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Ramalingam Kalirajan4047 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 06, 2024

Asked on - May 30, 2024Hindi

Really after reading comments of yours on this qn "I am 48 years old I am planning to quit. I have 3 lands worth 85 lakhs, FD 15 lakhs, PF 60 lakhs, MF 50, 3 houses"...I think this generation should never ever think of getting retirement...He who takes a knife will die by the knife...such he who learns , who earns, will die by learning continuously earning continuously...funny but true
Ans: It sounds like you're reflecting on the challenges and expectations of retirement in the modern era. Indeed, the notion of retirement has evolved significantly, and for many people, the traditional idea of retiring at a set age and living off savings may seem increasingly out of reach or unappealing.

Here are a few points to consider about retirement and continuous engagement in work or learning:

Lifelong Learning and Adaptation: The rapid pace of technological and societal change means that staying engaged and continuously learning can be crucial for personal and professional growth. Many people find fulfillment in staying active intellectually and professionally.

Financial Security: The financial landscape has shifted, with many facing uncertainties related to pensions, savings, and healthcare costs. Ensuring a stable financial future often requires ongoing income or strategic financial planning.

Purpose and Fulfillment: For some, work provides a sense of purpose and identity. Retirement doesn’t necessarily mean stopping all productive activities; many people transition to new careers, volunteer work, or pursue hobbies and interests that keep them engaged and fulfilled.

Health and Longevity: Advances in healthcare have increased life expectancy, meaning that many people will spend more years in retirement than previous generations. This requires careful financial and lifestyle planning to maintain a good quality of life over a longer period.

Diverse Retirement Goals: Retirement is highly individual. Some may dream of leisure and travel, while others may prefer to start new ventures or continue working part-time. Flexibility in retirement planning can help accommodate diverse goals and lifestyles.

In summary, while the concept of retirement is changing, it doesn't mean that people can't retire; it just means that retirement might look different for each person. Balancing continuous learning and earning with rest and leisure is key to a fulfilling life at any stage.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

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