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Ramalingam Kalirajan4058 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked on - Jun 14, 2024Hindi

Hi guru, My wife is pregnant now, expected delivery is on aug and the amount of delivery is around 2 lacks in Hyderabad. We both are corporate employees and holding corporate insurances, mine can be claimed upto 50k and my wife insurance can be claimed upto 70k As i came to know that we both cannot be submitted for cashless claim, Questions: Can we pay the total amount by cash and claim individual insurances by submitting the hospital bills? Can we go a head with my wife cashless claim for 70k and remaining bills can be submitted in my company insurance? Whats the best procedure to claim the both our corporate insurance benefits? Please suggest. Note: recently my friend submitted their both corporate maternity bills and has been claimed.
Ans: First of all, congratulations on the exciting news! It's wonderful to hear about your growing family. Navigating insurance claims for maternity expenses can be tricky, but I’m here to help simplify it for you. Let’s look at the best ways to maximize your corporate insurance benefits for the upcoming delivery costs.

Understanding Corporate Insurance Coverage
Cashless Claims and Reimbursement
Corporate health insurance typically offers two main methods of claim settlement: cashless and reimbursement. Cashless claims allow direct billing to the insurance provider, whereas reimbursement requires you to pay upfront and later get reimbursed by submitting bills.

Your Specific Insurance Coverage
You mentioned that your insurance covers up to Rs. 50,000 and your wife’s insurance covers up to Rs. 70,000. This is a good start, but since the total estimated cost is around Rs. 2 lakh, careful planning is needed to utilize both insurance benefits effectively.

Claiming Through Cashless Facility
Using Your Wife’s Cashless Claim
One option is to use the cashless claim facility of your wife's insurance for Rs. 70,000. This simplifies the process as you won’t need to arrange this amount upfront.

Remaining Amount for Reimbursement
For the remaining Rs. 1.3 lakh, you can submit the bills for reimbursement under your insurance and your wife's insurance. Let's explore this in more detail.

Step-by-Step Claim Process
Step 1: Contact Both Insurance Providers
Before the delivery, contact both of your insurance providers to confirm the procedures for cashless claims and reimbursements. Confirm that you can indeed use the cashless claim for Rs. 70,000 under your wife’s policy and the reimbursement process for the remaining amount under both policies.

Step 2: Cashless Claim Submission
Pre-authorization: Ensure you get pre-authorization for the cashless claim under your wife’s policy. This usually involves submitting a form provided by the insurance company along with a doctor’s recommendation and estimated hospital bill.

During Admission: At the hospital, submit the pre-authorization approval and your wife's insurance card to avail of the cashless facility up to Rs. 70,000.

Step 3: Payment for Remaining Amount
After utilizing Rs. 70,000 through the cashless facility, you will need to pay the remaining Rs. 1.3 lakh out of pocket at the hospital.

Step 4: Collect Detailed Bills and Discharge Summary
Make sure you collect all the original bills, payment receipts, and a detailed discharge summary from the hospital. These documents are crucial for the reimbursement process.

Step 5: Reimbursement Claim Submission
Your Insurance: Submit the original bills and discharge summary to your insurance provider to claim Rs. 50,000.

Wife’s Insurance: Submit the remaining bills (after Rs. 70,000 cashless claim) to your wife’s insurance provider for reimbursement up to Rs. 70,000. Since her total coverage is Rs. 70,000, and if you've already used that for cashless, this step may not be necessary unless the insurance allows combining both cashless and reimbursement within the limit.

Step 6: Follow Up
Regularly follow up with both insurance providers to ensure that your claims are processed promptly. Keep copies of all submitted documents for your records.

Maximizing Insurance Benefits
Coordinate With HR Departments
Sometimes, corporate insurance policies have specific guidelines. Coordinate with your respective HR departments to understand any nuances or additional benefits that might be available.

Seek Clarification on Policy Terms
Ensure you clearly understand the terms of both policies, especially concerning maternity coverage, as there might be specific clauses or additional benefits not immediately apparent.

Use of Top-Up Plans
If available, consider any top-up plans or additional maternity benefits that might cover the extra amount. Some corporate policies offer add-ons that can be particularly useful in situations like this.

Real-Life Example
Your friend managed to claim from both corporate maternity benefits. This is encouraging and suggests that with proper documentation and adherence to procedures, it is possible. Ask your friend for specific details about the process they followed, as it can provide valuable insights.

