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Ramalingam Kalirajan4049 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 06, 2024

Asked on - May 26, 2024Hindi

Hello, I am 52 yrs. old solarized person . I am getting @ 15 Lacs amount from Superannuation fund. I have ONLY 2 options, one transfer to NPS or other one is purchase the Annuity. Which one is best?
Ans: At 52 years old and receiving Rs 15 lakh from your Superannuation fund, you're at an important financial crossroad. You have two options: transferring the amount to the NPS or purchasing an annuity. Let's carefully examine both options to determine the best fit for your goals and situation.

Understanding Your Options

National Pension System (NPS)
Annuity Purchase
Each option has distinct advantages and disadvantages. We will delve into each to provide a comprehensive analysis.

National Pension System (NPS)

Flexibility and Control

NPS offers flexibility in terms of investment choices and control over your portfolio. You can choose between equity, corporate bonds, and government securities based on your risk tolerance.

Tax Benefits

Investing in NPS offers tax benefits under Section 80C and additional benefits under Section 80CCD(1B). This can help in reducing your taxable income.

Potential for Higher Returns

NPS has the potential for higher returns due to its exposure to equity. Historically, equities have outperformed other asset classes in the long run.


NPS allows partial withdrawals for specific purposes such as higher education, marriage, buying a house, or medical treatment. This provides some level of liquidity.

Drawbacks of NPS

Market Risks

The returns from NPS are market-linked. This means they are subject to market risks. If the market performs poorly, your returns could be lower.

Compulsory Annuity Purchase

Upon reaching 60, 40% of the NPS corpus must be used to purchase an annuity. The remaining 60% can be withdrawn as a lump sum, tax-free.

Annuity Purchase

Guaranteed Income

An annuity provides a guaranteed income stream for life. This can provide financial security and peace of mind, especially in retirement.


Annuities are straightforward. Once purchased, you receive a fixed income without worrying about managing investments.

Low Risk

Annuities are low-risk as they are not market-linked. Your income remains stable regardless of market conditions.

Drawbacks of Annuities

Lower Returns

Annuities generally offer lower returns compared to market-linked investments like NPS. The income is fixed and does not adjust for inflation.

Lack of Flexibility

Once you purchase an annuity, your money is locked in. You cannot withdraw it or change the terms.

Comparative Analysis


NPS has the potential for higher returns due to its equity component. Annuities offer fixed, lower returns.


NPS offers more flexibility in terms of investment choices and partial withdrawals. Annuities lack this flexibility.


NPS is subject to market risks, while annuities are low-risk and provide guaranteed income.


NPS offers tax benefits on contributions. Annuity income is taxable.


NPS allows partial withdrawals, whereas annuities do not provide liquidity.

Analyzing Your Personal Situation

Current Financial Position

Your current salary is Rs 85,000 per month, and your NPS balance is Rs 10.80 lakh. You have Rs 15 lakh in SCSS and no loans.

Risk Tolerance

Consider your risk tolerance. NPS involves market risks, while annuities are low-risk. Your ability to handle market volatility is crucial.

Income Needs

Assess your income needs in retirement. Annuities provide guaranteed income, which can ensure financial stability.

Tax Considerations

Evaluate the tax implications of both options. NPS offers tax benefits on contributions, but annuity income is taxable.


Based on your goals and current financial position, transferring the Rs 15 lakh to NPS might be a more suitable option. Here's why:

Potential for Higher Returns

NPS has the potential to generate higher returns due to its equity exposure. This can help in building a larger retirement corpus.

Tax Benefits

The tax benefits associated with NPS contributions can help reduce your taxable income, providing immediate financial relief.


NPS offers more flexibility in terms of investment choices and partial withdrawals. This can be beneficial for managing unforeseen expenses.


Adding Rs 15 lakh to your NPS will diversify your retirement savings. This can help balance risks and returns.

Implementation Plan

Increase NPS Contributions

Maximize your contributions to the NPS to benefit from tax savings and compounding growth. Aim to contribute the maximum limit allowed.

Diversify Within NPS

Choose a mix of equity, corporate bonds, and government securities based on your risk tolerance. Diversification can help balance risks and returns.

Regular Monitoring

Monitor your NPS investments regularly. Adjust your asset allocation based on market conditions and your risk appetite.

Seek Professional Guidance

Consult a Certified Financial Planner to tailor your NPS investments to your specific needs and goals. Professional guidance can optimize your investment strategy.

Future Considerations

Health Care Costs

Ensure you have adequate health insurance to cover rising health care costs. Medical expenses can significantly impact your retirement savings.

Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund to cover at least 6-12 months of living expenses. This provides financial security during unforeseen circumstances.

