Dear Komal,
You hear different amounts of how much water one should drink.
I want to know how much water one should drink in a day.
Does this amount include other liquids, including tea, coffee, juice and cold drinks?
How do you know when you are not drinking enough water?
Is there such a problem as drinking too much water?
Thank you,
Ans: There are no official guidelines on how much water to drink in a day.
Many factors (both internal and external) ultimately affect how much water you need; it varies from person to person.
For example, if you drink a lot of coffee and other caffeinated beverages, you might lose more water through extra urination.
You will likely also need to drink more water if your diet is high in salty, spicy or sugary foods.
Your body has a sophisticated system for controlling when and how much you drink by thirst.
Drink often enough throughout the day so that your urine is pale and clear.
During high heat, exercise and other mentioned indications, make sure to drink enough to compensate for the loss of fluids or for the extra fluids you need.
Drinking too much water is rarely a problem for healthy, well-nourished adults.