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Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked on - May 19, 2024Hindi

I am Himanshu aged 35 Years and working with Central Govt. I started quite late in my journey of financial planning. Presently I have PPF amounting to 8.5 Lakhs, NPS of Rs 33 Lakhs, FD of Rs 9 Lakhs and SIP with current value Rs 5.3 lakhs. With a bit help from my father, I invested in a property with current value of Rs 50 Lakhs approx. I am currently contributing Rs 32500 towards PPF and Monthly SIP every month. I have recently been blessed with a baby girl and I plan to start a Sukanya Samridhi Yojana in her name as well so my total investment will now be Rs 45000 every month. My current salary in hand is arnd 85k post income tax, NPS deductions with no liability towards Housing Rent and Health as it's covered by Govt.My goal is to have decent savings. Do I need to diversify my investment plan?
Ans: Assessing Your Financial Journey
Himanshu, it's commendable that you have taken significant steps in financial planning. Your diverse investments and regular contributions show a strong commitment to securing your financial future.

Current Investment Portfolio
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Your PPF amounting to Rs 8.5 lakhs is a stable, long-term investment with tax benefits. It provides security and steady growth, especially as part of a diversified portfolio.

National Pension System (NPS)
With Rs 33 lakhs in NPS, you are building a substantial retirement corpus. The NPS offers tax benefits and a mix of equity and debt, which can provide balanced growth.

Fixed Deposits (FD)
Your FD of Rs 9 lakhs offers safety and assured returns. While it provides stability, the returns might not beat inflation over the long term.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)
Your SIPs, valued at Rs 5.3 lakhs, represent disciplined investment in mutual funds. Regular contributions help in averaging out market volatility and achieving long-term growth.

Property Investment
The property worth Rs 50 lakhs adds a significant asset to your portfolio. However, real estate should not be the sole focus due to its illiquid nature and market fluctuations.

Future Investments
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
Starting a Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana for your daughter is a wise decision. It offers high interest rates and tax benefits, ensuring a secure future for her.

Diversification and Its Importance
Need for Diversification
Your current investments are diversified across various asset classes. Diversification reduces risk and increases the potential for stable returns. It ensures that poor performance in one area doesn't drastically affect your overall portfolio.

Equity Exposure
Consider increasing your equity exposure through actively managed mutual funds. These funds can potentially offer higher returns compared to fixed deposits and PPF.

Debt Instruments
Including more debt instruments like corporate bonds or debt mutual funds can provide regular income and stability. These are less volatile than equities and can offer better returns than traditional FDs.

Regular Portfolio Review
Importance of Review
Regularly reviewing and adjusting your portfolio is crucial. Market conditions and personal circumstances change, and your investments should reflect these changes.

Consulting a Certified Financial Planner
A CFP can help optimize your portfolio. They offer expert advice, ensuring your investments are aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Tax Efficiency
Maximizing Tax Benefits
Ensure you are maximizing tax benefits under Section 80C and other relevant sections. Investments like PPF, NPS, and SSY offer tax deductions, reducing your overall tax liability.

Emergency Fund
Building an Emergency Fund
Ensure you have an emergency fund covering at least 6-12 months of expenses. This fund should be liquid and easily accessible, providing financial security in case of unexpected events.

Future Goals and Planning
Child’s Education
Plan for your child’s education by starting early. Investments in mutual funds through SIPs can build a substantial corpus by the time she needs it.

Retirement Planning
Continue contributing to your NPS and explore other retirement-focused investments. Ensure your retirement corpus is sufficient to maintain your lifestyle post-retirement.

Himanshu, your current financial strategy is strong and diversified. Increasing equity exposure, optimizing tax benefits, and consulting a CFP can enhance your portfolio. Regular reviews and planning for future goals will ensure financial stability and growth.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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