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Dr Shakeeb Ahmed

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan87 Answers  |Ask -

Physiotherapist - Answered on Jun 18, 2024

Asked on - Jun 14, 2024Hindi

My son is having motor tics like blinking,tensing the abdomen for 6 months..all other reports are normal..he was not much disturbed by that.my neurologist was advising to start medication.do I should start..
Ans: My son is having motor tics like blinking,tensing the abdomen for 6 months..all other reports are normal..he was not much disturbed by that.my neurologist was advising to start medication.do I should start..Ans: Hello Deepa,

Thank you for your query. First and foremost, I would like to inform you that I am not a neurologist but a physiotherapist, so my advice will be from a physiotherapy perspective. If you are hesitant to start medication, you may consider seeking a second opinion from another neurologist, as neurologists are well-equipped to manage motor tics medically.

From a physiotherapy standpoint, we can offer supportive management of motor tics through various non-pharmacological interventions. These include teaching stress management techniques, as stress and anxiety can exacerbate tics. For instance, diaphragmatic breathing can help reduce overall stress and tension. Additionally, physiotherapists can guide the child through Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) exercises to help relax muscle groups and reduce the frequency of tics.

Physiotherapists also engage children in activities that improve overall motor control, which might help lessen the frequency and severity of tics. Proprioceptive training exercises enhance body awareness and proprioception. Postural correction is another key area, addressing any postural issues that may arise due to repetitive tics, ensuring the child maintains a healthy posture to avoid secondary complications. Furthermore, we implement programs to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles to support better posture and overall muscle function.

Encouraging regular physical activity is also beneficial, as it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. By incorporating these strategies, physiotherapy can provide valuable support in managing motor tics, enhancing the child's quality of life, and complementing other medical and therapeutic interventions. Wishing for his quick recovery.
Dr Shakeeb Ahmed

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan87 Answers  |Ask -

Physiotherapist - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Asked on - Jun 14, 2024Hindi

My son is having motor tics like blinking,tensing the abdomen for 6 months..all other reports are normal..he was not much disturbed by that.my neurologist was advising to start medication.do I should start..
Ans: Hello Deepa,

Thank you for your query. First and foremost, I would like to inform you that I am not a neurologist but a physiotherapist, so my advice will be from a physiotherapy perspective. If you are hesitant to start medication, you may consider seeking a second opinion from another neurologist, as neurologists are well-equipped to manage motor tics medically.

From a physiotherapy standpoint, we can offer supportive management of motor tics through various non-pharmacological interventions. These include teaching stress management techniques, as stress and anxiety can exacerbate tics. For instance, diaphragmatic breathing can help reduce overall stress and tension. Additionally, physiotherapists can guide the child through Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) exercises to help relax muscle groups and reduce the frequency of tics.

Physiotherapists also engage children in activities that improve overall motor control, which might help lessen the frequency and severity of tics. Proprioceptive training exercises enhance body awareness and proprioception. Postural correction is another key area, addressing any postural issues that may arise due to repetitive tics, ensuring the child maintains a healthy posture to avoid secondary complications. Furthermore, we implement programs to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles to support better posture and overall muscle function.

Encouraging regular physical activity is also beneficial, as it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. By incorporating these strategies, physiotherapy can provide valuable support in managing motor tics, enhancing the child's quality of life, and complementing other medical and therapeutic interventions. Wishing for his quick recovery.
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