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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P778 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Asked on - Jun 17, 2024Hindi

Dear sir Your answer was very helpful We are residing in Chennai and he is only son ...could you suggest few entrance exams for upper middle class Bits pilani how much it would cost He aims for computer science engineering
Ans: Priya Madam, I hope your son has joined Coaching Center for his JEE. As you prefer to have back-ups apart from JEE (NITs, IITS, GFTI & IIITs), here are some other suggested Entrance Exams along with JEE: (1) State Entrance Exams and / or Top-3 Private Colleges' Entrance Exams in your / nearby States (2) COMEDK (of Karnataka) is another better option as it is open to Students all over India. (3) IAT Exam for admission into IISER / IISc / IIT, if your son is interested in Research (4) PESSAT (of PES University) in Bengaluru (4) CUET for Central Universities all over India. (5) BITS. Please note, if you / your son prefer BITS-Computer Science, he should score minimum 330 / 360 for Pilani Campus, 295 / 360 for Goa Campus. 290/360 for Goa Campus. (6) It is advisable for him to appear in, minimum 5-Entrance Exams (instead of relying only on BITS). This will enable your son to have a lot of options to choose the best & most suitable College along with the Stream she prefers. Give importance to Location of the College Also. And, please AVOID forcing him to join the College / Stream which you prefer. His utmost importance to his interests. All The BEST for Son's Daughter's Bright Future, Madam. To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs | Resume Writing | Profile Building | Salary Negotiation Skills | Building Professional LinkedIn Profile | Choosing Right School Board (State | Matriculation | CBSE | ICSE |International Board) | Student Psychological Counselling | Exam Preparation Techniques (Board | Entrance & Competitive)| Strategies to Attempt Exams | Job Interview Skills | Skill Upgrading | Parenting & Child Upbringing Skills | Career Transition | Abroad Education | Education Loan (India | Abroad) | Scholarship (India | Abroad) | SOP Writing Tips’, please FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here.

Nayagam PP |
EduJob360 |
CERTIFIED Career Coach |
Nayagam P

Nayagam P P778 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Asked on - Jun 17, 2024Hindi

My son is currently in class 12....scores 50% on Allen JEE advance tests conducted by Allen what's the hope in getting into IIT or NIT...what's the next choice ..He is in senior ranking group and mostly gets 7 - 10th rank of 13 students
Ans: Priya Madam, his score in ALL INDIA TEST SERIES, conducted by Allen, either offline or online by December (just before 1st JEE-Main in January / February) will be the deciding-factor (among lacs of students) on his 'Expected All India Score' and NOT where he stands among 13-stdents. Please note, there are competitors even among top coaching centers like FITJEE, AAKASH, Narayana & other Tier 1 / Tier 2 Coaching Centers all over India. It is also advisable to apply for / attempt in, minimum 5-Entrance Exams (for both Govt. & Private Colleges) as back-ups instead of relying only on JEE, due to a number of reasons. All The BEST for your Son’s Bright Future, Madam.

To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs | Resume Writing | Profile Building | Salary Negotiation Skills | Building Professional LinkedIn Profile | Choosing Right School Board (State | Matriculation | CBSE | ICSE |International Board) | Student Psychological Counselling | Exam Preparation Techniques (Board | Entrance & Competitive)| Strategies to Attempt Exams | Job Interview Skills | Skill Upgrading | Parenting & Child Upbringing Skills | Career Transition | Abroad Education | Education Loan (India | Abroad) | Scholarship (India | Abroad) | SOP Writing Tips’, please FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here.

Nayagam PP |
EduJob360 |
CERTIFIED Career Coach | Career Guru |
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