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Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 08, 2024

Asked on - Jun 08, 2024Hindi

Hi Sir, I've been investing in mutual funds since completion of my M. Tech in 2016. I've redeemed many funds due to bad performance. But now I've realigned my portfolio. My previous investment funds include Canara Robeco Tax saver, SBI focused equity, Axis Small cap and PGIM India Midcap. Total is around 9.72 lakhs. I've not redeemed these funds. And stopped investing in them. My current investment funds through SIP include Quant Small cap, Quant mid cap, Quant tax saver, Quant flexi cap, ICICI Pru blue-chip, Axis Gold FOF, Kotak Debt Hybrid, SBI energy Opportunities and ABSL Liquid fund. My question is should I continue investing in these funds or take exit from some of them. Is my portfolio well diversified?
Ans: It's great to see your commitment to investing and your proactive approach to managing your portfolio. Since completing your M. Tech in 2016, you've navigated the complex world of mutual funds, which is commendable. It's normal to encounter some challenges along the way, such as poor performance of certain funds. Realigning your portfolio shows a thoughtful and strategic mindset. Let's take a comprehensive look at your current investments and evaluate their alignment with your financial goals.

Portfolio Analysis
Previous Investments
Your previous investments include Canara Robeco Tax Saver, SBI Focused Equity, Axis Small Cap, and PGIM India Midcap, totaling around Rs 9.72 lakhs. These funds are still part of your portfolio, although you have ceased further investments in them. Let's evaluate their current role in your portfolio.

Canara Robeco Tax Saver

This fund primarily offers tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. If you don't need additional tax-saving investments, continuing to hold may be redundant. Consider your tax-saving requirements and whether this fund's performance aligns with your expectations.

SBI Focused Equity

A focused fund typically invests in a limited number of stocks. This can be beneficial in a bullish market but can also carry higher risk. Evaluate if this concentrated approach fits with your risk tolerance and overall strategy.

Axis Small Cap

Small-cap funds can offer high returns but come with increased volatility and risk. Assess your risk tolerance to determine if this aligns with your goals. Small-cap funds can be part of a growth-oriented portfolio, but they require patience and a long-term horizon.

PGIM India Midcap

Midcap funds balance growth potential and risk. They can be a solid choice for long-term growth but should be evaluated for performance consistency. Midcaps often represent companies in the growth phase, which can lead to significant capital appreciation over time.

Current Investments Through SIP
Your current investments through SIPs include Quant Small Cap, Quant Mid Cap, Quant Tax Saver, Quant Flexi Cap, ICICI Pru Blue-chip, Axis Gold FOF, Kotak Debt Hybrid, SBI Energy Opportunities, and ABSL Liquid Fund. Let's analyze these in detail.

Quant Small Cap, Mid Cap, and Tax Saver

Investing in multiple funds from the same fund house can be risky due to fund house-specific risks. However, Quant is known for its research-driven approach. Ensure these funds are not overly correlated. Diversifying across fund houses can mitigate risk.

Quant Flexi Cap

Flexi Cap funds offer flexibility to invest across market capitalizations. This can provide a balanced approach to risk and reward. Flexi Cap funds can dynamically adjust their allocations, which can be beneficial in varying market conditions.

ICICI Pru Blue-chip

Blue-chip funds invest in large, established companies. They are typically less volatile and offer steady growth, making them a safe core holding. These funds are suitable for conservative investors seeking stable returns.

Axis Gold FOF

Gold funds can hedge against inflation and market volatility. However, they should not constitute a large portion of your portfolio due to limited long-term growth potential. Gold is a safe haven asset but doesn't generate regular income.

Kotak Debt Hybrid

Debt hybrid funds provide stability by combining equity and debt. They can be a good choice for moderate risk tolerance. These funds aim to balance risk and return, making them suitable for conservative investors.

SBI Energy Opportunities

Sector funds, like this one focusing on energy, carry higher risk due to industry-specific factors. Ensure you are comfortable with the associated volatility. Sector funds can offer high returns but require careful monitoring.

ABSL Liquid Fund

Liquid funds are ideal for emergency funds and short-term goals due to their high liquidity and low risk. They are suitable for parking surplus funds that might be needed quickly without exposing them to market risks.

Diversification Assessment
Diversification is crucial to managing risk. Your portfolio spans various asset classes and sectors, which is positive. However, let's scrutinize the balance:

Equity Exposure
Your equity investments are spread across large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, and sector-specific funds. This is a good mix, but consider if the sector-specific and small-cap funds align with your risk appetite and goals.

