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Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 23, 2024

Asked on - Jun 23, 2024Hindi

I Am 35 yrs old, working in a product based semi conductor company. 1 daughter 7 yrs old. Current salary is 2.5L after deduction take home is around 1.9L. I Home and housing plot worth 1cr( EMIs completed). Having only one liability car loan(28k per month for next 5yrs). I have MF 7.5L, Indian shares 6L, US Shares 10L, SSY 5L, NPS 2L, PF 12L. 3.5cr personal term policy, 1cr term policy from company.Ancient properties ~1Cr. Investing 60k per month for all above instruments.My future requirements are 6Cr for retirement carpus, 2cr for my kid higher studies and marriage. In next 15 yrs I want make this corpus and retire at the age of 50. Please suggest.
Ans: It's great to see you taking charge of your financial future. At 35, working in a semiconductor company with a healthy salary of Rs 2.5L, you're in a strong position. Your take-home salary is Rs 1.9L, which gives you good leverage for savings and investments.

You have a home and a housing plot worth Rs 1 crore, with no EMIs pending. That’s an excellent milestone. Your only liability is a car loan of Rs 28k per month for the next five years.

Your existing investments are quite diverse:

Mutual Funds (MF): Rs 7.5L
Indian Shares: Rs 6L
US Shares: Rs 10L
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY): Rs 5L
National Pension System (NPS): Rs 2L
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 12L
Additionally, you have significant term insurance coverage: Rs 3.5 crore personal term policy and Rs 1 crore term policy from your company. Your ancient properties are worth around Rs 1 crore. You are currently investing Rs 60k per month across various instruments.

You aim to accumulate a corpus of Rs 6 crore for retirement, and Rs 2 crore for your daughter's higher education and marriage, within the next 15 years.

Evaluating Your Financial Goals

Your financial goals are ambitious but achievable with a structured approach. Let's break down your goals:

Retirement Corpus of Rs 6 crore in 15 years: This requires disciplined saving and strategic investing.

Rs 2 crore for Daughter's Higher Education and Marriage: Planning for these expenses in 15 years means you need to ensure growth in your investments while managing risks.

Current Investment Portfolio Analysis

Your current portfolio is well-diversified across various asset classes. Here’s a quick analysis:

Mutual Funds (Rs 7.5L): Offers potential for high returns. Consider a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds for balanced growth.

Indian Shares (Rs 6L) and US Shares (Rs 10L): Good diversification. Continue monitoring and adjusting based on market performance.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (Rs 5L): Great for your daughter’s future. It provides tax benefits and decent returns.

National Pension System (Rs 2L): Long-term retirement savings with tax benefits.

Provident Fund (Rs 12L): A safe and tax-efficient investment.

Term Insurance: Adequate coverage. Your Rs 3.5 crore personal term policy and Rs 1 crore from your company ensure financial security for your family.

Strategic Recommendations

1. Consolidate and Optimize Investments

It’s essential to streamline your investments to maximize returns and minimize risks.

Mutual Funds: Evaluate the performance of your current funds. Consider moving to actively managed funds for potentially higher returns. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio with the help of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

Indian and US Shares: Diversify across sectors and industries. Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Monitor global and domestic economic trends.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY): Continue contributing to SSY for its tax benefits and secure returns.

National Pension System (NPS): Increase your contributions if possible. NPS offers good long-term benefits and tax savings.

Provident Fund (PF): Continue your contributions. PF is a low-risk, tax-efficient investment.

2. Increase Monthly Investment Allocation

Currently, you are investing Rs 60k per month. To meet your ambitious goals, consider increasing this amount progressively.

Prioritize High-Growth Investments: Allocate more towards mutual funds and equity shares. This can potentially offer higher returns over the long term.

Utilize Windfalls and Bonuses: Any additional income or bonuses should be invested to boost your corpus.

3. Education and Marriage Fund for Daughter

To ensure Rs 2 crore for your daughter’s education and marriage, focus on long-term growth instruments:

Child Education Plans: Invest in plans specifically designed for education goals. These often offer benefits aligned with educational milestones.

Equity Mutual Funds: Consider equity funds for higher returns. A combination of large-cap and mid-cap funds could provide balanced growth.

Regular Reviews: Monitor the performance of these investments regularly and adjust as needed with your CFP.

4. Retirement Planning

To achieve a Rs 6 crore retirement corpus, focus on a mix of high-growth and stable investments:

Diversified Mutual Funds: Increase your allocation to a diverse set of mutual funds. Actively managed funds often outperform index funds in dynamic markets.

Equity Shares: Continue investing in both Indian and US markets. Keep a balanced portfolio to mitigate risks.

NPS and PF: These are your safety nets. Continue and, if possible, increase contributions to these low-risk instruments.

5. Risk Management

Insurance: Your current term insurance is adequate. Ensure that the policies are reviewed regularly to keep up with inflation and lifestyle changes.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This ensures financial stability during unforeseen circumstances.

6. Debt Management

Your car loan is the only liability, with a Rs 28k EMI for the next five years.

Early Repayment: If possible, consider early repayment to free up more funds for investments.
Future Financial Strategy

1. Comprehensive Financial Plan

Work with a CFP to create a detailed financial plan. This should include:

Cash Flow Analysis: Understanding your income and expenses to identify saving potential.

Investment Strategy: Tailored to your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Tax Planning: Efficient tax planning to maximize your savings and returns.

2. Regular Financial Reviews

Schedule regular reviews with your CFP. This helps in:

Portfolio Rebalancing: Adjusting your portfolio based on market conditions and life changes.

Goal Tracking: Ensuring you are on track to meet your financial goals.

3. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Stay informed about financial markets and investment opportunities. Adapt your strategies as required.

Final Insights

Your financial journey is well on track. You have a solid foundation with diverse investments, adequate insurance, and clear financial goals. With a focused strategy, disciplined saving, and strategic investments, achieving your retirement and educational corpus goals is within reach. Regular reviews and professional guidance will ensure that you stay on course.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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