Estate Planning

Plan for the distribution of your wealth. Create a will and consider setting up trusts for efficient estate planning.

Review and Adjust

Regularly review your financial plan and adjust it based on life changes and market conditions. Staying proactive ensures you remain on track to achieve your retirement goals.

Final Thoughts

Your goal of securing a comfortable and financially stable retirement is achievable. Transferring the Rs 15 lakh Superannuation fund to NPS aligns with your current financial position and future needs. It offers potential for higher returns, tax benefits, and flexibility.

By following the outlined steps and regularly reviewing your plan, you can ensure a secure and prosperous retirement. Remember, consulting a Certified Financial Planner will provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


Ramalingam Kalirajan4049 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 31, 2024

Asked on - May 30, 2024Hindi

Hello, Sir, I am 52 yrs. old solarized person . I am getting @ 15 Lacs amount from Superannuation fund. I have ONLY 2 options from Superannuation fund trust, one transfer to NPS or other one is purchase the Annuity. Which one is best? Please advice.
Ans: At 52 years old, you are at a crucial point in your financial planning journey. With Rs 15 lakhs from your Superannuation fund, you have two options: transfer to NPS or purchase an annuity. Let's analyse which option is best for your retirement goals.

Understanding the Superannuation Fund Options
Superannuation funds are designed to provide financial security during retirement. The two options available to you have distinct characteristics and benefits.

Option 1: Transfer to NPS
NPS (National Pension System) is a government-backed retirement savings scheme. It allows for flexible contributions and offers market-linked returns.

Option 2: Purchase an Annuity
An annuity provides a guaranteed income stream for life. It is a low-risk investment that ensures a steady income during retirement.

Benefits of Transferring to NPS
Higher Growth Potential
NPS investments are market-linked. They have the potential for higher returns compared to annuities, which are fixed-income products.

Flexibility in Contributions
NPS allows for flexible contributions. You can adjust your investment based on your financial situation and goals.

Tax Benefits
NPS offers tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 80CCD. This can reduce your taxable income and increase your savings.

Partial Withdrawal Facility
NPS permits partial withdrawals for specific purposes like children's education, marriage, or critical illness. This provides financial flexibility during emergencies.

Choice of Fund Managers
NPS allows you to choose from a range of fund managers. This ensures professional management of your investments, aiming for optimal returns.

Disadvantages of Annuities
Lower Returns
Annuities typically offer lower returns compared to market-linked investments like NPS. The fixed nature of annuity returns might not keep up with inflation.

Lack of Flexibility
Annuities lack flexibility. Once purchased, you cannot change the terms or access the lump sum. This restricts financial flexibility.

Limited Tax Benefits
Annuities do not offer the same level of tax benefits as NPS. The income from annuities is fully taxable, reducing your net returns.

No Growth Potential
Annuities provide a fixed income, which does not grow over time. This might not be sufficient to combat inflation and rising living costs.

Advantages of NPS over Annuities
Higher Return Potential
NPS has the potential for higher returns due to its market-linked nature. This can help in building a larger retirement corpus.

Inflation Protection
The returns from NPS investments can help in protecting against inflation. This ensures that your purchasing power is maintained during retirement.

Flexibility and Control
NPS provides more control over your investments. You can choose the asset allocation and switch between fund managers based on performance.

Better Tax Efficiency
NPS offers better tax efficiency with deductions under Section 80C and Section 80CCD. This maximizes your savings and increases the investment corpus.

Evaluating Your Financial Goals
Retirement Income Needs
Assess your retirement income needs. Determine how much you require to maintain your lifestyle and cover essential expenses.

Risk Tolerance
Understand your risk tolerance. NPS involves market risk, whereas annuities provide guaranteed returns with no risk. Choose based on your comfort level with risk.

Investment Horizon
Consider your investment horizon. With several years until retirement, NPS can offer growth potential. Annuities might be more suitable closer to retirement.

Liquidity Requirements
Evaluate your liquidity needs. If you require access to funds for emergencies or specific goals, NPS offers partial withdrawals, whereas annuities do not.

Making the Decision
Opting for NPS
If you seek higher returns, flexibility, and tax benefits, transferring to NPS is advisable. It aligns with long-term growth and inflation protection.

Avoiding Annuities
Given the lower returns, lack of flexibility, and limited tax benefits, annuities might not be the best choice for maximizing retirement corpus.

Consulting a Certified Financial Planner
Consult a Certified Financial Planner to tailor your investment strategy. They can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation and goals.

Transferring your Superannuation fund to NPS appears to be the better option. It offers higher returns, flexibility, tax benefits, and inflation protection. Avoiding annuities ensures you do not lock yourself into a lower-return, inflexible product. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner will further enhance your retirement planning and help achieve your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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