I am good singer but how to achieve success as daily pratice my singing for hours.
Ans: Dear Margam,
It's great that you have decided to act on your talent and hone it further.
Any talent/gift/skill must have a goal to be able to sustain all the hard work that goes into honing it.
So, what do you plan or have as a goal for your singing? Do you want to sing for yourself or at gatherings or in public? This will define the nature of your goal
Once you have written down your goal, then put down a plan as to how you will achieve that goal.
- How many number of hours practice do you need in a day?
- Who will be the right teacher for you?
If you are a student, then you may also have to do a lot of time management to balance studies and music.
Having said all of this, you must also be aware that Success is very relative. What is success to someone may not be enough for you. And that's where goals help to keep you steady in the mind. Instead of chasing Success and becoming frustrated or dissuaded, why not you enjoy the process of becoming a good singer; the ups and downs of the entire journey is in itself a fascinating one! Success follows...
All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
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