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Ramalingam Kalirajan4073 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 23, 2024

Asked on - May 18, 2024Hindi

Hi sir my age is 29 don't have any savings How to start savings one my income 900 rupees
Ans: It's commendable that you're keen to embark on your savings journey despite facing financial constraints. Let's explore practical strategies to kickstart your savings plan and build a secure financial future.

Understanding Your Financial Situation

Before diving into savings strategies, let's assess your current financial landscape and identify areas where you can optimize your resources.

Assessment of Financial Position:

At 29 years old and with an income of ?900 per month, you're at the beginning of your financial journey. It's essential to recognize your income level and prioritize prudent financial habits to lay a solid foundation for the future.

1. Budgeting Essentials:

Creating and adhering to a budget is fundamental to effective financial management, irrespective of income level.

Income Evaluation: Start by mapping out your monthly income sources, including salary, allowances, and any additional earnings.
Expense Analysis: Track your expenses meticulously to identify discretionary and non-discretionary spending categories. This will help pinpoint areas where you can cut back and redirect funds towards savings.
Prioritize Savings: Allocate a portion of your income towards savings as a non-negotiable expense. Even a modest amount can accumulate over time and contribute to your financial security.
2. Cultivating Saving Habits:

Inculcating disciplined saving habits is key to achieving your financial goals, regardless of your income level.

Start Small: Begin by setting achievable savings targets that align with your income and expenses. Even saving a nominal amount regularly can foster a habit of thriftiness and financial discipline.
Automate Savings: Explore options to automate your savings process, such as setting up recurring transfers to a designated savings account. This removes the temptation to spend and ensures consistent contributions towards your savings goals.
Track Progress: Monitor your savings progress regularly and celebrate milestones along the way. Seeing your savings grow can motivate you to stay committed to your financial objectives.
3. Exploring Income Enhancement Opportunities:

While your current income may be limited, exploring avenues to augment your earnings can bolster your savings potential.

Skill Development: Invest in acquiring new skills or enhancing existing ones that can increase your employability and earning potential. Consider online courses, vocational training programs, or freelance opportunities.
Side Hustles: Explore part-time or freelance gigs that complement your skills and interests. From freelance writing to tutoring, there are myriad opportunities to earn additional income outside of your primary job.
4. Seeking Professional Guidance:

Consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner to devise a tailored savings strategy that aligns with your financial goals and aspirations. A financial planner can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your unique circumstances.


Initiating savings on a limited income may seem daunting, but with strategic planning, discipline, and perseverance, it's entirely achievable. By prioritizing budgeting, cultivating saving habits, exploring income enhancement opportunities, and seeking professional guidance, you can lay a strong foundation for a secure financial future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,
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