Final Insights
Handling maternity expenses with corporate insurance requires strategic planning. By using the cashless facility for your wife’s insurance and submitting reimbursement claims for both policies, you can maximize your coverage.

Ensure to get all pre-approvals, maintain detailed records, and stay in regular contact with both insurance providers. This proactive approach will help you navigate the process smoothly and ease the financial burden during this joyous time.

Best regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


Ramalingam Kalirajan4058 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 18, 2024

Asked on - Jun 09, 2024Hindi

Hi guru, My wife is pregnant now, expected delivery is on aug and the amount of delivery is around 2 lacks in Hyderabad. We both are corporate employees and holding corporate insurances, mine can be claimed upto 50k and my wife insurance can be claimed upto 70k As i came to know that we both cannot be submitted for cashless claim, Questions: Can we pay the total amount by cash and claim individual insurances by submitting the hospital bills? Can we go a head with my wife cashless claim for 70k and remaining bills can be submitted in my company insurance? Whats the best procedure to claim the both our corporate insurance benefits? Please suggest. Note: recently my friend submitted their both corporate maternity bills and has been claimed.
Ans: Congratulations on the upcoming addition to your family! It’s great that you and your wife have corporate insurance to help cover the delivery costs. Let’s explore the best way to utilize both insurances effectively.

Understanding Corporate Insurance Claims
Corporate health insurance policies typically have specific rules and procedures for claims. It’s crucial to understand these to maximize your benefits. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the claims process:

Cashless Claim Option
Cashless claims are convenient as they reduce the immediate financial burden. However, there might be restrictions when using multiple policies for a single claim.

Reimbursement Option
Reimbursement claims require you to pay the hospital bills upfront and later submit the bills for reimbursement from your insurers.

Strategy for Maximizing Insurance Benefits
Option 1: Using Cashless and Reimbursement Together
Cashless Claim with Your Wife's Insurance:

Since your wife’s insurance covers up to Rs 70,000, you can opt for a cashless claim for this amount.
Inform the hospital in advance about the cashless claim using your wife’s insurance.
Reimbursement Claim with Your Insurance:

For the remaining amount, you can pay out of pocket and later submit the bills to your insurance for reimbursement.
Ensure you get detailed and itemized bills from the hospital to avoid any issues during the reimbursement claim.
Option 2: Full Payment and Dual Reimbursement Claims
Pay the Total Amount by Cash:

Pay the entire hospital bill upfront by cash or card.
Submit Bills for Reimbursement to Both Insurers:

First, submit the bills to your wife’s insurance to claim the maximum allowed amount (Rs 70,000).
Once the claim is processed, submit the remaining bills to your insurance to claim up to Rs 50,000.
Clearly indicate to your insurance that your wife’s policy has already covered part of the expenses.
Recommended Procedure
Step-by-Step Process
Contact Both Insurers:

Reach out to both your insurance providers to understand their specific claim processes and requirements.
Confirm if they accept combined claims and get clarity on the documentation needed.
Pre-Authorization for Cashless Claim:

For a cashless claim using your wife’s insurance, obtain pre-authorization from the insurer. This typically involves submitting a pre-authorization form to the hospital, which then coordinates with the insurer.

Collect all necessary documents, including the hospital bill, discharge summary, and any other medical reports.
Ensure the bills are itemized and clearly mention the amount paid.
Submitting Reimbursement Claims:

After your wife’s insurance processes the cashless claim, submit the remaining bills to your insurance for reimbursement.
Include a cover letter explaining that the initial claim was processed by another insurer and attach a copy of the claim settlement.
Additional Tips
Keep Track of Communication
Maintain a record of all communications with your insurers and the hospital. This includes emails, phone calls, and any written correspondence.
Follow Up
Regularly follow up with both insurers to ensure your claims are being processed. Prompt follow-ups can help avoid delays.
Seek Clarification
If any part of the claim process is unclear, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from your insurers. It’s better to address any doubts upfront to avoid complications later.
Using both corporate insurances effectively can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses for the delivery. By opting for a combination of cashless and reimbursement claims or full payment followed by dual reimbursement claims, you can maximize your insurance benefits. Ensure you communicate clearly with your insurers, follow their procedures, and keep detailed records to facilitate smooth claim processing.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


Ramalingam Kalirajan4058 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 28, 2024

Asked on - May 27, 2024Hindi

I have a question could you please help me with this? As im 33 years old, recently took a 2cr term insurance for family protection. As im a corporate employee current company provides a health insurance for me and spouse. Im paying extra amount for parents health insurance in the same company beacuse it will be applicable from day 1. Should i take separate health insurance for me and spouse and parents as well. Note: parents are dependent on me Thanks
Ans: It's great that you've taken a term insurance policy for family protection. As a corporate employee, your company-provided health insurance for you and your spouse is a good benefit. However, relying solely on employer-provided health insurance may not be sufficient for several reasons.

