I'm 44 Years Old and 165 Cms Tall. I weight around 90 Kgs. I'm a vegetarian but love to eat junk food I want to lose around 20 Kgs... I'm active physically and Do either 1 Hour Brisk Walking or 45 Minutes of Swimming... What should I do to lose weight quickly and Effectively ?
Ans: I suggest you start with a detox plan - have 2.5 litres of water daily, white petha juice half glass every morning empty stomach, 14-16 hr gap between dinner and breakfast, strictly no eating after 8PM, no junk food especially at night. Also get your thyroid gland tested, just to rule out any issues. As for exercising, you can start Yog, 15-20 mins - Surya Namaskar (vinyasa yoga to hatha yoga) under supervision of a yoga teacher and gradually increase for up to 1hr. It will not only give a good work out to the body but also normalise your hormones and stress levels. Lastly ensure good sleep of 8 hrs and avoid alcohol intake