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Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Asked on - Jun 02, 2024Hindi

Hi Sir, I have 2 son studying in class 2nd & 8th class. I don't own any house but I have a plot in gurugram (153 sq m). I am investing in mutual funds 22 thousands/ month & current portfolio value is around 20 lacs. Pl suggest should I build a house or stay in rented property
Ans: Balancing between renting and building a house is a critical financial decision. Given your current situation, it’s essential to evaluate the pros and cons to make an informed choice.

Current Financial Position
You have two sons in 2nd and 8th class. You own a plot in Gurugram measuring 153 sq m but do not own a house. You are investing Rs 22,000 per month in mutual funds, with a portfolio value of around Rs 20 lakhs.

Renting vs Building a House: Key Considerations
Renting a House: Pros and Cons


Flexibility: Renting offers flexibility to relocate as needed. This is advantageous if job transfers or lifestyle changes are likely.

Lower Initial Cost: Renting does not require a large upfront investment. You only need to cover the deposit and monthly rent.

Maintenance: Major repairs and maintenance are typically the landlord’s responsibility, reducing unexpected expenses.

Liquidity: Your current investments remain untouched, allowing them to grow and provide financial security.


No Asset Creation: Rent payments do not contribute to asset creation. You will not own the property at the end of the lease.

Uncertainty: Rent increases and potential eviction can create uncertainty and instability.

Lack of Personalization: Renting limits your ability to modify or personalize the living space.

Building a House: Pros and Cons


Asset Creation: Building a house creates a tangible asset that can appreciate over time, providing financial security.

Stability: Owning a home provides stability and eliminates the uncertainties associated with renting.

Personalization: You can design and customize the house according to your preferences and needs.

Potential Rental Income: If you build a larger house, you could rent out part of it for additional income.


High Initial Cost: Building a house requires significant capital investment upfront, which may require taking a loan.

Maintenance Costs: Homeownership comes with ongoing maintenance and repair costs, which can be unpredictable.

Liquidity Risk: Using a substantial portion of your savings or taking a loan reduces your financial liquidity.

Evaluating Your Current Investments
Your current mutual fund investments of Rs 22,000 per month and a portfolio of Rs 20 lakhs indicate a disciplined approach to wealth creation. Here’s an analysis:

1. Growth Potential:

Mutual funds offer significant growth potential, especially if invested in a mix of equity and balanced funds. This can provide a robust financial cushion for future needs, including your sons' education.

2. Diversification:

Continuing to invest in mutual funds diversifies your portfolio, spreading risk across various asset classes. This is crucial for long-term financial stability.

3. Liquidity:

Mutual funds offer liquidity, allowing you to access funds in case of emergencies. This is essential for managing unforeseen expenses without disrupting your financial plans.

Building a House: Financial Planning
If you decide to build a house, here’s a structured plan:

1. Budgeting:

Determine the total cost of building the house, including construction, permits, interiors, and any additional costs. Obtain multiple quotes to ensure accurate budgeting.

2. Financing:

Evaluate your financing options, such as using savings, taking a home loan, or a combination. Calculate the EMI and ensure it fits within your monthly budget without straining your finances.

3. Utilizing Plot Value:

The value of your plot in Gurugram can be leveraged to secure a home loan with favorable terms. This reduces the burden of high-interest rates and large EMIs.

4. Staged Construction:

Consider building the house in stages if immediate funds are insufficient. Prioritize essential areas and gradually complete the rest based on available funds.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Guidance
Working with a CFP can provide expert advice tailored to your financial situation and goals. Here’s how a CFP can assist:

1. Comprehensive Assessment:

A CFP will analyze your current financial position, goals, and risk tolerance. This provides a holistic view of your finances and helps in making informed decisions.

2. Goal Setting:

They help in setting realistic financial goals, such as saving for your sons' education, building a house, and retirement planning. Clear goals ensure focused and disciplined financial planning.

3. Customized Investment Strategy:

A CFP will design an investment strategy tailored to your needs. This includes selecting suitable mutual funds, diversifying investments, and optimizing returns.

4. Tax Planning:

Efficient tax planning ensures you maximize tax-saving opportunities. This increases your post-tax returns, providing more funds for your financial goals.

5. Debt Management:

If you opt for a home loan, a CFP will help in selecting the best loan option and managing debt efficiently. This includes planning for prepayments to reduce interest costs.

6. Regular Reviews and Adjustments:

A CFP will conduct regular reviews of your financial plan and make necessary adjustments. This ensures your plan remains aligned with your evolving goals and market conditions.

Practical Steps to Achieve Financial Goals
1. Evaluate Housing Needs:

Assess your family’s housing needs and preferences. Consider factors like proximity to schools, workplace, and amenities while deciding whether to rent or build.

2. Financial Discipline:

Maintain financial discipline by controlling expenses and prioritizing savings. This ensures a robust financial foundation for your goals.

3. Emergency Fund:

Keep an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This ensures liquidity for unforeseen circumstances without disrupting your financial plans.

4. Review Insurance:

Ensure you have adequate health and life insurance coverage. This protects against unforeseen expenses and provides financial security for your family.

5. Increase SIPs Gradually:

As your income grows, increase your SIP contributions. This accelerates wealth creation and builds a substantial corpus for future needs.

6. Monitor Progress:

Regularly review your financial plan and investment performance. Ensure your strategy aligns with your evolving goals and market conditions.

Deciding whether to build a house or continue renting requires careful consideration of your financial situation and goals. Building a house creates a tangible asset and provides stability, but requires significant upfront investment. Renting offers flexibility and lower initial costs but does not create an asset. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner can provide expert guidance and tailored advice to achieve your financial goals. Regular reviews and disciplined execution will help you build a secure and comfortable future for your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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