First, employer-provided health insurance is contingent on your employment. If you switch jobs or face job loss, you may lose coverage, which can be risky. It's wise to have a separate health insurance policy for yourself and your spouse to ensure continuous coverage, regardless of employment status.

Second, company health insurance policies often have coverage limits that may not be adequate for severe or prolonged illnesses. A separate health insurance policy can provide higher coverage and more comprehensive benefits, ensuring better financial protection during medical emergencies.

Moreover, it's advantageous to take separate health insurance while you are still healthy. Securing a policy now means you'll likely get better coverage and lower premiums, which will benefit you significantly during retirement when health issues are more common.

Regarding your parents, since they are dependent on you, it's prudent to have a dedicated health insurance policy for them. Employer-provided health insurance might have limitations on the coverage for dependents, especially for senior citizens, and could be insufficient for their healthcare needs.

In summary, having separate health insurance for yourself, your spouse, and your parents ensures continuous, comprehensive coverage and financial protection against medical expenses, both now and in retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

Asked on - May 28, 2024 | Answered on May 28, 2024
Thank you so much.. Sure i will take separate health insurance's.. Could you please suggest any best health insurance in the market for me and spouse with 25 lacks coverage and for my parents with 25 lacks coverage..
Ans: You're welcome!

I appreciate your commitment to securing comprehensive health coverage for your family. Choosing the right health insurance plan is crucial for financial stability and peace of mind. Let's explore key considerations for selecting the best health insurance.

Health Insurance for You and Your Spouse
When selecting a health insurance plan for you and your spouse with Rs 25 lakhs coverage, consider the following factors:

Coverage: Ensure the policy covers a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalization, pre and post-hospitalization, and day-care procedures.

Network Hospitals: Choose a plan with a large network of hospitals offering cashless treatment facilities.

Waiting Period: Check the waiting periods for pre-existing diseases and specific treatments.

No-Claim Bonus: Opt for policies that offer a no-claim bonus, which increases your sum insured for every claim-free year.

Health Insurance for Your Parents
For your parents, selecting a health insurance plan with Rs 25 lakhs coverage involves additional considerations:

Age Limit: Ensure the plan covers senior citizens and offers lifelong renewability.

Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions: Look for plans with shorter waiting periods for pre-existing conditions, as older individuals may have existing health issues.

Comprehensive Coverage: Opt for plans that include coverage for critical illnesses, hospitalization, and home care if required.

Carefully evaluate the options available and consult a Certified Financial Planner to make an informed decision.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


Ramalingam Kalirajan4058 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 25, 2024

Asked on - May 24, 2024Hindi

Hi money guru, im investing 30k sip in below funds can you please look into these and suggest if any changes need for better growth, my target is for retirement in 10 years with high returns i can take risk as im 33 years old now, and i would like to invest for mi kids in one fund as well with another 5ksip, please suggest My funds Nippon small cap 6k Quant mid cap 6k Hdfc mid cap 6k Axis small cap 6k Paragh parik flexi cap 6k Please help me if any changes required for high returns Thanks
Ans: It’s commendable that you are investing Rs 30,000 per month in SIPs for your retirement. At age 33, you have a significant investment horizon, which allows for a higher risk appetite and potential for high returns. Let’s evaluate your current investments and suggest any necessary changes for better growth.

Current Investments
Your portfolio currently includes:

Nippon Small Cap: Rs 6,000
Quant Mid Cap: Rs 6,000
HDFC Mid Cap: Rs 6,000
Axis Small Cap: Rs 6,000
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap: Rs 6,000
Evaluation of Current Funds
Small Cap Funds: You have significant exposure to small-cap funds (Nippon and Axis Small Cap). These funds have high growth potential but also come with higher volatility and risk.

