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Sushil Sukhwani417 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Jun 15, 2024

Asked on - Jun 14, 2024Hindi

My daughter is doing PhD in ecology and wanted to pursue her career in outside country. Please advice.
Ans: Hello SURESH,

First and foremost, thank you for getting in touch with us. I am happy to hear that your daughter is currently pursuing her PhD in Ecology after which she intends pursuing her career abroad. To answer your question first, I would like to tell you that for your daughter, pursuing an ecological profession overseas can be a fulfilling choice. As the first step, I would recommend that your daughter investigates institutions and organizations in countries renowned for robust ecological research programs, viz., Australia, the USA, Canada, or European nations viz., the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany. Bear in mind that networking is essential, and for the same I would suggest that she participates in international conferences, joins professional organizations, and interacts with experts in her field. Your daughter can also think about aplying for postdoctoral jobs that can offer invaluable experience and assist her in buiding a professional network in a foreign nation.

Moreover, your daughter should learn about the particular prerequisites and prospects in the countries she’s considering. This entails acquainting herself with visa guidelines, possibilities for funding, and labor market trends. To further help her relocate, she can also apply for scholarships, bursaries, and fellowships from universities and international organizations. Furthermore, I would like to tell you that acquiring good linguistic abilities, if applicable, and comprehending the host country’s cultural and professional standards will be beneficial. All in all, your daughter has a much better chance of landing a job in ecology overseas if she takes a proactive and thoroughly researched approach.

For more information, you can visit our website: www.edwiseinternational.com

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