investing 25000/- in nps monthly. 4. Around 50k monthly in equity I have a liability of 50L home loan which I have planned to get rid off by 2028. I have another home loan which will be closed by end of 2025. I have a daughter which is doing CA and for marriage it will be required around 1 cr. I have a son who are going to persue medical which will cost me 50-75L. How I can plan my retirement to get atleast 3L monthly by age of 55. My current monthly take home salary is 3L around.
Ans: Given your goal to retire by 55 with a monthly income of ?3L, you have a comprehensive plan with a mix of investments and savings. Here's a suggested strategy:

EPF: Continue the contribution as it offers tax benefits and stable returns.

SIPs: Your SIPs in small and large-cap funds are good for growth. Consider adding a diversified equity fund for balance. Monitor and rebalance annually.

NPS: Since you're investing ?25,000 monthly, ensure you choose the auto-choice option for a balanced allocation between equity, corporate bonds, and government securities.

Home Loans: Prioritize closing the higher interest rate loan first while maintaining EMIs for both.

Children’s Education and Marriage: Start separate SIPs or investments earmarked for these goals to reach 1 cr for your daughter's marriage and 50-75L for your son's medical studies.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund of at least 6 months' expenses.

Retirement Corpus: Aim to build a corpus that can generate ?3L/month. Based on a conservative estimate, a corpus of around ?6-7 crores by 55 might be needed. Regularly review and adjust your investments to align with this target.

Professional Advice: Consult a financial advisor to fine-tune your plan and ensure you're on track to meet your retirement and other financial goals.

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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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