Debt Exposure
Kotak Debt Hybrid and ABSL Liquid Fund provide necessary debt exposure. Ensure this aligns with your risk tolerance and time horizon. Debt investments add stability and reduce overall portfolio volatility.

Gold Exposure
Axis Gold FOF adds a layer of diversification. However, keep its allocation limited due to gold's lower long-term growth. Gold can be a hedge but shouldn't dominate your portfolio.

Sector Exposure
SBI Energy Opportunities fund introduces sector-specific risk. Ensure it doesn't overly concentrate your portfolio. Sector funds should be carefully weighed to avoid overexposure to one industry.

Consolidate Overlapping Funds
Holding multiple funds from the same fund house (e.g., multiple Quant funds) may not offer significant diversification benefits. Evaluate their individual performances and consider consolidating to reduce complexity. Streamlining your portfolio can make management easier.

Review Sector Funds
Sector funds can offer high returns but come with increased risk. Assess your comfort with the volatility and potential downturns in the energy sector before continuing with the SBI Energy Opportunities fund. Consider the cyclical nature of sector performance.

Balance Risk and Stability
Ensure a balanced mix of high-growth potential funds (small-cap, mid-cap) and stable, less volatile funds (blue-chip, debt hybrid). This balance can provide growth while mitigating risk. Diversification across market capitalizations can smoothen returns.

Regularly Monitor Performance
Keep an eye on the performance of your funds relative to their benchmarks. Underperforming funds should be reviewed periodically. If consistently underperforming, consider exiting and reallocating to better-performing options. Regular reviews ensure alignment with goals.

Align with Financial Goals
Revisit your financial goals and risk tolerance. Ensure your portfolio composition aligns with your objectives, whether they are wealth accumulation, retirement planning, or other specific goals. Goals dictate the investment strategy and asset allocation.

Actively Managed vs. Index Funds
You mentioned avoiding index funds. Index funds often come with lower fees but may not outperform the market. Actively managed funds can offer potential for higher returns through expert fund management. The fund manager's expertise can navigate market complexities, although this comes with higher fees.

Disadvantages of Index Funds:

Limited Flexibility
Index funds must stick to the index composition, lacking flexibility to capitalize on market opportunities. This rigid structure can limit potential gains.

Market Risk
They mirror the index performance, providing no cushion during downturns. Index funds fall when the market falls.

Potential Underperformance
In volatile markets, actively managed funds might outperform due to strategic adjustments. Active managers can exploit market inefficiencies.

Direct Funds vs. Regular Funds
Direct funds can save on distribution costs, offering lower expense ratios. However, investing through a certified financial planner can provide valuable insights, strategic planning, and comprehensive financial advice, which is beneficial for long-term success.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds:

Limited Guidance
Direct funds do not offer advisory support, which can be crucial for making informed decisions. Professional advice ensures a tailored investment approach.

Complex Management
Managing a portfolio without professional advice can be challenging, especially in volatile markets. Market dynamics require informed decisions.

Lack of Strategy
Professional planners can provide tailored strategies, optimizing your portfolio based on your financial goals. Strategic planning is key to achieving objectives.

Additional Considerations
Risk Tolerance and Time Horizon
Your risk tolerance and investment time horizon are critical factors in portfolio construction. High-risk, high-reward funds like small-cap and sector funds should align with a long-term horizon and higher risk tolerance. Conversely, conservative funds like blue-chip and debt hybrid are better suited for those with a lower risk tolerance or nearing financial goals.

Regular Reviews and Rebalancing
Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to maintain alignment with your financial goals. Market conditions and life changes can impact your investment strategy. Rebalancing ensures your portfolio stays on track and mitigates risk.

Emergency Fund Allocation
Ensure you have an adequate emergency fund allocation in highly liquid investments like liquid funds. This provides financial security in unforeseen circumstances and prevents the need to liquidate long-term investments prematurely.

Final Insights
Your dedication to managing your investments is admirable. Realigning your portfolio is a positive step. Ensure your investments are well-diversified, aligned with your financial goals, and reflective of your risk tolerance. Regular monitoring and strategic adjustments are key to achieving long-term success. With careful planning and periodic reviews, your portfolio can be well-positioned to meet your financial objectives.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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