Mid Cap Funds: The allocation to mid-cap funds (Quant and HDFC Mid Cap) provides a balance between risk and return, with potential for substantial growth.

Flexi Cap Fund: Parag Parikh Flexi Cap offers diversification across market capitalizations, providing stability and growth potential.

Suggested Changes for Better Growth
Diversify Further: Your portfolio is heavily weighted towards small and mid-cap funds. Consider adding a large-cap fund to reduce volatility and provide stability.

Balanced Allocation: Aim for a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. This strategy balances risk and return effectively.

Reduce Overlap: Ensure that your funds do not have significant overlap in stock holdings. Diversified holdings reduce risk.

Recommended Portfolio Structure
Large Cap Fund: Allocate a portion to a large-cap fund for stability. Large-cap funds invest in established companies, offering steady returns.

Mid Cap Fund: Retain one or two mid-cap funds. They provide a good balance between growth and risk.

Small Cap Fund: Maintain a small portion in small-cap funds for high growth potential. However, avoid over-exposure to reduce risk.

Flexi Cap Fund: Keep the Parag Parikh Flexi Cap for its diversified approach.

Suggested Allocation
Large Cap Fund: Rs 6,000
Mid Cap Fund: Rs 6,000 (retain one existing fund)
Small Cap Fund: Rs 6,000 (retain one existing fund)
Flexi Cap Fund: Rs 6,000 (retain existing)
Balanced Fund or Multi-Cap Fund: Rs 6,000 (new addition)
Investing for Your Child
For your child’s future, consider a dedicated investment fund. A balanced or child-specific mutual fund can be ideal. These funds offer a mix of equity and debt, ensuring growth with reduced volatility.

Recommended Fund for Child
Child-Specific Fund or Balanced Fund: Rs 5,000 per month. These funds are designed to grow steadily while ensuring capital protection.
Importance of Regular Reviews
Periodic Review: Regularly review your investments to ensure they align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Market conditions change, and periodic reviews help in making necessary adjustments.

Rebalancing Portfolio: Rebalance your portfolio periodically to maintain the desired asset allocation. This helps in managing risk and optimizing returns.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds offer the potential for higher returns as fund managers make strategic decisions to outperform the market. While index funds provide average market returns, actively managed funds aim to exceed them.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds have lower costs but lack professional guidance. Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a CFP credential ensures expert advice and tailored investment strategies.

Your current portfolio has a strong foundation, but it can benefit from further diversification and balanced allocation. Adding a large-cap fund and a balanced fund will reduce volatility and provide steady growth. For your child’s investment, a dedicated child-specific or balanced fund is recommended. Regular reviews and rebalancing will ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

Asked on - May 27, 2024 | Answered on May 27, 2024
Thank you so much for your valuable suggestione. I will try to add a large car fund in my portfolio. I have one more question could you please help me with this as well? As im 33 years old, recently took a 2cr term insurance for family protection. As im a corporate employee current company provides a health insurance for me and spouse. Im paying extra amount for parents health insurance in the same company beacuse it will be applicable from day 1. Should i take separate health insurance for me and spouse and parents as well. Note: parents are dependent on me Thanks
Ans: You are welcome!

It's great that you've taken a term insurance policy for family protection. As a corporate employee, your company-provided health insurance for you and your spouse is a good benefit. However, relying solely on employer-provided health insurance may not be sufficient for several reasons.

First, employer-provided health insurance is contingent on your employment. If you switch jobs or face job loss, you may lose coverage, which can be risky. It's wise to have a separate health insurance policy for yourself and your spouse to ensure continuous coverage, regardless of employment status.

Second, company health insurance policies often have coverage limits that may not be adequate for severe or prolonged illnesses. A separate health insurance policy can provide higher coverage and more comprehensive benefits, ensuring better financial protection during medical emergencies.

Moreover, it's advantageous to take separate health insurance while you are still healthy. Securing a policy now means you'll likely get better coverage and lower premiums, which will benefit you significantly during retirement when health issues are more common.

Regarding your parents, since they are dependent on you, it's prudent to have a dedicated health insurance policy for them. Employer-provided health insurance might have limitations on the coverage for dependents, especially for senior citizens, and could be insufficient for their healthcare needs.

In summary, having separate health insurance for yourself, your spouse, and your parents ensures continuous, comprehensive coverage and financial protection against medical expenses, both now and in retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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