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Ramalingam Kalirajan5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 10, 2024

Asked on - Jun 18, 2024Hindi

Sir, I have an equity MF whose SIP ran from 2012 to 2020 and redeemed The sale action incur LTCG with and without grandfathering. While NAV for each purchase is provided by the Fund House, wherefrom will I collect FMV of each purchase for the purpose of populating Sch112A?
Ans: Finding the Fair Market Value (FMV)
Capital Gain Statement:

If you have redeemed your mutual fund units already, the easiest way to get the FMV for each purchase is through the capital gain statement.

Downloading Capital Gain Statement

CAMS (Computer Age Management Services) is one of the Registrars and Transfer Agents (RTA) for mutual funds in India. You can download the capital gain statement from the CAMS website. This statement includes the FMV as on 31st January 2018 for all your mutual fund holdings.

Steps to Download:
Visit the CAMS website.
Go to the investor services section.
Request a capital gain statement by providing your email and PAN.

KFintech (formerly Karvy Fintech) is another RTA for mutual funds. Similar to CAMS, you can download the capital gain statement from their website.

Steps to Download:
Visit the KFintech website.
Navigate to the investor services section.
Request a capital gain statement by entering your email and PAN.
Contacting Your Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD)
If you have not redeemed your units so far, it's best to get in touch with your Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD). They can provide you with the FMV easily. MFDs have access to detailed transaction statements and can help you with the necessary information.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


Ramalingam Kalirajan5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 07, 2024

Asked on - Jun 02, 2024Hindi

Sir, 3 MF sales were made and the AIS statement shows Fair Market Value (FMV) along with Sale Consideration and Cost of Acquisition. In all the cases FMVs are higher than the sale prices. I have read the definition off FMV. But please tell what is the significance FMV in AIS. While the tax is based on buy and sell values, why is the FMV given there? what is its connection with tax payment and where from FMV figures are derived at all because for MFs, buy and sell is based on NAV of the day? Chandran KM
Ans: Dear Chandran KM,

Thank you for your detailed query about Fair Market Value (FMV) in the Annual Information Statement (AIS). Understanding FMV's significance and its connection to tax payment is crucial. Let’s delve into the various aspects and implications of FMV in your AIS, especially in relation to mutual fund (MF) transactions.

The Role of AIS in Tax Reporting

The Annual Information Statement (AIS) is a comprehensive document that consolidates all your financial transactions. It includes details like income, investments, and sale of assets. The AIS aims to provide taxpayers with a complete view of their financial activities, aiding in accurate tax filing.

What is Fair Market Value (FMV)?

Fair Market Value (FMV) is the estimated price at which an asset would trade between a willing buyer and seller. For mutual funds, FMV is often derived from the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the funds on a specific date, usually determined by market conditions and the performance of the underlying assets.

Significance of FMV in AIS

Historical Valuation Reference: FMV provides a benchmark for the value of mutual fund units at a particular point in time. This helps in assessing the performance and growth of your investments.

Capital Gains Calculation: While capital gains tax is calculated based on the actual buy and sell prices, FMV can play a crucial role in determining the nature and extent of gains or losses, especially in special scenarios like the grandfathering rule in long-term capital gains.

Regulatory Compliance: Including FMV in the AIS ensures compliance with tax regulations and helps the tax authorities verify the correctness of declared gains or losses.

Connection Between FMV and Tax Payment

Grandfathering Rule for Long-Term Capital Gains: The FMV is particularly significant in the context of the grandfathering clause introduced in the 2018 budget. For assets acquired before 31st January 2018, the FMV as of that date is considered for calculating long-term capital gains, ensuring gains before this date are exempt from the new tax regime.

Determining Capital Gains: Capital gains are calculated as the difference between the sale consideration and the cost of acquisition (or FMV, if applicable). While the primary basis is the buy and sell values, FMV helps in special cases to ensure accurate tax liability.

Why FMV is Higher than Sale Prices

FMV being higher than the sale price can occur due to several reasons:

Market Fluctuations: The value of mutual fund units can fluctuate based on market conditions. The FMV might reflect a higher value on a specific date compared to the actual sale price when the market conditions were different.

NAV Variations: FMV is typically based on the NAV at a particular point in time. If the market performance declines or if specific events impact the mutual fund’s underlying assets, the actual sale price could be lower than the FMV.

Derivation of FMV for Mutual Funds

FMV for mutual funds is generally derived from the NAV, which represents the per-unit market value of the fund’s assets minus liabilities. NAV is calculated at the end of each trading day based on the closing market prices of the underlying assets.

Steps to Calculate FMV for Mutual Funds

Determine NAV on the Relevant Date: Identify the NAV of the mutual fund on the specific date (e.g., 31st January 2018 for grandfathering purposes).

Adjust for Corporate Actions: Adjust NAV for any corporate actions like dividends, splits, or bonuses that might affect the unit value.

Unit Multiplication: Multiply the NAV by the number of units you hold to get the FMV of your total holdings.

Impact of FMV on Investment Strategy

Informed Decision Making: Understanding FMV helps you make informed decisions about selling or holding your mutual fund units based on their market value and potential tax implications.

