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Aashish Sood114 Answers  |Ask -

CAT, Management Expert - Answered on May 30, 2024

Asked on - May 21, 2024Hindi

I am 27 yrs old female. Currently I am in 4th semester of my MBA degree. I am doing dual MBA specialization in Systems Operations and markering from a state university. I had done Btech in Civil Engineering. Now I am facing a problem. There are not so good placement drive at my campus. Where can I apply for good placement and how ? At these age am I eligible for government job ? Please advice me. Also this MBA department started from 2022 and I belong to a first batch.
Ans: 1. Register on job portals like Naukri.com, LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. Create a detailed profile highlighting your BTech and MBA qualifications, skills, and any relevant work experience.
2. Work on projects or case studies related to your specializations. Showcase these projects in your resume and during interviews to demonstrate your practical knowledge.
3. Create a Strong Resume and Cover Letter highlighting relevant skills and experiences.
4. Send tailored cover letters and resumes to the HR departments of these companies, explaining why you are a good fit for their organization.
5. Reach out to the alumni network of your university for job leads and mentorship.

At 27 years old, you are still eligible for many government jobs. Age limits vary, but many positions have upper limits of 30-35 years, and some have relaxations for women and other categories.

Your MBA specialization in Systems Operations and Marketing can be valuable for roles in public sector banks, marketing roles in government enterprises, and administrative positions.

Read industry journals, follow relevant blogs, and stay updated with the latest trends in operations, marketing, and civil engineering.
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