Hi sir. I am a subscriber of ur sir. I am an exam going pg of Path from Govt Medical college, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. You are just a boon to us...you changed the entire view of wt pathology means ...to say truly wat medicine means ...the beauty of subject. Not all can see the beauty in what they read but the day I saw ur frst class i didn't fail to appreciate the beauty of subject till now. I feel bad for missing this kind of teaching all these years but that's k we found you and nothing is going to stop us. You are our greatest cheerleader. Really look forward to each and everything from you whether it may be regarding life or subject. As ralph said a great teacher is not someone says facts but the one in whose presence we become different people. I myself loves to teach, the very own reason of me taking this branch. A thankyou is just not enough to express our gratitude sir bt then Thankyou sir. Sir in this toxic world of competition where the competition is not with our own self bt with our peers , how to remain as a best version of ourself. Any suggestions for examgoing pgs to score in theory and also regarding planning revisions. Ofcourse revision is again an individual thing bt if there is any kindly guide us. Thankyou so much sir.
Ans: Thank you for your kind words first.
"Sir in this toxic world of competition where the competition is not with our own self bt with our peers , how to remain as a best version of ourself" - Very true, the competition is always with the self. We all have many villains hampering our progress and we have to fight with them first before looking outside.
1) procrastination - to defeat do little things daily and very simple goals, hopefully that will put you on track
2) Sense of superiority - For this the best solution so far is the cases you see under microscope. You might think you are decent in diagnosis, but a simple squamous cell carcinoma can sometime take - 1 week of your time, medicine and pathology will humble you, will tell where we exactly stand in the vast field of medicine.
The above two if you can tackle, i would say it will keep us on toes to improve.
For EGPGs,
I would say theory exams are not a big problem, only one suggestion - think for a couple of minutes before writing any question, formulate in your mind - how to present it. Your knowledge isfar more than exam, taking points from your 3 years of training ang putting into words is the challenge, practice a few, it will help !
Best wishes
Dr. Ranjith AR