Tax Planning: Knowledge of FMV aids in strategic tax planning, ensuring you optimize your tax liability while maximizing investment returns.

Practical Example

Let’s consider a practical example to illustrate the significance of FMV in AIS and its impact on capital gains calculation.

Purchase Details: You bought 1000 units of a mutual fund on 1st January 2017 at Rs 50 per unit.

FMV on 31st January 2018: The NAV on 31st January 2018 is Rs 80 per unit, making the FMV Rs 80,000 for 1000 units.

Sale Details: You sold the 1000 units on 1st January 2023 at Rs 90 per unit, resulting in a sale consideration of Rs 90,000.

Capital Gains Calculation

Cost of Acquisition: Rs 50,000 (1000 units x Rs 50 per unit).

FMV Consideration: Since FMV (Rs 80,000) is higher than the cost of acquisition, the cost for capital gains calculation is taken as FMV.

Capital Gains: Sale Consideration (Rs 90,000) - FMV (Rs 80,000) = Rs 10,000.

Assessing the Need for a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can help you navigate the complexities of tax laws and investment strategies. They can provide personalized advice on how to structure your investments and withdrawals to minimize tax liability and maximize returns.

Ensuring Compliance and Accuracy

Regular Reviews: Regularly review your AIS to ensure all entries are accurate and reflect your financial transactions correctly.

Consultation: Consult with a CFP or tax advisor to address any discrepancies or confusion regarding FMV and its implications.

Final Insights

Understanding the significance of FMV in your AIS is crucial for accurate tax reporting and strategic financial planning. While tax calculations are based on actual buy and sell values, FMV plays a vital role in specific scenarios like the grandfathering rule for long-term capital gains. It provides a benchmark for historical valuation and helps in assessing the performance of your investments. Regularly review your financial statements and consult with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to ensure compliance and optimize your investment strategy. With informed decisions and strategic planning, you can effectively manage your investments and tax liabilities.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


Ramalingam Kalirajan5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 09, 2024

Asked on - Apr 05, 2024Hindi

Sir, NRI having only LTCG (taxable) and interest income which is less than one lakh. I want to file ITR at the earliest and is ready with details but a part of the interest income is yet to appear in AIS. I presume that the data will get populated by the middle of June. But as I have all the figures, can I proceed with ITR filing NOW or will it be considered contradictary with AIS?
Ans: You can definitely file your ITR now, even though a part of the interest income isn't reflected in the AIS (Annual Information Statement) yet. Here's why:

NRIs with LTCG and low interest income: As an NRI with only LTCG (taxable) and interest income below one lakh, you qualify to file ITR-1 (Sahaj).

Discrepancy with AIS: A minor difference between your reported income and the AIS data might not be a major issue. The income tax department usually sends notices for significant discrepancies.

Here's what you can do:

File with the information you have: Go ahead and file your ITR using the interest income details you possess.

Mention the discrepancy: While filing, you can explain the missing interest income in the ITR form itself. Briefly state that you expect it to be reflected in the AIS by mid-June.

Revise if needed: If the missing interest income gets populated in the AIS later, you can revise your ITR accordingly. There's a window for revising ITRs after the initial filing.

Here are some additional points to consider:

It's always best to report accurate income. Including the estimated interest income demonstrates your transparency.

If you're uncomfortable filing now, you can wait until the AIS data is updated by mid-June. However, there's no penalty for filing early.

Ultimately, the decision is yours. Filing now with an explanation or waiting for the AIS update are both viable options.

It's recommended to consult a Chartered Accountant (CA) specializing in NRI taxation for personalized guidance.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

Ramalingam Kalirajan5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 01, 2024

Asked on - Mar 15, 2024Hindi

Sir, Is it possible to transfer equity shares from my DP to my son's/Daughter's DP as gift? Apart from the charges levied by DP for this act, is there any extra cost involved by way of Tax?
Ans: Yes, transferring equity shares from your DP (Depository Participant) to your son's/daughter's DP (Depository Participant) as a gift is possible. Here's a breakdown of the costs involved:


DP Charges: There will be transfer fees levied by your DP for processing the off-market gift transaction. These charges vary depending on the DP and the number of shares being transferred.
Stamp Duty: In India, a stamp duty is applicable on the gift deed. The amount of stamp duty varies depending on the state where the gift deed is registered. The recipient (your son/daughter) would typically be responsible for the stamp duty.

Gift Tax: As of May 2024, there is no gift tax levied in India for transfers between parents and children. This means your son/daughter will not have to pay any tax on the gifted shares.
Additional Costs:

Transaction fees: There might be minor transaction fees associated with the delivery instruction slip (DIS) submitted for the transfer.
Here's what you typically need to do to transfer shares as a gift:

Gift Deed: Prepare a gift deed mentioning the details of the shares being gifted, your son's/daughter's details, and your relationship.
Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS): Fill out a DIS form with the DP containing details of the shares and your son's/daughter's DP information.
Stamp Duty: Pay the stamp duty as per your state's regulations for the gift deed.
It's advisable to consult your DP and a tax advisor for the latest information on specific charges and any procedural updates. They can guide you through the process and ensure a smooth transfer.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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