Hello Sir, my daughter is appearing 12th board this year. She has Physics, Chemistry, Biology with Psychology. She was very interested to go medical but now she is refusing to do Medical. She says she does not want to go in boring life, Bio is too much learning. She wants to opt maths with computer science in her graduation. She is very good in study , got 98% in her 10th. she is studying maths with her friend, and she is very happy with Maths. Please suggest which career she should be opted.
Ans: Hello A,
To begin with, your daughter’s career cannot be determined solely by her interests. Talent and personality also play a key role and must be taken into consideration. Before deciding on a career path, it is important to take an aptitude test. Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two careers that can be followed with a degree in computer science. Statistical and actuarial sciences are typically recognized as attractive career options.
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